Chapter 1759

Mori Ina Town.

This is a small place further behind Minamisanriku Town. When Aikawa Torataro arrived, he had a stomachache.

Because of the live broadcast, Aikawa Torataro tried hard to resist the idea of ​​going to the bathroom, so he wanted to stick to it and continue the live broadcast.

Daichi Asai looked at Aikawa Torataro’s slightly sweaty forehead and unnatural expression. He was a few steps behind writing a message on his mobile phone, and then quickly walked towards Aikawa Torataro.

“Your Excellency Aikawa-chan, wait a moment.” Asai Daitomo handed the cell phone to Aikawa Torataro.

A paragraph of text is displayed on the phone.

‘Your Excellency, may I ask if you are uncomfortable, your current situation looks a little abnormal, with too much sweat on your forehead, your expression is unnatural, and your speech is a little unnatural. ’

In fact, some media reporters have long discovered the unnaturalness of Aikawa Torataro. 19

As media reporters, their eyes are sharp!

They filmed all of Aikawa’s unnaturalness, and some reporters who were involved in the matter also took close-ups. For example, there were close-ups on the live broadcast of Huto, which captured the sweat of Aikawa’s forehead.

Looking at the message on the phone, Aikawa Torataro hesitated for a while before typing a reply.

‘My stomach hurts. ’

Daitomo Asai nodded slightly, and he took the initiative to speak, “Your Excellency Aikawa-chan, I want to go to the bathroom.”

Aikawa Torataro responded along the topic, “I just want to go to the bathroom, too. Media reporters, this segment cannot be broadcast live.”(Read more @

The media reporter who understands neon chuckles.

Aikawa Torataro and his group went to the public restroom to prepare for convenience. However, after entering the bathroom, Aikawa Torataro found that his thinking was too simple, because when he zoomed in, he accidentally found that he was bleeding!

Even people who don’t have medical knowledge know that blood is amplified, which is not a good phenomenon.

Aikawa Torataro contacted his personal doctor for the first time, and then explained the situation.

Aikawa Torataro’s personal doctor was called Harada Aki. After Aikawa Torataro explained the situation, Harada felt that the problem was not simple. She quickly asked, “Your Excellency, may I ask that the golden-eyed sea bream is really in Minamisanriku Town.” Was it captured by the bay?”

The meaning of this question is to ask whether Aikawa Torataro cheated.

Aikawa Torataro denied, “This time there are too many people following, and overseas reporters live the whole process.”

In fact, at the very beginning, Torotaro Aikawa, as Anliang guessed, was about to come to a lily cat for the crown prince.

But he was driven by Anliang to put the duck on the shelf and stepped into the trap step by step, which led to the difficulty of trying to hide from the sky in the end, so he simply came to a magnanimous one.

It’s not that Aikawa Torataro didn’t know that there was a trace amount of radiation in the Minamisanriku Bay. After consulting an expert, he was equipped with a professional sashimi chef before he dared to commit the danger.

The result is that the car has been overturned even with such adequate preparations?

This is too unlucky!

“Your Excellency, I suggest that you stop the live broadcast and immediately return to Kyoto for a comprehensive inspection. I suspect that the sashimi of the amberjack sashimi you eat has a serious nuclear radiation problem.” Harada Aki reminded Aikawa Torataro.

Faced with Harada Aki’s suggestion, Aikawa Torataro did not refuse. He responded affirmatively, “Okay, I’ll be back soon.”

Daitomo Asai was waiting in the bathroom for Torotaro Aikawa. After Toro Aikawa came out, Daitomo Asai immediately asked with concern, “Your Excellency, how is your situation?”

Aikawa Torataro briefly explained the situation, “Stop the live broadcast and we will return to Kyoto now.”

“Understood.” Asai Daitomo responded.

After speaking, the two walked out of the public restroom. Asai escorted Aikawa Torataro back to the accompanying commercial vehicle. After sending Aikawa Torataro to the car, Asai looked at the media being filmed.

“Sorry, friends from the media, Mr. Aikawa-san suddenly has an important job to deal with, and this live broadcast is aborted!” Asai did not explain, and after he announced it, he got on the commercial car.

The media reporters at the scene quickly discussed, and they speculated whether Aikawa Torataro just got caught in a fish.

After all, Aikawa Torataro’s face was a bit ugly just now, his forehead was constantly spoofing, and even his speech was a bit unnatural.

This situation is naturally associated with the meaning of whether Aikawa Torataro was recruited.

After the news media reporters speculated that Tortaro Aikawa might be recruited, they all followed in the direction where Tortaro Aikawa left. As long as you follow Tortaro Aikawa, there must be big news.

Shouldn’t it be the biggest news if Aikawa Torataro really ate the golden-eye snapper sashimi from Minamisanriku Bay, which caused nuclear radiation damage?

The reporter of Xia Guo Court TV Station couldn’t help but follow. If Aikawa Torataro begs for a hammer, then this time the news will have to be written! .

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