Chapter 1772

On the way to Tianfu International Airport, Xia Hexin drove a Lamborghini Urus. Her driving style was calm and she didn’t feel like a novice.

When Xia Ruyi was driving, Anliang found that Xia Ruyi was more speedy. Her average speed surpassed Xia Hexin, and she repeatedly stepped on the accelerator.

Anliang reminded him, “Be careful!”

“I know, I know, I’m super stable!” Xia Ruyi responded.

Fortunately, Anliang has the ability to sense danger, otherwise Xia Ruyi drives like this, Anliang feels that he should be a little worried.

Near Tianfu International Airport, Anliang pointed the way for Xia Ruyi, “Just take me directly to the departure gate, you continue to drive-turn around.”

Xia Ruyi did not refuse. Nine out of ten novice drivers like to drive.

Xia Ruyi took Anliang to the departure gate. Anliang got off the car with Xia Hexin. Xia Hexin was about to change to the front co-pilot. Anliang took the opportunity to kiss Xia Hexin.

“Wait for me to come back!” Anliang said with a smirk.

Xia He gave Anliang a blank look, and she waved, “Safe journey.”

Xia Ruyi drove away, because passengers are not allowed to park for a long time at the departure gate, otherwise it is 200 yuan, plus three points, novice drivers can’t stand the deduction.

Anliang took a look at the time, it was just after one o’clock, and his ticket was half past two, so he decided to go to the VIP lounge and wait for a while.

After Anliang got the boarding pass, he walked to the VIP lounge.

In the VIP lounge, Anliang was closing his eyes and rested, but he felt that his calf was hit by something. After opening his eyes, he realized that it was a small plastic ball.

A little girl who seemed to be five or six years old was looking at him timidly. This little plastic ball was obviously the opponent’s.

Anliang picked up the small plastic ball and stretched it over to the little girl in a friendly manner, beckoning the other party to come and take it.

A young woman came over quickly, and she said apologetically, “I’m sorry, sir, I’m really sorry.”

“Yinyin, hurry up and apologize to uncle.” The young woman reminded her.



Does this woman wink a little?

Anliang is wearing Gucci’s summer casual T-shirts, casual shorts, and Gucci’s tiger-toed shoes. This dress is very student-like. Why is he called his uncle?

The little girl named “Yinyin” quickly apologized, “Sorry, big brother, I didn’t mean it just now.”

Anliang silently gave her a compliment, this is the correct name!

“It’s okay.” Anliang handed the small plastic ball to the opponent.

“Thank you, big brother.” Yinyin thanked.(Read more @

Anliang nodded.

The young woman nodded apologetically to Anliang, and then took Yinyin away.

Anliang took out his mobile phone to send messages to his friends in the Imperial Capital.

‘Anliang: Brothers, I came to the imperial capital today. Have you settled what I asked you before? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: If it’s done, it’s done, but Brother Liang, don’t you worry about Ning Ruoshuang being jealous? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Wait for Brother Liang to roll over! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Studying silently. ’

‘Anliang: It’s impossible to roll over. Our family Ning Ruoshuang is not that stingy. ’

Ning Ruoshuang really did a very good job. She fulfilled her promise one hundred percent. She said that she should not fight or grab, not quarrel or make trouble, and she really did it.

Although Anliang has also worked hard to make a bowl of water smooth, he cannot deny Ning Ruoshuang’s dedication, nor can he deny Chen Siyu’s generosity. This is the result of the efforts of the three parties.

‘Anliang: By the way, how much did it cost this time? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Not much, not much, ten thousand in total. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Mainly because the environmental department has given a lot of bills. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Even though I have made a lot of money, I don’t think I can bear it. ’

‘Anliang: Brother Gangzi, you are not reluctant, but you feel that the other party is not worth it. ’

In the world of the rich, he can spend hundreds of thousands on a meal on his own, but he will not spend tens of thousands on buying a bag for his sister. This is not because the rich are stingy, just because he feels that the girl is not worth it.

··· 0 Seeking flowers·········

Obviously it is a purely money relationship, so why do you want to get in with your emotions?

‘Li Cunyuan: I’m heartbroken! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: So Brother Gang is a good man who has studied halfway? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Haiyang, are you starting to do things again after a beep? ’

Anliang chatted for a while in the imperial capital group. A staff member from the VIP lounge came to remind Anliang, “Mr. An, your flight is about to board.”

This reminder service is the most basic service in the VIP lounge. Now that Anliang is notified to board, it is actually first-class customers who board first, so as to avoid the crowding of first-class customers and economy-class customers.

0 .. …….

“Okay, thank you.” Anliang responded politely.

But just after responding, the danger premonition ability issued a premonition of danger. Anliang was calm on the surface, but secretly sensed the feedback of the danger premonition ability.

“Big brother, are you going to the imperial capital too?” Yinyin walked to Anliang and asked.

Hearing Yinyin’s inquiry, Anliang was taken aback, and he glanced at the other party’s boarding pass, which was also flight XEA9008.

However, the problem has arisen!

According to the feedback from the danger premonition ability, there was a problem with this flight. Originally, Anliang could find an excuse. For example, he could miss this flight by going back to Anxin Investment Company first.

But now Yinyin took the initiative to ask him, Anliang was in torment for a while, how should he choose?


There is a problem with this flight!

Contact the airport management to indicate that there is a problem with this aircraft?

But the reason?

How did Anliang know?

After asking why one by one, Anliang couldn’t find the reason at all, which may cause very serious consequences.

So Anliang is now caught in a dilemma…


Update time: 02:36:56, December 20, 2020, good night. Billion.

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