Chapter 1778

Huang Guoxiang is indeed angry!

Because Huang Guoxiang knows very well that Anliang is not joking.

Think about it a little bit, if he is Anliang, I am afraid he would have done more than Anliang, right?

Gao Wenrong still responded calmly, “Director Huang, I said, your request does not meet the regulations.”

Hearing Gao Wenrong calling his position, Huang Guoxiang knew that Gao Wenrong was not prepared to provide convenience.

“Should I ask Lao Zhao to call you?” Huang Guoxiang snorted coldly.

“Even Master Pingzhangshi still needs a resolution signed by other adults in order to allow me to execute such an outrageous order.” Gao Wenrong responded.

“Okay, Gao Wenrong, you are good!” Huang Guoxiang hung up angrily, and then made another call, waiting for the other party to connect, Huang Guoxiang said again, “Zheng Bangan, you immediately help me connect to the ATG data network of flight XEA9008 , I want full access.”

“Please wait.” Zheng Bangan responded.

In less than a minute, Zheng Bangan continued to reply, “I have sent the corresponding interface to your National Security Investigation Bureau, Director Huang, you owe me a favor.”

“No, you owe me a favor.” Huang Guoxiang responded, “Anliang is on flight XEA9008.”

“That’s really because I owe you a favor, otherwise I will become a fool without knowing it.” Zheng Bangan replied with a sigh, “Gao Wenrong rejected you?”

“Yeah.” Huang Guoxiang replied affirmatively.

Zheng Bangan responded calmly, “Gao Wenrong and Chen Hong are family friends, and the relationship between the two is very good.”

“I know.” Huang Guoxiang sighed, “I thought he would be more rational, at least he would not make the wrong choice for the declining Chen family.”

Zheng Bangan responded calmly, “I guess the reason for rejection is okay, and it fully complies with the corresponding safety regulations, so you are dumb.”

Huang Guoxiang sneered, “Do you think Anliang will accept such a result?”

“Hang up first, then contact me if you have something to do.” Zheng Bangan has achieved his goal.(Read more @

Zheng Bangan hung up the phone, and the contact of Shengqing Air Traffic Control Department was sent over. They provided a flight instructor to contact.

“Hello, I’m Han Yong, the flight instructor of Shengqing Air Traffic Control Administration.” Han Yong took the initiative to speak.

Anliang responded, “Hello, Coach Han, let me explain the situation first. I am currently on flight XEA9008. According to our analysis, the internal pressure of flight XEA9008 has lost pressure and the oxygen system has failed. It is currently impossible to rescue the pilot.”

“So Coach Han’s job is to teach me how to land the plane.” Anliang explained, “By the way, I don’t know how to fly a plane, and we only have more than five hours.”

“…” Han Yong was speechless.

Anliang added, “If I successfully land the plane on the ground, you can get a reward of 10 million. If I fail, I don’t blame you. This matter has nothing to do with you.”

Han Yong breathed a sigh of relief, “I will try my best.”

Let a person who can’t fly a plane at all learn to fly a plane and land in five hours. Such a thing…

Han Yong said he was too difficult!

When Anliang was communicating with Han Yong, Zhao Wanxi arrived at the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau. She waited for Anliang to communicate with Han Yong before speaking.

“Anliang, I am Zhao Wanxi.” Zhao Wanxi reported to her family.

“I heard it.” Anliang responded.

“Are you… okay?” Zhao Wanxi asked.

“Very bad!” Anliang responded, “You know the situation. There was a problem with the plane I was on. The current countdown to life is a little more than five hours. I can only try to calm down and strive for a chance.”

Anliang continued, “I now plan to divert the plane to Tianjin. I will first learn how to operate the plane and simulate a landing situation. If it is still not possible, the people on my side will try to make the plane land in the sea.. . 0”

“Lao Huang just said that your sister-in-law and niece are also on the plane. I will try my best to fight for the first chance.” Anliang added.

“Thank you.” Zhao Wanxi responded. After hesitating, she added, “If… I will try to protect your friends.”

“Thank you.” Anliang understood what Zhao Wanxi meant.

Anliang had just finished talking here, and No. 4 spoke, “Suzaku VI, connect the needle tool to the plane, and I have obtained the ATG data link permission.”

“Received.” Qin Tianxiang responded.

Qin Tianxiang connects the corresponding network communication device to the aircraft so that the aircraft can access the ATG data link.

“Successfully accessing the aircraft’s ATG data link is cracking the aircraft’s security defense system. It is estimated that it will take several minutes.” Report No. 4.

Han Yong naturally heard these voices, and his voice communication was connected to the integrated communication to ensure multi-party communication.

“Instructor Han, you can teach me how to fly a plane now. I have zero basics and have never been in contact with planes. Please tell me first how I should operate it.” Anliang asked.

Actually Anliang is not zero foundation!

Because the life winner system has already given emergency rewards, Anliang is equivalent to having 1,000 hours of flying experience.

Facing Anliang’s question, Han Yong gritted his teeth, “You can control the direction of the aircraft in a small amount through the rudder first, and feel how to control the aircraft through the rudder and the sensitivity of the rudder. This will help you quickly understand the driving experience of the aircraft. ”

Huang Guoxiang added, “I have cancelled all the routes around you through the Air Traffic Control Administration. There will be no other aircraft around you. Please rest assured to fly.”

This Huang Guoxiang finally did a good thing!


Update time: 02:16:08, December 21, 2020, good night. .

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