Chapter 1798

Alek understands what Anliang means. Anliang must first look at the effect of the second-generation flying motorcycle.

If the test flight results of the second-generation flying motorcycles are good, they will be valued by Anliang, and they will receive a grand reception.

If the test results are sparse, then they might go back wherever they came from?

“I will arrange the graphene battery.” Anliang explained.

Since you want to test, use graphene batteries to test. After all, the second-generation flying motorcycle is designed based on graphene. It is natural to use graphene batteries to test, so as to see the complete state of the second-generation flying motorcycle, so as to avoid Allier. They made excuses for reasons.

After Anliang finished speaking, he greeted the security personnel of Renyi Safety Company and moved the corresponding wooden box onto the Jinbei car.

With just two Jinbei cars, the six wooden boxes were easily taken away, and the target location was naturally the Golden Port International Circuit.

Before leaving, Anliang contacted the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and asked them to send graphene batteries suitable for flying motorcycles over. He was going to do a test at the Golden Port International Circuit.

On a Mercedes-Benz SUV, Qin Tianxiang drove, Anliang and Alek were sitting in the back, Alexander was sitting in the co-pilot, and Andre was escorted by a Jinbei car.

Anliang sends messages in the Tianshang Baiyujing club group.

‘Anliang: @Everyone: I am going to play an interesting thing on Golden Port International. If you have time, please come and take a look. ’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Here comes, there is no class in the afternoon. ’

‘Anliang: When do you have classes? ’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I have taken enough credits, and my usual grades are enough, so the final exam is not a problem. ’


excuse me!

It’s another student bully!

‘Li Cunyuan: Here comes, Brother Liang, what are you going to do for fun? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I happen to be near Golden Port. ’

‘Anliang: What is Gangzi doing near King Kong? ’(Read more @

‘Qian Xiaogang: Ahem, I have a friend who brought some friends who like drag racing to play in Golden Port. I’ll just go over and take a look. ’

It turned out to be screening new girls!

Still speaking so elegantly?

Following Anliang’s greeting, more than half of the people from the Heavenly Baiyujing Club came to the Golden Port International Circuit. Anliang discussed the charter time with Zhao De, the operation manager of the Golden Port International Circuit in advance.

In a maintenance workshop of the Golden Port International Circuit, the three Aleks are assembling flying motorcycles, and members of the Heavenly Baiyujing Club are onlookers.

Hu Xiaoyu took the initiative to ask, “This is a motorcycle that can fly?”

Li Cunyuan’s guessed response, “It should be!”

Yun Haiyang looked at Anliang, “Brother Liang, this is the flying motorcycle you mentioned earlier, right?”

Yun Haiyang continued, “I will try it later!”

Qian Xiaogang was the first to stop him, “Don’t don’t, Brother Haiyang, I beg you, don’t do such a dangerous thing, just let us go, there is only one flying motorcycle.”

“Brother Gang, you are poisonous!” Yun Haiyang stared at Qian Xiaogang dead.

Li Cunyuan seconded, “I think Brother Gang is right. At present, there is only this flying motorcycle, which has not been verified. In case of an accident, wouldn’t it be too bad?”

Hu Xiaoyu taught himself Yin and Yang spells. “Some people are just boring. They are going to have a car accident while driving. Do you still want to fly now?”

“…” Yun Haiyang was speechless.

Li Cunyuan continued, “By the way, Brother Liang, who will try first?”

Anliang did not directly respond to the question, “On our side in Shengqing, there is a restaurant that specializes in puffer fish dishes. After the college entrance examination, I invited three friends to dinner to celebrate…”

Anliang continued, “My friends all know that pufferfish are dangerous, and they are all scared. What if the pufferfish’s toxins are not cleaned up?”

Qian Xiaogang answered, “Almost all of the puffer fish nowadays are cultivated artificially, and the toxins are almost gone, right?”

Anliang affirmed, “The owner of that puffer fish feast also said the same, but my friend is still scared. After all, no one can guarantee 100% things, right?”

Anliang added, “So we thought of a way. We called the boss. We let the boss eat every dish. If there is a problem, don’t you die first to sacrifice to the heavens?”


“Sure enough, the boss died first!”

“This operation is absolutely amazing!”

“Learned, learned, next time I have a puffer fish feast, I will do the same.”

The members of the Baiyujing Club in the sky burst into laughter.

Li Cunyuan understood what Anliang meant, “Let the three of them test the Northern Bear country first?”

“Yeah!” Anliang replied affirmatively, “Of course!”

Anliang continued, “The three of them are like northern bears. I estimate that they weigh more than two hundred catties, so the test is very suitable for them!”

“It makes sense!” Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively.

Just like the puffer fish feast story that Anliang just told, let three R&D personnel test first. If there is a problem with the flying motorcycle, then one R&D personnel will die first.

There is nothing wrong with this, right?

Even if you don’t dare to test the things you develop yourself, you still deserve to be a developer?

This kind of R&D personnel deserves to sacrifice to heaven! .

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