H1846 fake drama is really done: insider! [5/6]

Sanguan Zhiren is 100% sure that he is not a ghost!

Do you not know if you are an inner ghost?

Sanguan Naoto refused to participate in the investigation of An Liang’s case, because Sanguan Naoto knew that An Liang’s energy was very powerful, and he was worried that if he investigated An Liang again, An Liang might take special measures to solve it.

Therefore, Sanguan Zhiren refused to participate in the investigation of An Liang’s case.

However, after a thorough analysis, Sanguan Zhiren found out that he had become An Liang’s insider. Isn’t this too showy?

Even more frightening is that the three-pipe straight man made a fatal mistake!

Sanguan Naoto actually accepted An Liang’s invitation and chose to meet at Jinxiu Teahouse. This situation is more like a joint meeting.

After thinking of this, Naoto Sanguan immediately carefully looked at the situation of Jinxiu Teahouse.

An Liang smiled, “You don’t need to worry, Jinxiu Teahouse is an old teahouse in Tianfu, which has been passed down for decades, and their home has no security monitoring system.

The three-pipe straight man took a deep breath, he was not worried about the security monitoring system, he was worried that there was no security monitoring system, okay!

Because the Jinxiu Teahouse has no security monitoring system, his meeting with An Liang is even more suspicious.

An Liang added, “Are you thinking that this Jinxiu Teahouse is the place I deliberately chose?”

The three-pipe straight man was silent.

An Liang asked himself and answered, “Yes, your idea is not wrong, Jinxiu Teahouse is indeed a place I deliberately chose, a place that can cause misunderstandings.”

“Why are you doing this?” Sanguan Naoto asked rhetorically.

Hiroga Kozaburo was staring at An Liang, he knew that if Sanguan Naoto fell, he would not be able to get rid of it.

“Isn’t the answer very obvious?” An Liang asked back, “You are my insider, and you provided me with all the intelligence information.”

“I’m not!” Sanguan Naoto responded affirmatively.

“But from the current situation, it seems that you are indeed, and the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is suspicious.” An Liang responded with a smile, “By the way, if I guessed correctly, you will return to Neon this time, if you do not investigate some Exactly what, you’re probably going to have a hard time.”

The three-pipe straight man was silent.

An Liang is right, if he doesn’t investigate something exact this time, it will be quite sad to come back to him, especially An Liang also engaged in a show of meeting at the Jinxiu Teahouse, which makes the three tubes Naoto fell into dire straits.

Sanguan Naoto took a deep breath, “Mr. An, what exactly do you want to do?”

“I think it’s more appropriate for me to ask.” An Liang asked back, “What are you Neon going to do?”

Before Sanguan Naoto answered, An Liang continued, “I didn’t do anything, and you all pursued all kinds of investigations. Do you think I’m easy to bully?”

Sanguan Naoto was silent for a moment before responding, “You have violated our Neon related economic laws.”

“Is it really illegal?” An Liang asked rhetorically, “Isn’t it the well-known MWR company’s usual practice when I first targeted the senior hall?”

MWR company is called Muddy Water Company in Xiaguo, a company specializing in shorting stocks. Their usual method is to first look for bad news of the target company. As long as the news is found, they will short the stock of the corresponding target in advance, and then release the bad news. out, thereby causing the stock price to fall to gain benefits.

At the beginning, An Liang’s operation against Senior Hall was just one more step. First, he touted Senior Hall, so that Senior Hall’s stock price rose, and then released bad news.

Sanguan Naoto responded affirmatively, “Such an operation is controversial.

…for flowers…………

The existence of short-selling companies does have advantages and disadvantages, but generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so short-selling companies can exist.

“Normal business practices are called illegal operations by you, what else can I say?” An Liang spread his hands.

After speaking, An Liang stood up and prepared to leave.

Sanguan Zhiren hurriedly said to hold back, “Wait!”

“Huh?” An Liang looked at Sanguan Zhiren.

Sanguan Zhiren’s expression changes, he has fallen into the trap constructed by An Liang, as long as An Liang releases a little bit of news, he will lose his trousers and be directly regarded as An Liang’s insider.


Under such circumstances, how could he leave a way out?

“Mr. An, since I am your insider, and the line is about to be exposed, is there any way you can save the insider?” Sanguan Naoto asked.

An Liang showed a smile, and the three-pipe straight man finally understood what An Liang meant.

An Liang means that the fake show is real!

Since Sanguan Zhiren is suspected to be An Liang’s insider, why don’t he really become An Liang’s insider, otherwise he won’t be wronged for nothing?

“Who is this?” An Liang sat down again, and he looked at Sanguan Naoto’s assistant Hiroga Kozaburo knowingly.

Sanguan Naoto understands what An Liang means. An Liang is asking whether Hiroshi Saburo is willing to become an insider.

Hiroga Kosaburo also understands what An Liang means, and knows the consequences. If he agrees to An Liang, there is still a chance. If he does not agree to An Liang, whether it is An Liang, the Neon Intelligence Bureau, or even the three-man straight person, It is impossible to let him go.

So is the answer still a question?

Those who know the times are handsome! IX

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