h1860 Fei Cai has become smarter? 3/5[]

At 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, which corresponds to 9:30 a.m. in Bald Eagle Country, the U.S. stock market opens.

As predicted in the Internet, Apple stock gapped directly higher, from yesterday’s $75.89 directly gapped to a height of $88.98.

This opening price did not affect the continued rise of Apple’s stock price. When the market opened, just one hour later, Apple’s stock price broke through $95 and continued to rise.

An Liang personally sits in Anxin Investment Company. Although he does not have the foresight of the stock information trend card, An Liang does not intend to sell immediately. He thinks it can go up a little more.

He didn’t think it was too much to go up to a hundred dollars.

As time passed, Apple’s stock price rose slowly. Although the rate of increase was relatively slow, at 11:50 in the middle of the night, it finally broke through the $100 price mark and successfully reached 100.02 Dollar.

An Liang asked 023 and asked Li Gang, “Lao Li, if we want to sell the stock in our hands, how long will it take?”

Li Gang immediately inquired about the purchase order. “At present, the purchase order is relatively conservative. If you want to sell quickly, I’m afraid it will be difficult, and you have to worry about causing a stock price avalanche.”

An Liang laughed, “It seems that the non-cooks have learned to be smart!”

Li Gang responded on the side, “It seems to be true.”

In fact, it is Anxin Investment Company with a prominent reputation, and the relationship between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Anxin Investment has been exposed before, and the non-vegetarians in the bald eagle country are also worried about whether Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will release fake news, thus Harvest leeks?

In the Bald Eagle Country, some financial experts are also reminding Apple of the stock price risk, saying that if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not reach a partnership with Apple, the stock price of Apple will fluctuate and fall.

It is precisely because of the criminal record of Anxin Investment Company, coupled with the reminder from financial experts, that Africans are also very cautious.

Faced with such a situation, An Liang responded casually, “Let’s do it today, let Apple’s stock price fly for a while, and tomorrow Apple’s representatives will go to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to decide.”

The next day, Wednesday.

Nine in the morning.

Ysera, head of Apple’s public relations department, arrived at Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and Zhao Ning met Ysera on behalf of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

When Ysera entered the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the news media of An Xin immediately began to advocate, saying that the possibility of cooperation between the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Apple is very great.

At present, there are more and more news media in the Anxin department, and these news media are more and more capable of building momentum on the Internet. Under the reports of the Anxin department news media, coupled with self-media people who have no brains to forward, dream of graphite in the future The enetech group’s partnership with Apple appears to be a foregone conclusion.

The news media of the Anxin Department are all constructed through the VIE variable interest entity framework. An Liang is not worried that such touts will bring problems. The news media of the Anxin Department are touting the cooperation between Apple and the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group in Xia. Apple is a company listed on the US stock market (daai), and the legal relationship between the two parties is relatively weak.

It is impossible for the guy from the Bald Eagle Country to cross the sea and enter the Xia Country to impose legal sanctions on the news media of Anxin!

In the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Ysera, led by Zhao Wanxi, first visited the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Except for some confidential information, Zhao Wanxi almost took Ysera to visit The entire Dream Future Graphene Technology Group headquarters, including the second phase base under construction.

This tour lasted for two hours, and the end of the tour was lunch time.

In the afternoon, it became a popular test session for the graphene battery version of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, which was tested by Ysera and Apple’s technicians.

The performance of the graphene battery version of the iPhone 11 Pro Max is too good, the ultra-fast charging speed, the more durable battery life, and the fact that the charging does not heat up, the high power consumption does not heat up, and so on, it is simply magic.

When the regular lithium battery version of the iPhone 11 ProMax is performing 18W fast charging, the phone becomes very hot, but the graphene version of the battery does not heat up when charging. This is too magical, right?

It took more than five hours to test the graphene battery version of the iPhone 11 Pro Max. At six o’clock, Zhao Wanxi, on behalf of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, gave Ysera two graphene battery versions of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, so that the other party could Further testing in the evening.

Originally, Zhao Wan wanted to invite Ysera to have dinner together at night, but Ysera declined, because Ysera wanted to report what she saw and the results of the graphene battery version iPhone 11 Pro Max that she personally tested to Apple’s chef CEO.

Ysera and Zhao Wanxi were talking and laughing about their departure from the headquarters of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, which was once again exposed by the news media of the Anxin Department.

The news media of the Anxin department used adjectives such as elated, “both parties are happy”, “a smile on one face”, etc., so as to set off the illusion that the Graphene Technology Group and Apple have reached an unanimous cooperation agreement in the dream of the future.

These reports were also forwarded to the Bald Eagle Country by the No. 4 Heavenly Secret Calculation, so as to fully build momentum!

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