Is h1863 Anxin Investment Company behind the scenes again? [1/5]

The current U.S. stock market is turbulent, with stock prices fluctuating and fluctuating. Many financial institutions have followed suit and shorted after Anxin Investment Company, and the lowest price has been pressed to 100 US dollars.

Apple’s stock price went directly to the level of $99.25 at 1:40 in the morning, and the drop in the price of short sell orders further suppressed Apple’s stock price.

Looking at this situation, An Liang was a little speechless. It seems that Anxin Investment Company has really become the target of public criticism?

As long as there is a little movement in Anxin Investment Company, it will be guessed and analyzed by others, and thus will be interpreted by various magnifications.

In fact it is.

The former Anxin Investment Company seems to be a black hand hidden behind the scenes. Although it has strong strength, no one pays attention to Anxin Investment Company, or does not take Anxin Investment Company 30 companies in their eyes.

It is different now. Anxin Investment Company has won many battles, and even when Great Britain withdrew from the Europa League, it was still taking chestnuts in the international spot gold market.

Under such circumstances, other people will naturally no longer underestimate Anxin Investment Company.

After all, such a safe investment company does seem to be very powerful.

An Liang took a deep breath before responding to Li Gang’s inquiry, “Cancel all short orders, and then use a small amount of short orders to lower the price.

The follow-up behavior of these financial institutions really disrupted An Liang’s plan. According to An Liang’s original plan, there were twists and turns.

First, use the market’s forecast to look forward to harvesting, and then it is reported that the negotiations have broken down, and the cooperation between the two parties is likely to end without success, thus harvesting a wave of short orders.

After the short-selling orders are harvested, the stock of Apple at the low price will be taken, and finally the cooperation with Apple in the Xiaguo area will be reached, which will further increase the stock of Apple.

With such a twists and turns of script arrangement, even if the investment cannot be doubled, it is no problem to earn 80%, right?

An Liang’s script is very well written, and Apple is also preparing to cooperate with the twists and turns of the script. Both parties can silently harvest leeks, but they both ignore the power of other financial institutions.

Other financial institutions naturally analyzed the script of Anxin Investment Company, but there are only so many non-vegetables. If too many people harvest leeks together, it means that no one can harvest non-vegetables.

In such a situation, it is natural to strike first to be strong, and then strike to suffer.

As a result, the reapers had infighting, which turned the originally orderly short-selling process into a disordered state. In order to harvest non-vegetables faster, financial institutions one after another increased their short-selling efforts.

“Mr. An, Apple’s stock price has dropped to $83, should we continue to press it?” Li Gang asked.

An Liang asked casually, “How much have we shorted?”

“It’s less than 100 million US dollars. Li Gang replied, and then added, “Other financial institutions are too ferocious, we can’t grab them at all, these people are sick!”

An Liang said, “Fill out all our short orders!”

Li Gang responded hesitantly, “If we fill in the short order now, Mr. An, we will have a net loss of more than 15 million US dollars, which is equivalent to giving away money for nothing.”

“Well, I filled out all the short lists.” An Liang insisted.

“Okay.” Li Gang responded.

In less than a minute, Li Gang led the traders to close the short positions, and Li Gang reported the situation, “Mr. An, we lost $16.22 million.

An Liang nodded indifferently. He looked at the trend of Apple’s stock price in the U.S. stock market and had to sigh that the strength of those financial institutions actually lowered Apple’s stock price to $80.55.

Apple’s stock price hit more than $75 ahead of the rumored partnership between Apple and the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

As a result, with the negotiation and cooperation between Apple and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and the fact that Apple executives announced the strong strength of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Apple’s stock can actually be pressed to such a level. level?

Some of An Liang admires the strength of these financial institutions!

“Mr. An, look at this.” Fan Ping said from the side, and he handed a tablet to An Liang.

An Liang took over to check, an English post was displayed on the tablet.

“Beware of Apple and Safe Investment: A Scam! 027”:

Apple partners with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

This is a shocking scam!

Regarding the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, we must first know one thing, what is the background of this company?

According to the current known situation, the relationship between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Anxin Investment Company is very good. We will popularize the relevant information of Anxin Investment Company again.

Anxin Investment Co., Ltd. is an investment company that emerged this year and has invaded finance worldwide. This company has not yet recorded a loss of more than 100 million US dollars, and has achieved brilliant results many times.

Once, Tesla was targeted by Anxin Investment Company Remote Control Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, which was completely defeated, and it has never recovered.

Now Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has taken the initiative to cooperate with Apple. Is this kind of plot too coincidental? Is it possible that Anxin Investment Company is manipulating all this behind the scenes?

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