h1871 Nobody loses money, right? [4/5]


Although it was already past three in the morning, the atmosphere of Anxin Investment Company was still very lively.

Because Anxin Investment Company’s investment plan for Apple was successful, a total of 130 billion Xia Guoyuan was invested, and 282.16 billion yuan was eventually recovered.

This sum of money has already ruled out the necessary expenses such as exchange rate conversion and handling fees of nearly 30 million Xia Guoyuan, as well as the loss of more than 100 million Xia Guoyuan who had forcibly closed short positions before.

Even if there is a certain loss, the total profit has reached a height of 152.16 billion – Xia Guoyuan.

An Liang thought about how the accounts should be divided, as well as the publicity of the accounts.

After some deliberation, An Liang decided to convert 152.16 billion Xia Guoyuan into two copies.

The first is 143 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the second is 9.16 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Among them, 9.16 billion Xia Guoyuan was intercepted in Anxin Investment Company as an agency commission of Anxin Investment Company.

Although this agency commission seems to be relatively expensive, it is actually only 6%, which is very, very low, and you can understand it with a little understanding of financial investment.

The other 143 billion Xia Guoyuan will be divided into 130 parts. Calculated according to the return of 1.1 billion for every 1 billion investment, the return rate has reached a terrible height of 110%!

In this investment plan for Apple, the basic investment of the Sky Baiyujing Club is 1 billion, so it is very simple and clear to calculate the benefit according to the amount of 1 billion.

However, the members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club cannot get a net profit of 1.1 billion, because Anxin Investment Company will take the initiative to declare tax for them.

As he grew up, An Liang’s vision became higher and higher. Xia Guo gave Anxin Investment Company many preferential policies, including the privilege of building high-rise buildings within the scope of the Second Road of the Imperial Capital. Naturally, An Liang would not evade tax reasonably, but took the initiative to declare tax.

After An Liang made a profit distribution in his mind, he looked at Li Gang, “How many people will participate in this operation?”

Li Gang responded quickly, “In addition to us, there are 50 people in the US stock business group, 5 people in the risk control group, and 5 people in the logistics group.”

The so-called logistics group is to provide logistics services to the traders of the US stock market business group, probably ordering takeaways, handling office supplies and cleaning up the office area, as well as various chores.

An Liang thought about it for a while before explaining, “Lao Li, Lao Fan, come to set up a company.”

Fan Ping and Li Gang followed An Liang into the office excitedly. They made a lot of money this time, and they should be able to get a good bonus.

In An Liang’s office, An Liang looked at the two of them and said, “This time, it’s been hard work. You each have a bonus of 20 million yuan. As for how to distribute it, you operate in the stock market yourself, but you have to do it beautifully, understand?”

An Liang’s meaning is to allow two people to reasonably avoid tax.

“Understood!” Fan Ping and Li Gang responded together.

“How do you think the bonuses for the traders, the risk control team, and the logistics team should be distributed?” An Liang asked.

“It’s all arranged by President An!” Fan Ping responded.

Li Gang seconded.

This kind of arrangement of bonuses, even if An Liang asked them to say, they couldn’t say it, only low emotional intelligence would meddle in the boss’s work.

The corner of An Liang’s mouth turned up. “The traders each received a bonus of 2 million yuan, one person in the risk control group was 1 million yuan, and one person in the logistics group was 100,000 yuan. All of them are paid with their wages, and taxes are deducted by agents.”

Only the golden collars are eligible for reasonable tax avoidance.

What do ordinary employees do to reasonably avoid tax?

“By the way, for other people in the company, this month’s bonus will be given to one month’s monthly salary. The level of this bonus is confidential, please explain to others.” An Liang said instructed.

“Okay, Mr. An, I will give instructions later.” Fan Ping responded.

An Liang nodded, and he waved, “Go and announce the prize money to them!”

ask for flowers

Fan Ping reminded, “Mr. An will go in person?”

An Liang thought about it before nodding, and then returned to the trading floor of the US stock business group.

“Cough cough!”

An Liang clapped his hands and coughed deliberately. The traders in the US stock business group came over when they saw it, and they were secretly excited.

“This time things have been done beautifully. Everyone’s bonus is 2 million. You can consult President Fan for the specific situation.” An Liang announced the size of the bonus.


“Long live President An!”


“Thank you Mr. An!”



“Quiet! You all keep a low profile, understand?” An Liang reminded.

Everyone kept a low profile. Among the Anxin investment companies, the US stock business group issued the most bonuses, and the bonuses of other business groups were lower than those of the US stock business group.

If it arouses the jealousy of other business groups, what if I am transferred with colleagues from other business groups?

In fact, the work of each business group is almost the same, such as foreign exchange, international spot gold market, and U.S. stocks. There is no difficulty at all.

So after An Liang greeted quiet, everyone quieted down.

“Old Fan, the next thing is up to you, and the risk control team and logistics team are also handed over to you to announce.” An Liang patted Fan Ping’s arm.

After An Liang left, Fan Ping said to Li Gang, “Old Li, I’m going to inform the risk control team, can you tell the US stock business group about the taxation of bonuses?”

OK “.Li Gang” responded.

An Liang returned to the office, he checked the time, it was almost four o’clock in the morning, the U.S. stock market was about to close, and Apple’s stock price surged to a high of $132.11.

Faced with such a price, An Liang felt that he had made a profit, and Merrill Lynch also felt that he had made a profit, so no one lost money, right? Nine

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