It is impossible for the h1885 to roll over! [4/5]

Safe to invest in the company.

In An Liang’s office, Xia Ruyi was in An Liang’s arms, and she responded to An Liang.

“There is an ancient style exhibition at the International Expo Center. There are many ancient costumes on display. Among them is the price of a set of phoenix crowns. Guess how much it is?” Xia Ruyi asked An Liang.

An Liang naturally pretended not to know, “tens of thousands of dollars!”

“Those antique designs are made a little more refined, and the price goes up, it’s just a fool!” An Liang complained.

Xia Ruyi twisted in An Liang’s arms, trying to find a more comfortable sitting position. She responded negatively, “It’s not so cheap!”

“Is tens of thousands of yuan still cheap?” An Liang deliberately complained, “The money of these ancient fans is really good!”

Xia Ruyi responded, “Yes, I think many people are buying. Besides, the price of that set of phoenix crowns is 3.03 million.”

So expensive “?” An Liang hesitated.

Xia Hexin answered from the reception area, “It’s really so expensive!”

This “price, should no one – buy.” An Liang responded.

It is understandable that some people buy the Dunhuang flying suit worth 120,000 yuan. After all, although 120,000 yuan is also very expensive, it is still within the acceptable range. In addition, Yao Qi told An Liang that someone had ordered the Dunhuang flying suit.

Xia Ruyi smiled in An Liang’s arms, “Someone really bought it!”

“The price of 3.03 million is also bought by someone?” An Liang wondered.

“Yeah!” Xia Ruyi responded affirmatively, “But the store doesn’t sell it yet!”

“Hello?” An Liang wondered.

“My sister and I were there at the time. The buyer seemed to be the props manager of a film and television company. They just needed a set of phoenix crowns for filming, so they hoped to buy it, but the store said it was a treasure of the town store, and it was only used as an exhibition. The meaning of selling.” Xia Ruyi responded.

“After the two parties communicated, they finally rented the time for two months at a price of one million.” Xia Ruyi added.

“How could this be possible?” An Liang exclaimed.

“Yes, rent 1 million at a time, and repay the principal three times.” Xia Ruyi agreed.

An Liang squeezed Xia Ruyi’s left hand, “You think so beautifully! This kind of rental opportunity is hard to come by, especially after the film and television show, will other movies and TV series still need the same props?”

Xia Ruyi nodded, “It seems that there is indeed a problem.”

“Alright, alright, you go play by yourself first, I still have some work to do.” An Liang let go of Xia Ruyi and motioned her to go to the reception area by herself.

Xia Ruyi got up obediently, and then walked to the reception area.

An Liang opened the desktop WeChat to send a message to Yao Qi.

“An Liang: How was the afternoon?

“Yao Qi: Better than ever!

“Yao Qi: Let me tell you the good news, Feng Guanxia was also attracted by others, but I didn’t sell it, I chose to rent it to the other party.

An Liang sent a question mark knowingly.

Yao Qi explained the situation in detail and added explanatory information.

“Yao Qi: The other party rented our phoenix crown, and they will give special thanks at the end of the film, which is equivalent to advertising us for free. In the future, the value of this set of phoenix crowns will increase. After all, they participated in the filming of the film.

“An Liang: You are a profiteer!

This Yao Qi is too good at doing business, right?

Yao Qi: Hey, in addition to the price increase of Fengguanxiabei, I also thought of a good idea. Our Chunshen Weaving House can take advantage of this opportunity to specialize in the rental of high-quality film and television clothing. ”

…0 ask for flowers…

“Yao Qi: For example, customizing costumes for the male and female number one.

An Liang: What about the female number two and the male number two?

“Yao Qi: Then it depends on the scale of the show and the popularity of the other party, after all, a custom-made costume is very expensive.

“Yao Qi: By the way, I’m going to have dinner with a big star tonight, a big beauty, do you want to come over?!

“An Liang: [Screenshot of the international spot gold market trend

“An Liang: Excuse me, I don’t have time. The company lost a big order and was caught in it. I’ll check the situation first.


“Yao Qi; okay, you are busy, I will send you a photo later.

“Yao Qi: You will definitely regret it, the other party is really a beautiful woman.

“An Liang; Ah!!

“An Liang: I don’t believe it!!

“An Liang: Actually, there are not many people who look better than our Xiyan.

Looking at the message sent by An Liang, Yao Qi responded in a strange way.

“Yao Qi; what about me?

Facing Yao Qi’s rhetorical question, An Liang replied very calmly.

“An Liang: I didn’t say it before, you like Feng Guanxia and you also like Dunhuang Feitian. Both are good-looking. They are different in beauty, so you chose Fengguanxia and Dunhuang Feitian. .”

“Yao Qi: [thumbs up]

“Yao Qi: As expected of you!!

“Yao Qi: Not only is there a lot of rhetoric, but also a lot of crooked reasoning.

An Liang; Just tell the truth.

“Yao Qi: I’ll be busy first, and I’ll contact you when I get back to the hotel in the evening.

“An Liang; good.

At about five in the evening, An Liang turned off the computer, he got up and said, “He Xin, Ruyi, what would you like to eat at night?” Nine.

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