The gap between h1887 giants? [1/5]

In the window-facing box of Xinhai Hotpot Restaurant, An Liang said that he could agree to the teaching work of the two sisters of the Xia family, but there were corresponding conditions.

“What are the conditions for brother-in-law?” Xia Ruyi asked.

An Liang glanced at Xia Hexin, this person is not right, why is she blushing, is it because she is thinking crooked?

An Liang did not immediately state the conditions. He continued to ask, “If you have applied to teach in Daliangshan, where is the specific location?”

The area of ​​Daliangshan is very large, An Liang should ask about the specific situation.

Xia Hexin responded, “The substitute teaching practice on Daliang Mountain is located in Anle Township, which is a relatively backward place.”

“I’ll check first.” An Liang used the phone map to check.

After some inquiries, Anle Township is actually right next to Bai Yue’s hometown!

Bai Yue’s hometown is Agni Township, and Anle Township is close to 30% of Agni Township, and the two are one in the south and the other in the north. Like Agni Township, Anle Township is a standard township in a poverty-stricken mountainous area, with a total population of about 7,000.

The straight-line distance between Anle Township and Changxi International Airport is only more than 80 kilometers, but the mountain road in Daliang Mountain is rugged, and the winding mountain road doubles the distance. Five hours of driving time.

An Liang said all of this information, “The conditions are so difficult, do you want to go too?”

Xia Ruyi nodded firmly, “We want to go! In addition to us, there are two classmates who went there together.”

An Liang immediately asked back, “Male or female?”

“Humph!” Xia Ruyi hummed.

Xia Hexin responded, “Our roommates, Xu Nuo and Kang Yujia, you have all met.”

“That’s good!” An Liang nodded.

If it is a male classmate, then Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin are not allowed to pass by anyway. After all, the probability of an accident in that situation is too high. An Liang believes in Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, but An Liang does not believe in the accompanying male classmate. .

“You all have an appointment?” An Liang asked.

“Hey!” Xia Buxin nodded.

An Liang continued to ask, “Are you teaching in the primary school in Anle Township?”

“Yes.” Xia Hexin affirmed again.

“I’ll send someone to investigate and investigate the situation over there before making a decision.” An Liang still didn’t agree directly, “We’ll talk about the conditions after I send someone to investigate.”

Xia Ruyi gave An Liang a charming glance, “Domineering!”

“I’m just domineering!” An Liang responded forcefully.

At about nine o’clock in the evening, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin drove back to school by themselves. They said that they would go back to discuss with their roommates about teaching support. An Liang suddenly felt that it seemed a little problem for them to learn to drive?

At least An Liang didn’t have the pleasure of sending them back to school.

An Liang also returned to dormitory 307.

When Shen Shizhong saw An Liang coming back, he spoke first, “Brother Liang, something is wrong with you, you obviously have two girlfriends, but you actually went back to the dormitory on Saturday?”

“Bum, we’re familiar, but you can’t frame me!” An Liang responded.

Lu Wenshan answered from the side, “To be honest, Brother Liang’s serious nonsense, I think it’s a talent, I can’t do it anyway.

Malone seconded, “I can’t do it either.”

“I advise you to study hard, so as not to fail the exam on Monday, and then be left to make up the exam.” An Liang reminded.

Shen Shizhong responded, “I’m almost there anyway, I feel it’s okay to pass by at a low altitude.

Lu Wenshan seconded, “I have no problem either.”

“I have a little problem.” Ma Long said distressedly, “Accounting is really poisonous, I don’t think I can learn it!!

An Liang responded, “Accounting should be no problem, right?”

Malone is still distressed, “I think there is a problem.”

“Then you haven’t sharpened your guns yet?” An Liang teased, “If you’re ready to sharpen your guns, you’ll be unhappy. What if you get an extra point for your review, and you just pass the score?”

“It seems to make sense.” Malone responded.

When Ma Long was reviewing accounting, Lu Wenshan suddenly asked, “Brother Liang, what do you think about the savage growth of those giant companies?”

“The savage growth of giant corporations?” An Liang wondered.

“Well, now these giant companies are like 100 cancer cells, expanding without limit and invading every field they want to enter.” Lu Wenshan explained.

“Take community group buying as an example. Recently, there has been a lot of noise on the Internet. Netizens have ridiculed leading companies, saying that overseas giant companies are studying how to immigrate to Mars, how to make recyclable rockets, and various high-level technologies.” Lu Wenshan Continue to explain.

“But look at the giants in our country. They are vying for living space with small businesses and hawkers one by one, and grabbing the living space of ordinary people in trivial matters. Do you think these giant enterprises are cancers?” Lu Wenshan ask.

Shen Shizhong answered from the side, “Recently, the matter of giants entering the community group buying is really hot on the Internet, and the vast majority of netizens are mad about giant companies.”

An Liang did not immediately answer Lv Wenshan’s question, he first analyzed and said, “Wenshan,” you asked two questions, not one.

“Huh?” Lu Wenshan wondered.

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