h1923 Backstab?[2/5]

Regarding the wine tasting, Philip VI actually hopes that the sooner the better, it is best to determine it immediately, including the export share of wine.

Because of the influence of the old king’s corruption and bribery case, the pressure on the Western half of the royal family is indeed relatively high. If the wine export volume can be greatly increased, it will indeed be a wave of life for the Western half of the royal family.

An Liang also knows the situation of the Spanish royal family, he responded, “If possible, the sooner the better, we are ready and can arrange for someone to come over at any time.

An Liang added, “His Majesty Philip, our import and export trading company has monopolized the wine import license to Great Australia.

Philip VI was stunned.

Is An Liang’s import and export trading company monopolizing the import and export license for the wines of Great Australia? Is that what he imagined?

“You mean” Philip VI took a deep breath before continuing to ask, “Can you already decide the amount of wine imported to Great Australia?”

An Liang nodded unceremoniously, “Yes, we can decide.

We “we will cut off the wine trade with Great Australia after we cooperate. In June, we imported nearly 7 million liters of wine from Great Australia. I hope that in August, this number will drop to 0!” An Liang calmly said something that made Philip VI uneasy.

Completely disrupt the wine trade with Great Australia?

That means they have won the West half!

“I also think the sooner the wine tasting happens, the better, what do you think in two days?” Philip VI chose Saturday, July 4th.

But this day is the date of Chen Siyu’s performance in the International Piano Competition, and An Liang has to go to Vienna, so naturally it is impossible to stay in the western half of the country.

So An Liang responded, “It’s not a good day!

“Huh?” Philip VI wondered.

“When we return to China, the transliteration of July 4 is to die,” which means bad, so we should avoid this day. I think Sunday is fine.” An Liang explained.

Philip VI breathed a sigh of relief, An Liang only asked for a one-day delay, which was completely fine.

“Okay, then according to Mr. Ann’s proposal, we will hold the wine tasting on July 5.” Philip VI explained.

An Liang also responded very politely, “I will send a message to Xia Guo in a while. In view of the time difference between us, it is expected that the other party will give feedback during the daytime in Xia Guo time, and I will relay the corresponding information to you.”

Okay, “Thank you Mr. Ann.” Philip VI responded.

Philip “Your Majesty is very kind! An Liang” said while raising his glass.

Lenore also raised her glass on the side. She was drinking orange juice and said in Xia Guoyu, “Cheers!”

Then she added the explanation, “Dad, Cheers in Xia Guoyu means to drink the wine in one gulp to show respect for the guests.”

Philip VI’s face is darkened, the wine glass in his hand is relatively large, and there is nearly one-third of the glass of wine. It seems a little difficult to drink it all in one gulp?

An Liang glanced at Lenore with a smile, and he drank his wine first.

Philip VI’s eyes were full of helplessness. Who would have thought that it was a backstab from his daughter?

Just drink it!

Philip VI’s drinking capacity is not particularly good. Fortunately, the wine has a lot of stamina, so the reaction of drinking it is not too obvious, otherwise Philip VI will be autistic on the spot.

A few minutes later, An Liang’s mobile phone vibrated. An Liang apologized first, then left the table to answer the call.

When An Liang left, Philip VI immediately looked at Lenore, “Lady Lenore, Dad’s alcohol capacity, you know!”

Lenore responded, “I know, but I also know that he likes to drink. The two of you have not yet determined the specific share of wine import and export. I think that if Dad drinks more with him, it should be more beneficial to the subsequent negotiations. .”

Queen Lydia added, “According to the information we collected, Mr. Ann does like to drink, and the wine is quite good.

Philip VI sighed, it seems that he is the only one who sacrificed the ego?

“Come on, Dad!” Lenoji used Xia Guoyu to cheer for Philip VI.

Philip VI himself also cheered on his (great self), it is too difficult to be a king, and the annual salary is only 240,000 euros. The key is that various pressures emerge one after another.

Whether it is from the public’s call to ban the royal family, or from the work pressure of social and public services, these pressures have turned the once handsome Philip VI into the middle-aged man of today’s M show.

Years are not forgiving!

In less than two minutes, An Liang took his seat again, and he took the initiative to say, “His Royal Highness Princess Lenoir, the gift I gave you has arrived and is being inspected. You can try it after a while.”

Lenore’s eyes lit up, “That would be great!”

Queen Lydia asked, “Is this flying bike dangerous?”

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