h1942 reservation champion? [1/5]

Vienna, State Opera.

An Liang held Chen Siyu’s right with her left hand and accompanied her to watch other people’s performances.

One of the contestants was playing “Merry, Mr. Lawrence” for Christmas. An Liang thought it was very good. He said in a low voice, “I think this person should get a high score!”

Chen Siyu responded, “No.

“Huh?” An Liang wondered.

“His playing has no soul.” Chen Siyu responded.



An Liang said that he can understand every word Chen Siyu said, but what does it mean when they are put together?

Playing soul?


Please forgive An Liang’s piano playing level, who is a god in the eyes of ordinary people, and an ordinary person in the eyes of gods.

At the end of the 30-song, the final score of this contestant has just reached 60 points, which is only a passing existence.

An Liang suddenly felt that Song Qing was right before. If he was allowed to participate, he might only get 10 points.

Perhaps it is difficult to understand the gap between masters and super masters in the field of piano. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, aren’t they both masters?

Ordinary people can’t understand the power of super masters, anyway, they know that super masters are very powerful.

In fact, another way of saying it is probably easier to understand.

Ordinary game players in the black iron and brass tiers think that the platinum and diamond tiers are masters, masters and grandmasters, and the strongest kings are super masters.

However, in the eyes of some professional players, including the strongest king, it is nothing more than that, cooking like a master, okay?

This is the case with An Liang.

When An Liang accompanied Chen Siyu to watch other contestants play, he received an email from Philip VI.

Whether it is Europa or in Bald Eagle Country, they like to use e-mail to deal with work, An Liang does not like it very much, he thinks that e-mail communication is too slow.

An Liang opened his e-mail and checked the e-mail sent by Philip VI. This e-mail stated that the delegation of the Crown Import and Export Trading Company had arrived in the western half of the country, Philip VI had received them, and the two sides had already carried out An initial friendly meeting.

In addition, Philip VI said that the wine tasting will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock at the Royal Hotel, and he asked An Liang if he would participate.

An Liang thought about it and replied to the e-mail, saying that he would like to participate, but it will not be over until tomorrow, and he may be late.

Less than three minutes after An Liang’s reply email was sent, he received another email from Philip VI.

In a newly replied email, Philip VI expressed his welcome to An Liang and his understanding that it might be late.

An Liang replied to the email casually, saying that he was looking forward to meeting Philip VI again.

When Philip VI’s email came over again, An Liang did not reply, and accompanies Chen Siyu attentively.

Near noon, the International Piano Competition is suspended for an hour, so that everyone can eat and the scorers need to rest.

Listening to the piano performance continuously and attentively and making a score is actually not as simple and easy as imagined.

During the entire morning’s race, Chen Siyu’s score of 89.5 was actually the first!

The contestants in the afternoon were better than those in the morning. Two contestants scored more than 90 points. Even An Liang could hear the surprise of the two contestants.

At more than seven o’clock in the evening, in the suite of the Royal Palace Hotel, An Liang was sitting on the sofa, and Chen Siyu became a cat in his arms.

“Are those contestants very good?” Chen Siyu asked.

An Liang sighed and nodded, “Yes!”

“I remember that the player named Vanya was too strong. It felt like watching a movie. That piece of playing the piano was simply too strong!” An Liang exclaimed.

Chen Siyu also sighed, “Yes, she is really strong, with an evaluation of 98 points, currently ranking first among all contestants.

“Playing the piano also requires talent. Her talent is undoubtedly a very powerful one. I think this time the 400 champion may be her.” Chen Siyu said with a bit of envy.

An Liang said with relief, “It’s good for us to enter the semi-finals, as long as we keep a place in the academy and wait for a talent to appear, there is always hope to win the first place.

Chen Siyu’s original goal was to break through the preliminary round and enter the semi-finals. She agreed with the response, “Well, it’s fine to rush into the semi-finals. I think there should be no problem.”

There are still 80 people playing on the stage today, and 67 people have not yet participated. At present, only 11 people have exceeded the 90-point level, and Chen Siyu ranked 12th with 89.5 points.

The qualifications for the preliminary round to enter the semi-finals are the top 64.

So the probability of Chen Siyu entering the semi-finals is already 100%, right?

It’s impossible for the 67 contestants in the back, all of them to be outrageously fierce, more than 50 or more than 90 points casually?

That’s almost impossible!

“By the way, I’m going to the West Half of the world tomorrow, are you really not going with me?” An Liang sent an invitation again.

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