h1946 Greater cooperation? [5/5]

The capital of the Western Hemisphere, the Royal Hotel on the northwestern outskirts of Madre.

Philip VI accompanied An Liang to taste different brands of red wine mixed with Sprite. After some tasting, An Liang concluded that high-end wine mixed with Sprite really tastes better than ordinary red wine.

Is it really worth it?

“Ann, do you like these wines?” asked Philip VI.

An Liang nodded, “I like it!

The wine merchants in the western half of the country are very attentive and put the price of Xia Guoyuan on each wine, including the exchange rate used, so as to facilitate An Liang’s judgment.

This An Liang has to give praise!

“Do we have any hope of “407” cooperation between the two sides?” Philip VI asked generously.

After all, this wine tasting is to promote the cooperation between the two parties, and it is better to ask generously.

An Liang responded, “The quality of your Western Hemisphere wines is very good, but there is one last question.”

“Please say,” asked Philip VI.

“Our import demand is huge!” An Liang set the tone first.

The surrounding wine merchants smiled, they were not afraid of the huge demand for An Liang. They are the third largest wine production country in the world in the western half of the country, with an annual output of more than three billion liters.

Great demand!

Philip VI looked at An Liang, “And then what?”

“I don’t doubt your supply chain, but I hope that the supply can be stabilized, especially in terms of price. I will not deliberately suppress the price, but I just hope to get the preferential plan that I deserve.” An Liang explained.

Philip VI looked at the wine merchants, “Gentlemen, do you have any objection to Mr. Ann’s request?”

Vintners responded negatively.

“of course not!”

We “will definitely give the best price!”

“Looking forward to working with Mr. An!”

“Praise Mr. Ann.”

An Liang laughed, “Gentlemen, Mr. Sun over there is in charge of the specific orders. You can negotiate with Mr. Sun, and His Majesty Philip and I will continue to taste your red wine.”

“One more thing!” An Liang added.

The wine merchants looked at An Liang and waited for An Liang to continue to explain.

“I hope that you will redesign the information scheme of the wine bottle label, list the wine grades of your Western Hemisphere, and indicate what grade this bottle of wine is in. This information should be prominently displayed, so as to facilitate us to promote your Western Half-toothed wine,” An Liang explained.

Philip VI affirmed, “This proposal is very good!

The vintners are not fools, of course they know that this proposal is very good, and they did not know that some profiteers in the Xia Kingdom used their Spanish wines to pass off as French wines to make huge profits.

It’s just that both sides have benefited, and everyone is tacit.

Now if they get more export orders from An Liang’s side, of course they will listen to An Liang.

Of course, the premise is to get enough export orders!

The wine merchants rushed over to Sun Jie.

Philip VI said like a family, “Ann, how many orders do you think the cooperation between the two parties can achieve this time?”

An Liang responded with a smile, “I think it can reach at least 1 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the order will cover the period from August to December, so as to wait for the response of the Great Australia.”

“His Majesty Philip, I think you should understand that this time we are targeting the Great Australia, not the Great Australia.” An Liang explained.

Philip VI nodded affirmatively, “I understand that even if you resume relations with the Great Australia next year, we will also receive an order of 1 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is equivalent to two years’ export under normal circumstances is .0”

“It’s good that His Majesty Philip can understand.” An Liang responded.

Philip VI added, “What if we go all out to export iron ore to your Xia kingdom?”

An Liang raised his eyebrows, “There are not many iron ore mines in the Western Hemisphere.”

“What if we cooperate with the North Bear Country? Philip,” continued King VI.

Philip VI analyzed, “We are the third largest automobile industry country in Europa, our transportation equipment and mining equipment are very developed, the North Bear country has iron ore resources, we have the equipment and funds, you have the demand for orders, and the North Bear country has iron ore resources. It’s very close to you, and the shipping costs are less.”

An Liang asked back, “However, the North Bear Kingdom can also develop itself?”

“Of course there is no problem!” Philip VI responded affirmatively, “The North Bear Country can indeed develop it by itself, but the North Bear Country lacks funds and equipment.”

Philip VI continued, “We still have a key trump card!

“Hello?” An Liang wondered.

“Our Western Hemisphere needs to import crude oil, and the North Bear country needs to export crude oil. The North Bear Country and Europa have been very idle recently because of the oil problem. We can support the 0.9 North Bear Country!” Philip VI showed his cards.

This hole card is indeed an ace!

As long as the Western Hemisphere supports the North Bear Country’s oil plan, the North Bear Country will certainly support the plan just proposed by Philip VI.

“Does the Europa League have no opinion?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

We “can have our own ideas, and don’t necessarily have to obey the big leagues or lose free will, right?” Philip VI explained.

An Liang nodded, “It seems to be the case.

“So we work together?” Philip asked rhetorically.

Update time: January 20, 2021 02:09:00, good night.

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