h1961 underestimated! [5/5]

An Liang made a meticulous plan for the Great Australia, but when everything was ready and only due to Dongfeng, An Liang himself did not get in the car, could he still be okay?

At this moment, An Liang felt that he was cursed by an uncle!

“Mr. An, what should we do now?” Li Gang asked.

An Liang sighed, “Let’s stare first, see the situation and then call me if there is any new situation.

“Okay. Li Gang” responded.

An Liang hung up the encrypted voice communication channel, and he said to himself helplessly, “These guys are crazy!”

There was no chance in the US stock market, An Liang thought about it, and then called Avrolla.

After waiting for the call to “Four Three Seven”, An Liang said first, “Aflora, are you still in the imperial capital?”

“Of course! What’s the matter?” Avrolla asked rhetorically.

Could it be that “your school doesn’t have summer vacation?” An Liang was a little curious.

“We only have the final exam this week.” Avrora explained, “Mr. Ann, what’s the matter with you?”

“It’s still about collaboration.” An Liang responded.

Avlora replied regretfully, “I’m sorry, Mosk has already rejected Mr. Ann’s proposal, and I have no way to persuade them.”

“No no no, let the past pass, let’s talk about new cooperation.” An Liang responded.

“New cooperation?” Avrora asked with interest, “What new cooperation?”

An Liang said simply, “You should already know about our cooperation with Western Hemisphere, right?”

I saw the news on Weibo, congratulations!” Avrolla expressed her congratulations.

“When I was in the western half of the country, His Majesty Philip proposed a cooperation plan. The western half of the country will cooperate with your North Bear country to develop iron ore resources. They will provide the capital and mining equipment in the western half of the country, and you will provide the mineral resources and human resources. How about we Xiaguo buy these iron ore, so as to achieve a win-win situation for the three parties?” An Liang proposed a new cooperation plan.

Before Avroola responded, An Liang continued, “If this one cooperation can go well, the Western Hemisphere will support you in your oil dispute with the Europa League.”

Avrora, who was far away in the imperial capital, heard the conditions put forward by An Liang. She was not a silly white sweet who didn’t understand anything. She knew very well the situation of the North Bear Kingdom and the problems of the North Bear Kingdom.

If the Western Hemisphere can support the North Bear Country in the oil dispute between the North Bear Country and the Europa League, it is of great significance to the North Bear Country.

Mr. An, “Aren’t you joking?” Avrora asked cautiously.

“Of course I’m not kidding.” An Liang said with certainty, “We can agree on a time. I will contact His Majesty King Philip VI of the West. You can contact your father. Let’s have a good conversation?”

For An Liang to point out her father’s situation, Avrolla is not surprised, if An Liang can’t find this information, it would be strange!

“Okay, when do you think it’s appropriate?” Avrora asked rhetorically.

“We have a proverb in Xia State, called An Liang, before he could say it, Avrolla answered quickly.

“It’s better to hit the sun instead of choosing another day?” Avrola said the proverb, “Is that today?

“I think it can be done now!” An Liang responded.

“Wait a minute, I’ll contact my father first and ask for his opinion.” Avrora responded.

An Liang agreed, “Okay, I’ll contact you later.”

After the two sides ended the call, An Liang did not contact Philip VI immediately. Philip VI was the active partner. As long as An Liang contacted, Philip VI would definitely agree.0

But Avlora’s father, Vasilevich, is different. He is the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the North Bear Country. He has more things to consider, and An Liang is not sure about the other party’s attitude.

After Avlora ended the call, she immediately contacted a phone number and reported a string of code numbers. After being verified, the other party transferred to contact Vasilevich.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Avrola first greeted, “Dad, are you off work?”

It is now close to ten o’clock in the evening in the Xia Kingdom, and the time in the North Bear Kingdom is five hours later than that in the Xia Kingdom, which means that it is close to five o’clock in the afternoon in the North Bear Kingdom.

“I haven’t gotten off work yet, but I don’t have a job anymore. Do you have anything to do?” Vasilevich asked.

Avlora used the emergency contact channel, and Vasilevich naturally wanted to ask.

“Does Dad remember An Liang?” Avrora asked.

“Of course I remember.” Vasilevich responded, “although we did not cooperate with Anxin Investment, we cooperated amicably with his other company in Tyrande.”

“He proposed a new cooperation with 0.9 today, and he is ready to pass through the Western Hemisphere,” Avrora said quickly An Liang’s proposal.

After waiting to finish speaking, Avrolla asked, “Dad, what do you think of this cooperation?”

Vasilevich was silent, and he thought about it before responding, “The specific situation cannot be judged, but you can reply to him, our North Bear Country is willing to negotiate.”

“Just are you sure he can contact Philip VI?” Vasilevich asked rhetorically.

Vasilevich is obviously a little younger An Liang!

Updated: January 23, 2021 02:20:44, sleepy, good night.

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