Is the h1979 protest valid? [3/5]

Ayu’s real evaluation has been on the hot search on Weibo, and a large number of people who eat melon have liked it. The operation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has won a lot of popularity.

But it also caused problems!

For example, protests from overseas.

Whether it is on Weibo or overseas Face, there are people protesting against the different treatment of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, condemning the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for engaging in regional discrimination and seed discrimination.

In particular, Neon, a part of Neon’s melon-eating people directly posted on Weibo, hoping that the Graphene Technology Group of Dreams in the future will find its way back and not engage in the sales strategy of seed discrimination.

Neon news:

Dear @ dream of the future graphene, we are the neon social observation program “Neon News” column group.

Regarding the beacon of hardware aids for the visually impaired that you released, our column team hopes to make a special promotional documentary for it, and thank your company for your contribution to the disadvantaged.

At the same time, my 480 column team hopes that your company can open up sales channels in overseas regions, so that the lighthouse can light up more dark worlds and bring hope to more visually impaired people.

This public welfare project to light up the dark world of the visually impaired should focus on caring for disadvantaged groups regardless of national borders and seeds, right?

Looking forward to your reply!

An Liang looked at the Weibo posted on the hot search “Neon News”, and he showed a disdainful smile.

No borders?

Regardless of seeds?

What are you thinking?

Feel sorry!

An Liang is more willing to believe that people who are not my race will have different hearts.

An Liang directly logged into the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene. He first liked the real review of “I am Ayu”, and then posted a new Weibo.

Dreaming of Future Graphene:

@NEONJANNEWS: Thank you very much for your attention to the lighthouse, and thank you very much for your idea of ​​making a promotional documentary for the lighthouse, but the lighthouse is a non-profit project in Xiaguo, and we do not need a new promotional film.

Regarding the issue of opening the international sales channel of Lighthouse, we can only express regret that there are certain technical difficulties and production difficulties.

The first is technical difficulty. Our lighthouse is developed based on Xia Guoyu, and we are temporarily unable to change the entire language system to other languages.

The second is the difficulty of production. We dream that the Graphene Technology Group will not have a lighthouse production line in the future. We mainly entrust the Didu Precision Manufacturing Company to assemble and produce.

Although the production capacity of Didu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. can keep up, the chip production capacity of @DarkCore Technology Co., Ltd. cannot keep up.

In particular, Lighthouse’s technology, from hardware equipment to software programs, including chip design and manufacturing, has achieved a completely independent Xia Guohua. Our graphics processing chips are independently designed and produced by using 28nm technology.

In view of the existence of two unsolvable problems, we are indeed unable to open international sales channels in a short period of time, and we hope that the masses of melon eaters will understand.

As for when to open international sales channels, this question requires the big boss to nod before (daai) to decide.

After all, the lighthouse is a public welfare project, and @我是阿布 is right. After comprehensive calculation, we will lose about a thousand yuan for each production and sale of one set according to the supply agreement signed with Apple Xiaguo.

You are not mistaken, the sale of each lighthouse will bring us a loss of more than 1,000 yuan.

So it is impossible for our big boss to easily agree to the overseas sale of the lighthouse.

But please stay safe overseas consumers, we are developing a more powerful second-generation lighthouse, the second-generation lighthouse will be equipped with better depth-of-field cameras, better laser ranging radar, more powerful graphics chips, and lighter weight The full carbon fiber structure helmet, as well as a series of advanced hardware technology solutions.

The second-generation lighthouse will provide at least twice the performance of the first-generation lighthouse, and will be equipped with a special natural language recognition chip to provide language recognition and support for overseas regions.

Of course, the more advanced hardware configuration has been updated, and the basic material cost will definitely not be maintained in terms of price.

In order to maintain the lighthouse public welfare project in a healthy way, our second-generation lighthouse will serve consumers with better economic conditions, thereby providing fresh blood for public welfare projects.

All in all, we will work hard to let consumers in overseas regions also use the lighthouse as soon as possible!

So that the light of the lighthouse illuminates every corner of the world.

Thanks for the support!

An Liang used the Dream Future Graphene official blog account to release new information, although the words and sentences are very polite, but the whole text is densely written about regional discrimination and seed discrimination.”

What second-generation lighthouses, what hardware enhancements, what two major problems, etc., are all bullshit!

In the final analysis, An Liang did not want to be cheap overseas.

Sympathy should be used in the right place, bad people won’t win everyone’s favor.

Anyway, An Liang is not a bad guy, and he doesn’t like bad guys either.

Want a lighthouse overseas?

no problem!

A more powerful second-generation lighthouse will open overseas sales channels.

But the price…

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