h1987 Master Zhang? Yang Dingtian! [1/5]

After An Liang used the Dream Future Graphene official blog account to post a blog post, Eric also used Amgen’s official blog to send the latest blog post, thus showing the way Amgen’s agent sells lighthouses.

Amgen Corporation:

First of all, I am very grateful to the friends of Xia Guo for their concern. We will focus on replying to a few questions:

Question one:

Can overseas visually impaired people in Xia Guo buy the lighthouse at the price of 2550 Xia Guoyuan?


Can not!

Xiaguo special version lighthouse, when applying for the lighthouse app, you will need Xiaguo ID card registration to verify the identity information.

Question two:

Can visually impaired citizens of Xia Kingdom in Bald Eagle Country buy lighthouses for 2550 Xia Guoyuan?


Can not!

The price of the lighthouse in Bald Eagle Country is $3999, which cannot be sold at the price of 2550 Xia Guoyuan.

If a visually impaired citizen of Xia Guo in the Bald Eagle country still retains the nationality of Xia Guo 30, and has the ID card information of Xia Guo, it is recommended to return to Xia Guo to subscribe.

The Lighthouse app needs to verify the location information during registration and subscription, and overseas regions cannot pass the verification.

Question three:

How are Lighthouses sold in Bald Eagle Country?


The sales method of the first 5,000 lighthouses, according to the negotiation of our senior executives of Amgen, we will first supply them to the VIP customers of Amgen.

The second is our cooperative customers of Amgen.

At the same time, we have obtained the authorization of the lighthouse app, and we will take out 500 lighthouses for random application and purchase. The specific situation will be announced on the Bald Eagle Country side.

Question four:

Is the Xiaguo special version of the lighthouse available overseas?



If the visually impaired in Xia Guo travels overseas, the lighthouse will still provide corresponding services, but the right to use the lighthouse is bound to the individual, so it is impossible to resell the special version of Xia Guo lighthouse to other countries.

Finally, thanks to @dreamfuture graphene, our cooperation is very pleasant.

Originally, Amgen was a little transparent on Weibo, but this time, after cooperating with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on the lighthouse project, their popularity was very high.

Once they published a blog post, the number of likes would not exceed ten.

If it exceeds?

It must be the company’s employees, as well as the cooperative customers’ friendly praise.

Now their latest blog post has over 10,000 likes, and the number of comments is also increasing rapidly.

keep me healthy:

Beacon Bull!

Dreaming of the future Graphene Technology Group Niu Hua!

Our Xia Kingdom only costs 2550 yuan, and the price of the Bald Eagle Kingdom is more than ten times more expensive.

This reply rushed to the first popular comment, and a large number of melon eaters felt honored. After all, this kind of regional discrimination strategy and seed discrimination strategy with huge price gaps are bullshit in the eyes of melon eaters!

However, there are also people who sing the opposite.

Fat Tianhai people:

You people can’t see it!

You only looked at the tenfold price difference between the lighthouse in Xia Kingdom and Bald Eagle Country, but you did not delve into it, at what price did Dream Future Graphene Technology Group sell the lighthouse to Amgen?

According to my guess, the price of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s sale of the lighthouse to Amgen is definitely not less than 10,000 yuan.

Pursuing profits is the essence of a business company!

This reply is the second most popular comment, and a large number of melon eaters and sand sculpture netizens are frantically spraying this reply. Although this person clearly sees the operation of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, so what?

Shouldn’t the Dreaming Future Graphene Technology Group make money?

More importantly, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group earns money from the Bald Eagle Country, not the visually impaired Enxia Country, so what’s the problem?

An Liang also saw Amgen’s latest blog post, and he clicked a like on the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene.

As for the 493 things in the popular comments that they dreamed of making money from the future Graphene Technology Group, An Liang was too lazy to reply.

There are so many weird things on the Internet!

Dreaming of the future Graphene Technology Group is not a red ticket, there are always people who don’t like it.

Even if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group gives everyone a red note, some people only like the red note, but they don’t like the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

This is the complex mind!

At about six o’clock in the evening, An Liang was on his way back to Yunjing International Apartment when he received a message from Zhao Wanxi.

“Zhao Wanxi: The lighthouse thing is done beautifully!

“An Liang: ?

“Zhao Wan; do you have time in the evening? Let’s have dinner together.”

An Liang: No time.

Zhao Wan: So afraid of me?

“An Liang: Yes, my mother said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

Zhao Wanxi; Are you Master Zhang?

“An Liang: Sorry, Xiaosheng Yang Dingtian!!

Zhao Ning is scared!

This guy An Liang accidentally drove again!.

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