h1993 promotes its own industry! [2/5]

Liang Xue refused the welfare live broadcast arranged by An Liang.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, “Why?”

“I…” Liang Xue didn’t know what to say for a while.

According to her relationship with An Liang, An Liang arranged such a thing for her, she should have been happy, after all, what’s wrong with making some money?

But Liang Xue felt that she had fallen, and she was a little reluctant to accept An Liang’s arrangement, so as to avoid being looked down upon by An Liang.

An Liang vaguely guessed what Liang Xue was thinking, he leaned back on the sofa, and then put Liang Xuelou in his arms.

Liang Xue also snuggled in An Liang’s arms obediently.

An Liang stroked Liang Xue’s smooth hair, and the originally silent atmosphere gradually warmed up.

Liang Xue also played the league game, and was a professional assistant. An Liang naturally chose the output position. The two bathed and changed before starting the league game.

A game lasted for more than half an hour, and when it was over, Liang Xue snuggled gently in An Liang’s arms.

An Liang said again, “I brought you the live broadcasts I found, and you can deal with them honestly. I am very selfish. You are mine, so it can only be mine, understand?”

An Liang is indeed very selfish!

Liang Xue is An Liang’s assistant, so it can only be An Liang’s assistant. If Liang Xue wants to assist other people, An Liang will not say anything about getting together or breaking up, he will only kill the opponent’s shooter until it collapses. .

Facing An Liang’s domineering remarks, Liang Xue responded obediently, “I see.”

“Yeah!” An Liang responded first, and then asked, “Do you have a live broadcast account?”

“I have already applied, and I applied on the small video app Douyin.” Liang Xue explained.

“Go to Peer Video Application!” An Liang explained.

Peier Video is a small video app owned by Anxin Media. It is not as popular as the mainstream Douyin and Kuaidao platforms. However, after Anxin invested a lot of money, Anxin Media’s tentacles continued to spread on the Internet.

At present, Anxin Media is already a quasi-giant in the media field.

“By the way, Peer Video is an industry under my banner, and this live broadcast is just to promote Peer Video.” An Liang added.

Liang Xue breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. It turned out that An Liang wanted to promote Peier’s video. Liang Xue comforted herself and accepted An Liang’s gift.

When Liang Xue applied for the live broadcast of Peier Video, An Liang instructed Xue Zhongrui of Anxin Media to release the news through the channel of Anxin Media, saying that Peier Video would start the live broadcast of the graphene version of the iPhone at 8 o’clock in the evening.

Although the popularity of graphene iPhones is very high, Peier video is relatively small, so it should be warmed up in advance.

In the afternoon, Anxin Media was warming up this matter. Lu Zhiqiang, the sales director of Apple Xiaguo, also sent a message to An Liang, saying that the lucky bag gift package had been prepared, and also shot a video and sent it to An Liang, so as to facilitate An Liang for publicity.

This video was also sent out through the channel of Anxin Media, and the people who were still skeptical of melon-eating people began to download and register the Peer video.

Near 8 o’clock in the evening, Xue Zhongrui received a message that the number of registrations of Peer Video had increased by nearly 2 million, which was great news for Peer Video.

After all, the user group of Peier Video is too small!

“It’s eight o’clock soon, Xue Xue, are you ready for the live broadcast?” An Liang asked.

Liang Xue nodded, “I’ll broadcast live in the living room, and I’ll just explain the products in the lucky bag gift package and the price, right?”

“Promote the Peer video by the way.” An Liang added.

“Understood!” Liang Xue responded.

At 7:59 in the evening, Liang Xue started the broadcast one minute earlier.

Before the broadcast, An Liang withdrew from the range of mobile phone cameras, and he was still willing to hide behind the scenes.

In Peier’s video, Liang Xue’s live broadcast room is called “Bringing Goods: Lucky Bag Gift Pack: Graphene Version iPhone”, which is very straightforward and rude, but also very effective.

When Liang Xue started broadcasting, her popularity in the live broadcast room directly reached a height of 3 million.

Peer Video inevitably uses “popularity fake data.

An Liang has a super-authorized account of Peier Video. He can directly check the number of people in the live broadcast room. Although the popularity is 3 million, the number of people is only a little over 190,000.

Liang Xue said to the camera of the mobile phone, “Hello everyone, I’m Liang Xue. Today is the first time I’m bringing goods live, and everyone is welcome to support me.

An Liang directly closed the bullet screen. There are too many keyboard warriors on the Internet, and their quality is uneven. Although he instructed the management personnel of Peiershi (Nuo Zhao) frequently in advance, if he speaks ill of words, he will be directly banned, but he can’t change anything. keyboard warrior problem.

Liang Xue first introduced the products in the lucky bag gift package, and she said, “In the lucky bag gift package, the only uncertain product is whether the graphene version of the mobile phone is a small Pro or a big Max, but what we can guarantee is that, Both have 1,000 units each, and the probability of getting them is halved.

“I’ll put it on the shelves immediately, you can check it in the shopping cart.” Liang Xue added, “By the way, for the sake of fairness, we only put 200 lucky bags at a time. After the 200 lucky bags are sold out, we will put down another one. batch.”

However, Liang Xue underestimated the enthusiasm of the audience! Xun,

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