h1996 a possibility! [5/5]

The imperial capital, a courtyard somewhere.

Zhao Wanxi closed Peier’s live video, she muttered to herself, “Are you testing the bottom line step by step?”

Zhao Wanxi has seen through An Liang’s scheme.

An Liang asked Liang Xue to live broadcast the goods, which seemed to kill two birds with one stone. It not only helped Liang Xue but also promoted Peier’s video, but Zhao Wanxi looked deeper and farther.

Zhao Wanjin understands that this is An Liang testing the bottom line.

By linking Liang Xue with the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, revealing his relationship with Liang Xue, so as to test the bottom line of other girlfriends.

This is a marginal strategy.

Through this plausible way of revealing information, the “May 10” will break through the boundaries step by step.

Zhao Wanxi sighed, “Why are you so greedy?”

In fact, Zhao Wanxi knows all about An Liang, but An Liang has a special attraction. Even though Zhao Wanxi knows that An Liang has multiple girlfriends, Zhao Wanjin still thinks An Liang is really good.

At least compared with Li Cunyuan, An Liang is indeed a better choice.

“I know what you think, but the situation in Corea is the same as ours, so why do you invest a lot of power in Corea?” Zhao Wanjin thought to herself.

Zhao Wanjin also knows that An Liang has invested a lot of power in Corea.

Originally, Zhao Wanxi thought that An Liang would choose Masia or Tyrande.

After all, Masia has laws that An Liang likes, and Masia’s laws can support An Liang’s current situation, plus Masia is right next to Tyrande, according to An Liang’s power in Tyrande, if An Liang wants to interfere with Maasia , definitely that’s the more convenient thing to do.

Tyrande is also a better choice than Coria!

Although Tyrande’s law clearly stipulates monogamy, but the king of Tyrande took a concubine just after three months of marriage, and the king publicly took the lead. Does Tyrande still understand the situation?

Also, the king of Tyrande is not the king of the West.

The king of the western half of the country is the spiritual symbol of the country. Although he also has certain rights, the power is very small. Otherwise, the king of the western half of the country is the poorest family in Europa?

But the king of Tyrande was different!

According to the laws of Tyrande, the king of Tyrande has the following rights:

1. The right to be immune from any charges;

2. The right to veto the resolutions of the meeting;

3. No one is allowed to offend or criticize the king, otherwise it is a crime of disrespect and can be punished up to the death penalty;

4. The king is the supreme leader of the Tyrande military;

A whole lot of power makes the king of Tyrande actually the supreme leader of Tyrande, completely different from the king of the Western Hemisphere.

In this case, the king of Tyrande openly took concubines, what is the situation of Tyrande’s law, don’t you know?

Zhao Wanxi is very aware of An Liang’s influence in Tyrande.

Taking Guman, the capital of Tyrande as an example, the alliance formed by Renyi Security Company and Ren’an Investment Company has become the underground king of Guman.

Even though from the surface, the two of them only occupy 70% of the sphere of influence, but in fact the remaining 30% belong to them.

At present, Guman has undergone subtle changes. Tyrande was once known as a very dangerous country, but now the situation is completely different. The public security environment in Guman has fundamentally changed, thus attracting more tourists.

There used to be all kinds of slaughter, theft and robbery in Guman, and even worse, but now these things seem to disappear silently.

This kind of situation seems to be a good thing on the surface, it represents the development of civilization, and it also represents the progress of order.0

But it’s terrifying to think about!

That’s right!

If you think about it, this question can be creepy.

Why did the capital of Tyrande change like this?

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, you will find that Renyi Security Company has dominated this matter. It can already control the public security environment of a city. What kind of control does it represent?

In a super-large city with a population of more than 13 million, Renyi Security Company can control the security environment and maintain it, which means that the control of this city has reached the level of detail.

Anyway, Zhao Wanxi felt that if An Liang had any idea, it would definitely be Tyrande more suitable, not Corea.

Coria is not easy to handle!

Corea is a developed country, whether it is economy, technology, or system, all of which are comparable to Western countries, and Corea is deeply involved with Western countries.

On the surface, Korea is Korea, but if you look at the essence through phenomena, Korea is the younger brother of the bald eagle country led by a large number of countries.

If Zhao Wanxi is asked to choose, Zhao Wan will definitely choose Tyrande at 0.9 points, not Corea.

After all, the difficulty of Coreya can be said to be level 100, and the difficulty of Tyrande, according to the current development of Renyi Security Company there, may be level 1?

“An Liang, what do you want to do?” Zhao Wanxi was also thinking about this matter.

“Wait… Zhao Wanxi suddenly thought of a possibility!

Humble Street Author: The 1996 chapter is the meaning of a 996 good news, I hope everyone has a good news.

Update time: January 30, 2021 02:29:19, the good news is over, good night.

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