H1999’s old father-in-law never disappoints in drinking! [3/5]

At about 12:30 at noon, An Liang took Xia Xiaodong’s Audi Q7 to go to the private restaurant, Xia Hexin drove a Porsche Cayenne and Xia Ruyi followed.

On the way, Xia Xiaodong told An Liang a lot about the two sisters when they were young, allowing An Liang to grasp some of the dark history of the two sisters.

Near a quarter to one, An Liang and the four arrived at the Satisfying Ruyi Private Kitchen.

An Liang and Xia Xiaodong naturally walked in the front, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin followed, everyone came to the No. 1 box, Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi ordered food, and after waiting for a plate of crispy peanuts, Xia Xiaodong had already pulled An Liang Start drinking.

In terms of drinking, Xia Xiaodong, the old father-in-law, never let An Liang down. After two glasses of white wine, Xia Xiaodong became An Liang’s good brother again, and he wanted to arrange for An Liang to take care of his two daughters.

An Liang could only pretend to be drunk and agree.

When it was nearly half past two, Xia Xiaodong was already lying on the table, An Liang also pretended to be drunk, Cai Yushan came to the No. 1 box, she first looked at 520 Xia Xiaodong and An Liang lying on the table.

“What happened to the two of them?” Cai Yushan asked.

Xia Ruyi spoke first, “What else is going on, my father dragged An Liang to drink and blow, every time it was like this, it was over until both of them fell down.”

Xia He nodded, “Neither of them know self-control!

Cai Yushan sighed and shook her head, “This old Xia obviously can’t drink An Liang’s.”

Xia Ruyi denied it, “Today my father got up, and the two fought for more than a pound, and that’s what happened!”

“By the way, you didn’t go shopping with your dad today, so why are you with An Liang again? Cai Yushan” found a blind spot.

“He came back from the imperial capital today, and came to look for us. By the way, he gave Dad a suit, and then Dad took him over for a drink.” Xia Ruyi threw the pot to Xia Xiaodong.

Maybe this is a girl extrovert?

“This old Xia!” Cai Yushan also complained about Xia Xiaodong, “You sent An Liang back, hey, now it’s a holiday, does he have a place to live?”

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi thought for a while, it seems that An Liang lived in the school during his school days. He didn’t buy a house outside, let alone rent a house. Even if he lived outside, it would be a hotel.

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi looked at each other, Xia Hexin responded, “There is a place to live in their company.

Cai Yushan responded, “That’s good, you can also send it to his company’s dormitory.”

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi secretly laughed.

Company dormitory?

The dormitory of Anxin Investment Company should be the Nina Hotel next to it, right?

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi left together with An Liang. Cai Yushan looked at the back of them carrying An Liang away, her eyes were full of complicated eyes, she finally shook her head, thinking to herself, the children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Young people’s affairs, then let the young people handle it themselves.

Cai Yishan retracted her mind and looked at Xia Xiaodong who was lying on the table like a dead pig. She thought about it for a while, then helped Xia Xiaodong up, and then threw it into the rest area of ​​Box 1.

She also has to deal with the matter of having dinner at a private restaurant, so it is naturally impossible to send Xia Xiaodong back now (daaj), but she is worried about having a driver to send it back.

After all, Xia Xiaodong was completely drunk, not conscious.

In the back row of the Porsche Cayenne, Xia Ruyi helped An Liang to sit in, Xia Hexin was in charge of driving, and Xia Ruyi pushed An Liang.

“Brother-in-law, are you really drunk?” Xia Ruyi asked.

An Liang hummed in response, “A little too much.”

Xia Ruyi responded, “It seems that you are not drunk, where are we taking you?

“Isn’t it the company dormitory?” An Liang teased in return.

Xia Ruyi hummed lightly.

An Liang put her in his arms.

Xia Ruyi whispered, “The wine tastes so strong, I don’t like it.

An Liang let her go, he is really drinking heavily now.

More than half an hour later, Xia Hexin drove to the Nina Hotel, and An Liang booked the executive suite No. 6606 again. This suite has important commemorative significance.

Although the most important souvenirs have been taken.

In Suite 6606, Xia Hexin got a hot towel in the washroom to wash An Liang’s face, and Xia Ruyi was preparing warm water for An Liang. After the two of them operated, An Liang felt better.

On the sofa in the suite, An Liang rested on Xia Hexin’s thigh. He yawned and asked, “How is the mudslide in Anle Township now?”

Before Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin answered, An Liang continued, “There are still mudslides over there, I think it’s too dangerous, so why don’t you go?”

Xia Ruyi on the other sofa responded, “It wasn’t that there was a mudslide in Anle Township, but a mudslide happened on the mountain road to Anle Township, and no casualties were caused.”

Xia Hexin agreed, “Ruyi is right, but there was a mudslide on the mountain road. In addition, the school has informed us that the mudslide is about to be dealt with, and we can start tomorrow or the day after, and try to arrive in Anle Township before Friday.

An Liang responded casually, “That’s when classes start next Monday?

“Yeah!” Xia Ruyi nodded.

An Liang continued to ask, “You have been delayed by a week, will you stay there for an extra week?”

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