h2002 can’t save everyone![1/5]

“Mr. An, Ms. Xia, ready to eat.” Miao Miao’s voice came from downstairs.

Xia Ruyi responded with a blushing face, “Let’s go down to eat first.

Xia Hexin sent a message to Kang Yujia and made a voice call to remind the other party to check the message.

On the third floor, Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo browsed the suite, and their eyes showed surprise. This small building looks very simple from the outside, but the interior is actually very luxurious.

To be honest, Kang Yujia felt that the decoration of the suite was better than her home.

When she received the message from Xia Hexin, she walked to the next door and greeted Xu Nuo to go downstairs for dinner.

In less than three minutes, everyone came to the front room on the first floor. The back room contains the kitchen and dining room, and there is a separate toilet behind the room 30, which is convenient for the security personnel of Renyi Security Company.

There are two tables of meals in the restaurant, one table for An Liang and others, and one table for the security staff of Renyi Security Company.

After all, there were ten people at the table at Renyi Security Company, and eight of them were male security personnel.

Xia Ruyi looked at the dishes on the table, including braised pork ribs, stewed chicken, boiled fish, roasted preserved eggs with peppers, diced peppers, fried water spinach, and a salad with eggplant.

All are Nishikawa-style dishes.

“How about a taste?” An Liang motioned to Xia Ruyi to taste it.

Xia Ruyi picked up the preserved pepper egg that Pei Ye didn’t dare to eat, she took a sip, then her eyes lit up, “Delicious!

Xia Hexin was tasting the boiled fish. It was obviously just an ordinary white salmon, but the flesh was delicate and had no fishy smell. The most important thing was that it had been treated with thorns.

Whitefish can also be thorned, but the thorns are more troublesome.

Kang Yujia was eating preserved pork ribs, she ate a piece and praised, “This preserved pork ribs is also delicious, and the meat flavor is too strong!”

An Liang said casually, “This should be the black fragrant pig from Daliangshan.

While they were eating, they praised the dishes. After eating, An Liang introduced the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, especially the two female security personnel Miao Lei and Xiaozhu, who would be responsible for cooking in the future. They can cook whatever they want to eat in late summer.

Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo are silently envious, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin’s teaching experience is too cool, right?

They wanted to come to teach, An Liang came to build a house, the key is that this house is comparable to a five-star hotel.

In order to protect the safety of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, An Liang arranged for the security personnel to be returned.

It’s too dreamy, isn’t it?

Is this someone else’s boyfriend?

Although Kang Yujia always said that An Liang wanted to be a leopard, in fact, Kang Yujia still didn’t understand Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin’s choice.

Until now, Kang Yujia suddenly understood Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin’s choice.

After all, with a boyfriend like An Liang, what more could you ask for?

After lunch, Xia Ruyi proposed to go to Anle Township Primary School for a walk, contact the principal to report in advance, and arrange for classes to start next week.

Anle Township is a high-altitude mountainous area surrounded by mountains and forests. Even at noon in July, it is still not too hot.

Before going to Anle Township Primary School, Xia Hexin contacted Zeng Xiaofang, the principal of Anle Township Primary School. When An Liang and the three arrived at Anle Township Primary School, Zeng Xiaofang was already waiting for them.

An Liang glanced at Zeng Xiaofang’s information through the interpersonal relationship scanning system. She is 52 years old this year, and her moral score is as high as 93. This data alone makes An Liang very reassured.

If the moral character exceeds 90 points, it will not be bad in terms of moral character.

An Liang did not participate in the exchange between the two sisters of the Xia family and Principal Zeng. He looked at the school of Anle Township Primary School.

This school conforms to the characteristics of an imaginary poor school. The classrooms composed of bungalows, the playground paved with cinders, the slightly rusted parallel bars, and the stone ping-pong table are full of a sense of age.

Just like the previous investigation by Renyi Security Company.


An Liang checked it out and made a decision in his heart.

An Liang is not a saint, but he is not lacking in love either.

An Liang can’t help everyone, but he can help those in front of him.

About half an hour later, the two sisters of the Xia family and Principal Zeng ended their exchange. Principal Zeng was full of smiles. It was obvious that the exchange between the two sides was very pleasant.

“Brother-in-law, we have agreed with Principal Zeng that classes will start next Monday.” Xia Ruyi said actively.

An Liang asked curiously, “It’s summer vacation, are those little guys still willing to come back to class?”

Principal Zeng responded, “We informed every student’s parents before the holiday, and we will invite the top students from Tianfu to come over for summer vacation teaching practice. It is entirely voluntary, but most of the students will come. ”

Zeng Xiaofang did not elaborate. For the children in the mountains, this is a rare educational opportunity, and most of them will come here.

After all, it is already 2020. Everyone knows that only by studying hard can we have the opportunity to leave the mountains.

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