H2004 No. 4’s Sao Operation! [3/5]

Fan Ping has forged the documents, and the No. 4 Tianji Shenshen did not directly release the gossip, because he had a better way.

No. 4 Tianji Shenshen posted a post on the Deep Web Grey Castle Forum for the sale of confidential information, and briefly described the content of the confidential document, including the secret cooperation between the Xia Kingdom and the North Bear Kingdom.

The asking price is as high as one million dollars, and only virtual currency is accepted for payment.

No.4 Tianji Shensuan has a senior account of Grey Castle. An Liang once used this deep web forum, and No.4 is now using it again.

imperial capital.

NSA headquarters.

Shi Feng once obtained information through the Grey Castle, and the sniffing program he set up immediately discovered the keyword “Xia”, which caught Shi Feng’s attention.

“BOSS, we found a big fish!” Shi Feng quickly summoned Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang came over and asked, “What’s the situation?”

“Look!” Shi Feng showed the relevant information on the Grey 550 Castle Deep Web Forum, “There is a Grey Castle premium account that sells our secret cooperation information with the North Bear Kingdom, and the asking price is as high as 1 million US dollars. Do we want to buy it? ”

Our “secret cooperation with the North Bear Country?” Huang Guoxiang’s mind flashed the names of several projects, including a certain thing that An Liang had asked about.

“Is it possible that it is false information?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

Shi Feng responded negatively, “Impossible. First of all, the other party is a senior account of Grey Castle. This account’s level is much higher than mine. I have heard his legend.”

“The transaction of Grey Castle requires an intermediary. The last time we purchased the materials, we went through the intermediary.” Shi Feng explained.

Huang Guoxiang nodded, “Then buy it!”

However, when Shi Feng was operating the purchase, his expression changed slightly, (daai) “Crap, Mr. Huang, we are a step behind, this post is locked, indicating that someone has purchased the news, and it has now entered the transaction process. ”

“What?” Huang Guoxiang frowned, “Is there a way to get the information?”

“There is no way, the encryption of Castle Grey is very advanced, I can’t crack it.” Shi Feng responded.

“Then is there any way to contact the other party, and we can buy another copy? Huang Guoxiang” asked.

“I’ll give it a try.” Shi Feng said without guarantee.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan uses vests to trade with other people normally. In order to pass the verification of the middleman, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan mirror clones the virtual information that invaded the Xia State National Security Agency.

When An Liang and Huang Guoxiang were working together, No. 4 had entered the internal network of the National Security Bureau of Investigation. Now No. 4 is using the previous information to mirror and clone the security system of the National Security Bureau of Investigation, so as to pretend to be an intrusion.

Such a sham operation has fooled the middleman, and made a fake information become real information and spread out.

No. 4 turned the spread of gossip into the sale of confidential information, not only fulfilling An Liang’s orders, but also gaining financial benefits.

The more important thing is that the gossip that spreads like this is more believable.

After all, it was classified information stolen from the Xia State National Security Investigation Bureau, so who would doubt it?

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu just completed the transaction and received the contact information from Shi Feng. Shi Feng’s information was very sincere, and he sent a deep web link directly, and expressed his willingness to purchase the other party’s information.

If the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God is willing to sell the information, they are willing to trade privately, thus bypassing the Grey Castle and avoiding the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God’s reputation loss.

Transactions in the gray castle, especially information transactions, are prohibited from conducting a second transaction, otherwise they will be hanged by the gray castle and flogged, which will lead to the collapse of credit in the gray domain of the deep web.

In a gray field like the deep web, credit is the most valuable thing. Only when there is credit, others will believe and be willing to conduct transactions.

Who wants to deal with a villain who sells information twice?

However, the restrictions of Castle Grey are not insurmountable.

For example, the private transaction proposed by Shi Feng is still a private transaction through a deep web link. Such a transaction can fully protect the privacy of both parties.

If it was a normal transaction, No. 4 would definitely ignore it.

But since the other party has arranged the deep web link wisely, No. 4 Tian Ji Shen does not mind to cheat another person, anyway, No. 4 will continue to cheat people!

Besides cheating people, you can also spread gossip and earn one million, so why not do it?

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu entered according to the deep web link given by Shi Feng. The two parties established a link in the deep web, but both parties were very cautious and were afraid of the other party’s reverse tracking.

Tracking in the deep web is cumbersome, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to track.

Some masters can also track each other in the deep web.

Even if the other party uses the onion network, as long as there is enough powerful technology and enough computing power to support, in fact, the other party can still be found.

Therefore, Shi Feng and the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God are very careful about each other.

When the two sides established contact, Shi Feng once again expressed his intention to buy the news, and No. 4 Tianji Shenshu also expressed his intention to sell, but he had one condition!

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