h2007 Night in the mountains! [1/5]

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An Liang rejected Huang Guoxiang’s unreasonable request. After all, Shenwang is not a Malaysian family, nor a Qiangzi family. There is no reason to return the goods without any reason within seven days.

After finishing the call, An Liang looked at the curious Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin. He transformed into a story that forced the author to adapt the story and briefly explained the general situation.

Xia Ruyi responded happily, “So your subordinate cheated your partner of one million dollars, and your partner guessed it was you?”

An Liang clenched Xia Ruyi tightly, “What is cheating?”

“That’s straight hook fishing, and those willing to take the bait.” An Liang added, “Didn’t we just say to donate an elementary school to Anle Township before, wouldn’t it be delivered to the door?”

An Liang went on to add, “30 and don’t need to use their names, but use your two names.

The three of them walked under the darkness of the night, and the cool and cool mountain wind hit, which was different from the quietness of the hustle and bustle of the city. The two sisters of the Xia family sighed that the night in the mountains was so comfortable.

“It’s so comfortable here!” Xia Ruyi sighed.

Xia Hexin agreed, “Well, it’s peaceful and peaceful, there’s no traffic and no neon lights in the sky.”

An Liang responded with a smile, “Since you guys like it here, it’s fine for us to come over for the summer vacation in the future.”

“This house is in your name, two people together, 50 percent of each person.” An Liang explained.

Xia Ruyi nodded happily, “Well, I will come again in the summer vacation in the future, I like it here.

An Liang smiled and shook his head, this guy may have misunderstood the life in the mountains!

What they like is the modern life in the mountains, and it is a carefree vacation life. If the mountain people live at sunrise and rest at sunset, without modern facilities, they will complain every minute.

An Liang led the two sisters of the Xia family outside for more than half an hour, then dragged them back.

On the third floor of the small building, Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo were chatting with Lin Lin via video chat. Lin Lin was also their little sister, but she lived in dormitory 302 next door and was the monitor of their class.

“Wow, what fairy dormitory do you live in?” Lin Lin saw Kang Yujia’s suite through the video chat screen.

Kang Yujia switched the front camera of the video chat to the rear camera, browsed in the room, and introduced the situation, “Boss An was afraid that He Xin and Ruyi would not be used to living here, so he built a building in advance. .”

“Fixed a building?” Lin Lin was shocked.

Xu Nuo introduced the specific situation.

Lin Lin complained, “So each of you has a suite and an independent bathroom, which is comparable to a five-star hotel in the city, and there are dedicated chefs to help you cook?”

“It’s almost like this.” Chen Yujia responded with a wicked smile.

Lin Lin complained again, “Envy, jealousy and hate! Really, I’m directly envious, jealous, and hateful. You don’t know how bad the situation is on our side, it’s hard to say!”

“Didn’t you say it was good before?” Kang Yujia asked.

Lin Lin sighed, “The freshness at the beginning has passed, and now there is only suffering.

Lin Lin continued, “I’m just talking about the bathroom, the bathroom on my side is that old-fashioned, and now the weather is hot, the fermented methane is coming up, and the smell is gone, it’s so smokey that I can’t keep my eyes open. Mosquitoes are really a nightmare experience.”

Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo imagined the situation described by Lin Lin, and they shook their heads directly.

“We can only sympathize with you.” Kang Yujia said with a sigh.

Xu Nuo agreed, “Come on!”

While they were chatting, An Liang and the two sisters of the Xia family came back. Because An Liang did not have a suite, the two sisters of the Xia family decided to give An Liang a room and they lived together.

Such an operation left An Liang stunned, how could it be possible?

In desperation, An Liang could only accept what they arranged, although this was not the result he wanted.

However, when An Liang was about to wash up, he found that Xia Ruyi had sneaked over, so did he want to play the alliance game in two rows?

In the league game, An Liang’s rank is very high. After all, he is a dual-talented fighter. With a rookie like Xia Ruyi, there is no problem at all.

In view of the sanctity of the 553 alliance game, the two bathed and changed clothes together, and then started the alliance expedition.

A match lasted for more than half an hour, An Liang chose the shooter position with extremely fast attack, and naturally won the match easily.

Xia Ruyi is snuggling in An Liang’s arms, she likes to be brought up by An Liang, this feeling is really good.

The two rested for half an hour, Xia Ruyi got up and said, “I’ll go back and get the charger.”

“Hmm.” An Liang replied casually.

A few minutes later, when Xia Ruyi came back, An Liang asked casually, “Don’t you want to get the charger?

Xia Ruyi was a little stunned, then shook her head, “I forgot.

Forget it, okay?

Xia Ruyi snuggled into An Liang’s arms again, and she took the initiative to gently scratch An Liang’s heart.

An Liang hummed, “Want to play games again?”

Xia Ruyi hooked An Liang’s index finger seductively.


How can a dual-talented warrior admit defeat?

An alliance game starts again.

good night in the mountains

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