h2031 likes the swimming pool at home very much! [5/5]

Sheng Qing, at the entrance of Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch, facing An Liang’s greeting, Liu Ling responded calmly, “Is it a long time no see?”

Long time no see indeed!

The last time An Liang came back to send Yang Maoyi off, he didn’t meet with Liu Ling alone. It’s been a long time since the two sides haven’t seen each other?

“Indeed.” An Liang responded affirmatively, “By the way, what do we have for lunch?”

Li Xiyan answered, “Tofu rice with roasted pepper seasoning.”

“Okay, where?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Liu Ling responded, “It’s nearby, let’s walk for a few minutes.

“Well, in the old community at the back, we can just walk over there.” Li Xiyan agreed.

“Okay.” An Liang responded with “Nine Six Three”.

Li Xiyan walked in front and led the way. She was embarrassed to walk with An Liang, because she felt that An Liang should hold her when she walked with An Liang, but she was embarrassed to be held by An Liang in front of Liu Ling.

An Liang and Liu Ling followed, he glanced at the dark brown old Louis Vuitton OnTheGo bag Liu Lingling was wearing, and he asked casually, “Auntie going out to work in the afternoon?

Liu Ling responded negatively, “There is an important document that is not convenient to keep in the office.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, and Liu Ling’s answer contained some important information.

Important information is inconvenient to keep in the office?

Alluding to the complex relationship of the office?

“Auntie is still in the credit department?” An Liang asked.

Liu Ling responded affirmatively, “Yeah.”

Li Xiyan walked in front and urged, “You guys go faster.”

“Come on!” An Liang responded.

Five or six minutes later, An Liang followed Li Xiyan to an old community next to the Beiyu branch of Gongshang Bank.

The first floor of a building in the old community has been transformed into a shop, and the shop sign on the upper shop is Blessed Douhua.

There is a large iron pot in front of Fuqi Douhua. In the iron pot is Douhua. A gray-haired old man is making seasoning. There are already three tables in the shop.

Li Xiyan greeted in Shengqing dialect, “Uncle Hu, three bowls of bean curd rice, a mutton cage, and a cold salad with three silks.”

The gray-haired old man glanced at Li Xiyan, “Okay, sit inside. We added air conditioning this year, so it’s cooler inside.”

“I want it.” Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang followed Li Xiyan into the store. There were eight long tables in the store. Li Xiyan chose a corner position. She and Liu Ling sat together, while An Liang naturally sat on the other side.

After waiting to be seated, Li Xiyan introduced An Liang, “The bean curd rice in this shop is delicious, I have been here since I was a child.”

Liu Ling added, “Their family opened in 1990 and has been making bean curd rice.”

“Then try it later!” An Liang responded.

The bean curd rice comes quickly, mainly because the bean curd and the dipping sauce have been pre-made, just scoop it up and put it in a bowl to serve.

The three condiments for the dipping saucers are all burnt pepper, and the condiment of Fuqi Douhua is only burnt, which is also their special style.

Li Xiyan looked at An Liang expectantly, “Have you tried it?”

An Liang nodded, he had no particular preference for bean curd rice, mainly because An Liang felt that the bean curd was too tender and it was inconvenient to pick it up with chopsticks.

However, Fuqi Douhua is neither old nor tender, and belongs to the moderate category.

An Liang took a piece of bean curd and put it in the dipping sauce plate. After tasting it, the winner of life system did not give the food award certification.

It seems that it is because An Liang has no special preference for Douhua?

All the judging criteria of the winner of life system are all based on An Liang’s determination, and the subjective component is very large.

“How is it?” Li Xiyan asked.

An Liang nodded, “It’s okay.”

Li Xiyan took a sip by herself, she frowned slightly, and seemed a little dissatisfied?

It seems to be a good taste in memory?

It is a good taste in my memory, when I taste it again, I realize that it is nothing but err?

Liu Lingan ate quietly, and when it came to the end, Liu Lingcai asked, “An Liang, are you eating with us at night, I will cook for you myself.”

This trick again?

An Liang secretly laughed in his heart, Liu Ling’s cooking skills are poisonous, but can An Liang be driven away with this trick?

Think beautiful!

An Liang deliberately responded negatively, “No, no, I’m going home for dinner tonight!”

There was a smile in Liu Ling’s eyes. She tried this trick over and over again, but An Liang couldn’t stand it.

At noon, Liu Ling paid the bill. Three bowls of bean curd rice were 24 yuan, mutton cages were 18 yuan, and the cold salad was 12 yuan. These prices were very cheap. After all, only three people ate 54 yuan.

After lunch, the three walked to the Beiyu branch of the Gongshang Bank. An Liang spoke first, “Xiyan, shall I take you back first?”

Before Li Xiyan answered, Liu Ling made a decision instead of Li Xiyan, “I have something to deal with in the afternoon, so you can go back with An Liang, and I will be back around six o’clock.”

“Oh!” Li Xiyan responded.

A few minutes later, the three returned to the Beiyu branch. An Liang and Li Xiyan separated from Liu Ling. An Liang sent Li Xiyan home first.

On the way, Li Xiyan was operating the home intelligent system with her mobile phone. She said expectantly, “I’m finally back. I like the swimming pool at home very much.”

An Liang responded with a smirk, “I like your swimming pool too!

Li Xiyan’s face turned slightly red, “What the hell are you thinking about, you big rascal?”

“How do you know I’m thinking about something crooked?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Update time: February 6, 2021 00:05:39, good night, work and rest adjustment is in progress..

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