h2048 The future that An Shengyu can’t refuse! [2/5]

Facing An Liang’s two hole cards, Sun Xia asked curiously, “Do you have any cooperation with Petal and Apple?”

An Liang nodded, “Well, there is a certain cooperative relationship, I own the shares of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, which is the father of the two companies.

“You actually own the shares of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?” An Shengyu was surprised.

An Liang nodded with a smile, “My little friend in the Imperial Capital took me to the car. I rescued the little princess of the Yun family at the IFC, and their little friend pulled me into the car.”

Cloud Ocean has taken the blame again!

An Shengyu did not ask in detail. He began to consider An Liang’s proposal. If a comprehensive large-scale commercial center is built, it seems really good?

An Liang added, “If the financial pressure is high, I still have some funds on my side.”

“By the way, Dad, our AXA is now a big company. The headquarters used to be a little shabby. If we develop a comprehensive large-scale commercial center, we can build an AXA building and use it as our new headquarters for AXA! ” An Liang explained.

An Shengyu’s eyes lit up, a new headquarters belonging to An Sheng Building?

Sun Xia complained, “The scale of AXA requires an AXA building?”

An Liang responded with a smile, “We can rent it out!

“When we were developing a comprehensive large-scale commercial center, we built an office building by the way. Our AXA building occupies the best floor, and other floors are rented out, which is actually quite good.” An Liang added.

“What if I can’t rent it out?” Sun Xia said worriedly.

An Liang responded, “It’s definitely not a problem. The current development of the North District is very good. Coupled with the gradual development and growth of our AXA, there will definitely be no problem in the future.”

In fact, what if there is a problem?

An Liang is completely free from the bottom!

An Liang continued, “Mom, have you ever thought about starting your own business after resigning?”

Sun Xia was stunned.


Self-reliant portal?

Sun Xia thought about her boss. Every day she went to work earlier than herself and got off work later than herself. She directly shook her head and refused, “I have no plan to establish my own business.”

Sun Xia still thinks it is better to build the Great Wall!

Although Sun Xia refused, An Shengyu was full of interest, An Shengyu looked at An Liang, “Which plan do you recommend?”

“I recommend the cooperation plan.” An Liang responded, “To win some partners, so as to share resources, such as Chengyuan’s Uncle Wu.”

An Shengyu thought silently for a few minutes before responding, “What is the probability that we will eat the power of the sail?”

“One hundred percent!” An Liang said confidently, “Actually, we can make a lot of money by eating the power of the sails. In fact, if we develop a large-scale comprehensive commercial center later, the risk will be much smaller.”

An Liang added, “The production base of Fengfan Power is also relatively close to the International Expo Center. We can also develop the hotel industry. The overall success rate is very high.”

Anyway, when An Liang planned to develop a large-scale comprehensive commercial center, the danger premonition ability did not feedback any information, which means that the development of the large-scale comprehensive commercial center will be smooth, right?

At least not to lose money, otherwise the risk perception ability will take the loss as a danger reminder.

“Then take off the sail power first, and then contact others when we get the sail power. Even if the project of the large-scale integrated commercial center is finally yellow, we can make a fortune.” An Shengyu explained.

“Hello! No problem.” An Liang responded.

After An Liang and An Shengyu discussed the plan, he sent a message to Liu Ling.

An Liang: Is Auntie asleep?!

About a minute later, Liu Ling replied to the message.

Liu Ling: Not yet, I am practicing yoga.

An Liang: Is Xiyan also practicing?

“Liu Ling: She is watching TV.

Is this little hanhan watching TV?

But Liu Ling’s high degree of self-discipline is also quite scary, right?

Liu Ling: Is there something wrong?’

“An Liang: The matter has been confirmed, tomorrow morning, at ten o’clock in the morning, at the Deadwood Teahouse in the Starlight Center, on behalf of AXA, I will sign a contract with the Beiyu branch of your Common Negotiation Bank. After the contract is signed, you can start to act.

Liu Ling: Okay.

“An Liang: Auntie, continue to practice yoga, I admire Auntie’s perseverance!

Liu Ling did not reply to the message, about five minutes later, Liu Ling replied to a message.

Liu Ling: Thank you.

A smile appeared on the corner of An Liang’s mouth, and he did not reply to this message.

As it approached eleven o’clock in the middle of the night, there was new information in the small group of friends in the imperial capital.

Qian Xiaogang: [Video]

Qian Xiaogang: Shit! Shit! Shit!

“Qian Xiaogang: @ An Liang: @李宗元: @雲海海: Look at you (Zhao’s) people, this is a new weapon that our country just announced, it’s just too fierce! Again

An Liang looked at the video, which is a demonstration video of the electromagnetic gun.

After the video started, it introduced the situation of the electromagnetic gun and the blocking steel plates used to test the power of the electromagnetic gun. Each steel plate had a thickness of five centimeters and a distance of one meter from each other. The total number was twenty.

As the test began, a spherical solid special steel bullet with a diameter of five centimeters was launched, easily penetrated seven steel plates, and fired again, and fired ten times in a row.

Twenty steel plates were all broken down!

There seems to be no problem with this video at first glance, but if you understand it, you will know that this video contains a huge mystery

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