h2058 blind eye method? [2/3]

Facing An Liang’s ridicule, this time Liu Ling agreed generously.

Okay, “Have dinner at our house today?” Liu Ling asked rhetorically.

An Liang tentatively asked, “Auntie cooks by herself?”

“Yeah!” Liu Ling responded affirmatively, “When Xiyan was studying, I actually followed the short video app to learn cooking.

Liu Ling follows the short video app to learn cooking?

Why can’t An Liang believe it!

“Okay!” An Liang promised.

An Liang plans to prepare with both hands. He can instruct Renyi Security Company to order takeout. If Liu Ling’s cooking skills improve greatly, it will naturally be a happy thing.

If Liu Ling’s cooking skills are still as bad as before, she can ask the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to deliver food.

An Liang was sending a message to Li Xiyan while Liu Ling was waiting at the Deadwood Teahouse in the Starlight Center.

“An Liang: Baby, I’m coming over for dinner tonight.

Li Xiyan was watching a drama and practicing yoga at home. She looked at the message sent by An Liang, and suddenly tilted her head, showing a puzzled look.

An Liang is coming over for dinner?

Dinner at their house?

Fruit salad and toast?

Or order takeout?

Li Xiyan: Something is wrong with you!

“An Liang: What’s wrong with me?’

“Li Xiyan: What’s for dinner at our house?

An Liang explained about Liu Ling’s cooking. When it was said that Liu Ling learned to cook with a short video app, Li Xiyan replied directly to the message.

“Li Xiyan: You were fooled by your mother again!!

An Liang;?!

“Li Xiyan: My mother didn’t learn to cook once or twice, and each time it ended tragically.

Looking at Li Xiyan’s answer, An Liang thinks that his two-handed preparation can be turned into a takeaway, right?

Starlight Center, Deadwood Tea House.

Yue Sijun arrived first, she came alone, and brought the contract.

“Manager Liu, long time no see, long time.” Yue Sijun took the initiative to say hello.

Liu Ling responded politely, “Please take a seat, what would Manager Yue have to drink?”

Yue Sijun responded casually, “Just have a cup of tea.

After answering, Yue Sijun took out the contract prepared in advance from the briefcase. We “have prepared the contract in advance. Manager Liu, you should look at the contract first. If there are doubtful terms, we will discuss it.”

Liu Ling checked the contract prepared by Yue Sijun.

The contract is very simple, it’s just a matter of transferring sail power debt, how complicated can it be?

Liu Ling took a photo of the contract and sent it to the legal staff of the Beiyu branch of the Gongshang Bank, waiting for the other party’s further confirmation.

According to the contract, Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank will obtain the mortgage loan contract of Fengfan Power held by Beiyu Branch of Shengqing Commercial Bank, and after signing the contract, within three working days, pay 29 million Xia Guoyuan to Shengqing Commercial Bank Beiyu Branch.

Within ten minutes, the legal staff of the Beiyu Branch of the Gongshang Bank confirmed that there was no problem with the contract, and the two parties signed the contract smoothly.

“Happy working together!”

“Happy working together!”

Liu Ling and Yue Sijun shook hands with each other and talked together.

After withdrawing his hand, Yue Sijun asked curiously, “We have also signed a contract now. I am very curious about one thing, Manager Liu, what channels do you have?”

Liu Ling did not answer this question, because Ji Yunjie had not arrived yet, let alone signed a contract. What if Yue Sijun and Ji Yunjie secretly joined forces to talk?

“If Manager Yue has time, we can drink tea and wait for Manager Ji. We will also sign a contract with Manager Ji after a while. If you are still interested in learning more about the inside story, let’s talk about it.” Liu Ling explained bluntly. .

Yue Sijun sighed, “Manager Liu is really cautious!

“It should be.” Liu Ling responded calmly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ji Yunjie arrived at the Deadwood Tea House, and the signing of Liu Ling and Ji Yunjie was also very smooth. Even though the contract amount involved 120 million, it was still completely signed in less than half an hour.

After signing the agreement, Ji Yunjie asked Yue Sijun exactly the same question, and he was also curious about what kind of cards Liu Ling had.

In the face of Ji Yunjie and Yue Sijun’s inquiries, Liu Ling did not hide it, she calmly revealed two words, “An Sheng.

Yue Sijun was stunned.

Ji Yunjie let out a long sigh, stood up and said, “Manager Liu’s methods are really brilliant!”

Liu Ling responded indifferently, “Thank you Manager Ji for the compliment.”

Yue Sijun said with emotion, “(To get Li’s) So AXA’s target is that piece of land, we just hide it from the public and deliberately use it to confuse Manager Ji?”

Ji Yunjie stared at Liu Ling, just as Yue Sijun said, maybe Yue Sijun’s side is just a trick, right?

Otherwise, as long as the land use right of the sail power production base, the purpose is too obvious!

Liu Ling replied casually, “You don’t know AXA, AXA is very interested in that land, and AXA is also interested in those motorcycles that do not meet the emission standards of the Environmental Protection Act in Xia.”

Ji Yunjie was stunned, “It turned out to be President Xiao An!”

Yue Sijun also suddenly realized, “It is rumored that Manager Liu’s daughter is the girlfriend of Prince An Sheng, but now it seems to be true!”

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