h2211 New tasks and treatment of pro-son! [3/3]


“Random task: Completely acquire the quantum computer project team of Bear’s Paw Company and enter the field of quantum computers.

“Task reward: Qian Xiangdong, a special talent of the ion trap quantum computer research program.

Triggered the mission again?

An Liang had planned to acquire Bear’s Paws’ quantum computer project.

For Bear’s Paws, the quantum computer project is a pity that it is tasteless and discarded. After all, the company’s quantum computer project started too late, and the technology is backward, and it is reluctant to invest in research and development funds.

In such a situation, besides picking up people’s teeth and wisdom, what else is there to do?

However, An Liang is different. If An Liang accepts the entire quantum computer project of Bear’s Paws, he will invest a huge amount of research and development funds and recruit talents in the field of quantum computers around the world.

An Liang is willing to invest billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of funds in the field of quantum computers without knowing the future, but is he willing to take charge of the company?

Bear’s paw’s profit level is relatively confusing, and it is incomprehensible that it fluctuates up and down.

For example, in 2017, the annual operating income of Bear Paws was 84.8 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the net profit was 18.3 billion Xia Guoyuan.

In 2018, the annual operating income of Bear’s Paw Company increased to 102.3 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the net profit also rose to 27.6 billion Xia Guoyuan. It seems that everything is going well, right?

However, in 2019, although the annual operating income further increased to 107.4 billion Xia Guoyuan, the net profit fell to 18.2 billion Xia Guoyuan.

There are various reasons for the increase in operating income for the year and the decline in net profit, including the boycott of the core advertising business and more funds invested in research and development.

The situation in the first half of 2020 also saw a year-on-year decline in profits, and even a decline in operating income.

In view of the above-mentioned profitability, coupled with Baidu is a listed company, shareholders must pursue profit margins, even Li Hongyan can not arbitrarily invest a lot of money in research and development.

Therefore, the Chengzi computer project is really a tasteless thing for Bear’s Paws.

Li Hongyan is naturally not a fool. An Liang clearly showed his interest in the quantum computer project, how could Li Hongyan not see it?

“Mr. An is interested in the quantum computer project?” Li Hongyan asked knowingly.

An Liang said straight to the point, “I’m a little interested. In the field of traditional computers, we can’t catch up. Whether it is patent barriers or technical blockades, we are very embarrassed.”

“In the field of quantum computers, although we are still a little behind, at least we can see the backs of other opponents, and quantum computers are a new technical field, and no one can guarantee that their research and development direction is correct, so we have a chance! “An Liang once again showed his attitude.

“Mr. Li, according to our survey, since you established the quantum computer project in 2018, the total investment is only about 370 million, and the follow-up investment budget is limited, so your research and development progress is slow.” An Liang added.

The internal information of these bear paw companies naturally comes from the ex-employees of the bear paw company’s quantum computer project who were dug out.

“I take the liberty to ask, how much research and development funds do you plan to invest in the quantum computer project this year?” An Liang asked bluntly.

Li Hongyan was a little embarrassed. He thought about it for a while, but in the end he didn’t hide it. “Actually, let’s not hide it from President An. The position of the quantum computer project within us is indeed a little embarrassing.”

“Although the quantum computer project is our core technology project, Mr. An’s analysis was right. We started late in the field of quantum computers, and the technology is backward. At present, some shareholders are very dissatisfied with the quantum computer project, so its research and development funds are also Relatively few.” Li Hongyan confessed.

“According to our internal budget, for the whole year of this year, the research and development funds for quantum computer projects are only about 100 million.” Li Hongyan said the exact number.

One hundred million is an astronomical number for ordinary people.

But for the research of cutting-edge cutting-edge technology, it is a drop in the ocean, and it does not have much effect at all.

“A little less?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Li Hongyan 357 did not refute, “It’s a bit small, so Mr. An is willing to cooperate?”

“Of course no problem!” An Liang responded affirmatively.

Li Hongyan looked at An Liang suspiciously. Just now, he invited An Liang to cooperate on an artificial intelligence project, but An Liang categorically refused, and he even spoke in secret.

Inside the company, if the quantum computer project is tasteless, then the artificial intelligence system is the son!

Bearpaw has few budget constraints on AI projects.

Artificial intelligence projects need supercomputers, and the company has set up supercomputers separately for artificial intelligence projects, and only uses them for the development and use of artificial intelligence projects.

If the artificial intelligence project needs more budget, Bearpaw will dare to give more budget, 100 million to 100 million, one billion to one billion, if it wants more, as long as there is reasonable expenditure, Bearpaw will also. support.

Isn’t this kind of treatment a real son?

Updated: April 4, 2021 00:08:54, good night. ”

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