h2221 provoke Zhao Wanxi? [1/3]

Yunjing International Apartment, negative third floor, parking space F108.

In Huang Guoxiang’s bulletproof Audi A8L car, An Liang’s incarnation forced the author to make up stories like crazy, because it is a story of nine truths and one false, plus the logic is very strong and very reasonable, Huang Guoxiang can’t tell the problem at all.

“Because the thousand-year-old Astragalus we got last time was a complete one, we know how many thousand-year-old Astragalus slices can be cut from one thousand-year-old Astragalus.” An Liang responded calmly.

We are “100% sure that the Millennium Astragalus of the Takar family did not come from us, so if the Takar family owns the Millennium Astragalus slices, then they must have discovered other Millennium Astragalus, and there must be more than ten slices.” An Liang’s reasonable inference.

Huang Guoxiang took a deep breath, “Our share is too small!”

“How much do you want?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Huang Guoxiang responded directly, “Ten percent!”

An Liang laughed and said, “That’s impossible. In this distribution of benefits, we want at least 20%. The four companies represented by Zhao Wanjin will each have at least 10%, that’s 60%. The 03 share of it has been allocated.”

“The Li family, the Yun family, the Qian family, I reserved 5% for them, and then another 15% was taken out.” An Liang added.

“Although there are 25% left, people like Hu Xiaoyu, Lin Yili, and Ye Xiangyu, the families above the second floor and below the first floor of the imperial capital circle, should at least allocate some. ?” An Liang continued.

Coupled with “Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s relationship with the military, how can they give 10% to 15% of the share.” An Liang listed a new interest group.

“The amount that can be allocated in the end is really very, very small!” An Liang sighed.

“At least five percent!” Huang Guoxiang said conditionally.

“A little greedy!” An Liang responded.

“We will arrange for more field forces to go there to provide more detailed intelligence work.” Huang Guoxiang proposed his role.

An Liang thought for a while before nodding, “Okay! Not only that, once the Millennium Astragalus is finally found, you will be responsible for the transportation.”

“Okay!” Huang Guoxiang agreed.

“You can arrange the action first, and I will deal with it as soon as possible.” An Liang explained, “Remember to keep it secret!”

“Can I still know?” Huang Guoxiang complained.

An Liang opened the co-pilot door and got out of the car. Huang Guoxiang drove away. In the underground garage, An Liang did not return by the elevator. He called Zhao Wanxi.

Waiting for Zhao Wanxi to connect, An Liang asked, “Where are you?

“I just returned to the small courtyard, what’s the matter?” Zhao Wanxi asked back.

An Liang responded affirmatively, “There is indeed something. We have dinner together at night. I also asked Li Cunyuan and the others, as well as Lin Yili, Ye Xiangyu, and Hu Xiaoyu by the way.”

It seems that “there are new cooperation projects?” Zhao Wanxi keenly discovered the situation.

“Haha, he really is a smart guy.” An Liang teased, “I just told Lao Huang about you, Lao Huang is too suspicious sometimes, not as smart as you.”

Zhao Wanxi ignored this topic, “Where to eat?”

“How about you recommend it?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Then the State Guest House?” Zhao Wanxiang casually recommended, “It is very good in terms of security and confidentiality, and it is convenient for us to talk about things.”

“Okay! You arrange!” An Liang responded.

“Come and pick me up, I’ll contact the State Guest House first, wait for my reply, and then contact others.” Zhao Wanxi explained.

“No problem.” An Liang agreed.

In less than two minutes, Zhao Wanxi confirmed the State Guest House and then contacted An Liang.

“An Liang, I’ve made a decision here. Building No. 6 of the State Hotel, I wish our cooperation will be successful.” Zhao Wanxi begged for the prize.

An Liang joked, “You are quite superstitious!”

“Humph!” Zhao Wanjin snorted softly.

“I’m on my way, wait a moment.” An Liang responded, and after Zhao Wan responded, he hung up the phone.

Qin Tianxiang drove An Liang to the small courtyard in the black badge version of the Rolls-Royce Ghost. An Liang sat in the back seat and sent group messages to friends in the imperial capital.

“An Liang: @Everyone: Are the brothers there?’

Li Cunyuan: 1

‘Cloud Ocean:?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I’m about to go out. Brother Liang, is there anything?’

“An Liang: There is indeed something to do. You have other things to put aside. Now go to the No. 6 building of the State Guest House. Zhao Wanxi made a reservation.”

“Cloud Ocean: What the hell?

Yun Haiyang: Zhao Wanxi booked it?’

“Yun Haiyang; Brother Liang, are you being forced into the palace?!

Yun Haiyang: We told you a long time ago, don’t provoke Zhao Wanxi, don’t provoke Zhao Wan 420 points, she has a strong personality, and her family is unparalleled. If you provoke her, you will definitely not be able to escape!

Yun Haiyang: Now that something has happened, I finally think of my brothers?

“Yun Haiyang: The last time I asked you to save me, you all sold me, do you remember?

“An Liang:

“An Liang: You have so many inner dramas, why didn’t you take the National Academy of Drama?

An Liang “; There is an important cooperation project, we need to interview.

An Liang: In addition to you, there are Lin Yili, Ye Xiangyu, and Hu Xiaoyu, each of you contact one and choose by yourself.

Li Cunyuan: Then I will contact Brother Perseverance, I have a good relationship with him. ”

Qian Xiaogang: I choose Brother Xiangyu.

“Cloud Ocean: ..

“Yun Haiyang: Do I still have a choice?

“Qian Xiaogang: You are already familiar with Xiaoyu!

Li Cunyuan; are you afraid?’

“An Liang: Brother Ocean, don’t!

“Cloud Ocean; making friends carelessly! making friends carelessly!

‘Yun Haiyang: You group of bad friends, I am really afraid that one day I will be hacked, all because of you. ”

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