h2224 plans and big questions! [1/3]

Near ten o’clock in the evening, Yunjing International Apartment, the living room of Room 8006.

Chen Siyu was practicing the piano, Ning Ruoshuang naturally practiced yoga, An Liang walked to Chen Siyu, he stood beside Chen Siyu and asked in a low voice, “No. 9, can you play the piano?

In the face of An Liang, who was suddenly a performer, Chen Siyu cooperated to switch to the track “Unfortunately there is no if”.

An Liang sat next to Chen Siyu, and the two played together.

When waiting for the end of the track, Chen Siyu responded softly, “I will.”

An Liang smirked and sneered at Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu hummed softly, “I still want to practice the piano, you go to Shuangshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang, who is practicing yoga, is in danger!

An Liang got up and walked towards Ning Ruoshuang, he picked up Ning Ruoshuang directly to the princess and walked to room 8805, he happened to learn a new yoga movement that can be taught to Ning Ruoshuang.

When it was about eleven o’clock, An Liang returned to room 8806. Chen Siyu had finished his piano practice and was washing in the main guard. An Liang took the opportunity to sneak in.

More than half an hour later, An Liang returned to the Lord with Chen Siyu in his arms.

Chen Siyu rested on An Liang’s shoulder, and once again became the big cat in An Liang’s arms, she yawned and said, “Husband, I’m so sleepy.”

“Then go to sleep.” An Liang stroked the cat in his arms.

“What about you?” Chen Siyu asked.

“I still have a few things to deal with.” An Liang replied, “The work is from the old Huang’s side.”

“Well, then you should rest early.” Chen Siyu let go of An Liang obediently.

An Liang kissed Chen Siyu’s forehead, “You go to bed obediently first, I’ll come later.”

In the living room, An Liang is communicating in the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company.

Zero: Is there a plan now for what’s going on against the Thakar family?”

“No. 1: We have investigated the members of the Takar family, and there are only three core members, including the patriarch of the Takar family, Noel Takar, and Noel’s only son, Virat Takar, and Noel’s wife, Ivara. Thakar.

‘Number one; in addition to the core members, there are fifteen side members.

“Number One: Including the three younger brothers of Noel Thakar, as well as their wives, and their nine descendants.

‘One; and Noel Thakar has two adopted sons.

No.: [Details of members of the Thakar family]

No.; We have also investigated the power of the Thakar family, including the military and non-military forces of the entire Sera State. The Thakar family is indeed the actual controller of Sera, and they control the entire Sera. resource of.

No.: The resident of the Thakar family is in the core area of ​​Sera Pradesh, and the surrounding defenses are very tight. According to our investigation, the resident of the Thakar family has high-strength underground defense measures, and can even resist surface-to-surface missile attacks.

No.: In addition, once an accident occurs in the residence of the Thakar family, the quick-response security force of Shiraz may arrive within a quarter of an hour at the earliest. Elite troops.

“Number Two: If this quick-reaction security force cannot be resolved in a short period of time, the Thakar family can mobilize more reinforcements.

“No. 2: If we want to confront the Takar family head-on, unless we mobilize all the forces around us and do whatever it takes, we will not be able to solve the Takar family in a short period of time.

No. 0: What if you don’t fight hard?

0… ask for flowers…

What are you doing?

In a head-to-head situation, even if Renyi Security Company wins, how much will Renyi Security Company pay?

Even though An Liang doesn’t care about the loss of Renyi Security Company, but Renyi Security Company dealt with the Takar family head-on, which would reveal too many trump cards, and it would be difficult for Renyi Security Company to hide behind the scenes in the future.

That was not the result An Liang wanted to see.

An Liang prefers to hide behind the scenes and act as the mastermind behind the scenes, quietly solving troubles.

‘-Number: We discussed a plan.

“Number One: First, we can take out Noel Thakar with Number Three.

“Number 1; Step 2, Number 9 cooperates with Number 6, let Number 6 disguise as Noel Takar, and summon the entire Takar family.

“No. 1; the third step is naturally a sweeping sweep!!

No. 1 Tang Jinsheng will send out the rough plan, which seems to be feasible to a certain extent.

No. Xu Xiaofeng continued to add details of the plan.

No. 2 In the second step, we can use Millennium Astragalus as a reason.

No.: Since the Takar family is secretly investigating the Millennium Astragalus, if No. 6 disguised as Noel Takar, plus the Millennium Astragalus as a reason, the members of the Takar family will most likely gather together.

“No. 2; watch the performance of No. 6 at that time, whether it is No. 6 who does it by himself or through No. 3, you can easily wipe out the entire Takar family!

“Number two: The success rate of this one plan is very high, but there is a huge problem.

This one plan does have a huge problem!

In fact, An Liang also found this, big

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