H2232 one-by-one encryption plan! [3/3]

Renyi Security Company, under the leadership of An Liang, prefers to hide in the mist, always acting as the mastermind behind the scenes.

An Liang likes to hide behind the scenes, and so does Renyi Security Company.

Because there are too many benefits hidden behind the scenes, for example, if you have the mind and do not have the heart, you can always win the first opportunity, so you can take the lead step by step.

For example, it will not be noticed. At present, except for the National Security Investigation Bureau and Huang Guoxiang, who are paying close attention to Renyi Security Company, others are not even aware of the existence of Renyi Security Company.

Even if a big problem occurred in the Western Hemisphere, the outside world still did not realize the power of Renyi Security Company.

This time, Renyi Security Company still followed An Liang’s instructions and tried to hide itself as much as possible, otherwise why would they go to great lengths to engage in conspiracy instead of confronting them head-on?

Isn’t it to keep Renyi Security Company hidden behind the scenes?

In order to reduce the presence of Renyi Security Company, the plan for the Thakar family this time is not as simple as it seems, because the detailed plan needs to be completed in action.

For example, how to solve the problem of Noel Thakar’s death now.

The gene poison designed by Death Knell No. 3 caused Takar’s respiratory system to have problems, and the cause of death revealed to be death from asphyxiation. Therefore, Death Knell No. 3 and Wuxius No. 7 were going to make further plans based on this cause of death.

The two moved Noel Thakar’s body into the safe room in the study according to the No.

The safe room in the study was originally designed to protect Noel Thakar. This safe room can effectively prevent bullets, explosions, fire, and poison gas.

The inside of the safety room comes with a month’s worth of compressed food and purified water, and has an intelligent filtering and ventilation system to ensure the safety of the insiders.

However, the internal network of the Takar family has been controlled by the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God. The No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God can remotely control the ventilation system inside the safe room, causing the ventilation system to fail, resulting in the lack of oxygen in the safe room and causing Noel Takar to die in the room.

Death Knell No. 3 and Hughes No. 7 even simulated the traces of Noel Takar’s struggle before breathing, overturned some things in the safe room to the ground, and used Noel Takar’s own hands to make some around his neck Traces, fully prepared the drama of the death of the room breath.

Nearly half an hour later, Death Knell No. 3 and Wu Xiusi No. 7 dealt with all the details, and after checking there were no problems, they cleared their own existence, and finally let No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God close the safe room.

No. 4 also adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the safe room in great detail, so as to ensure that the temperature of Noel Thakar’s body would not lose too quickly. This approach can delay the temperature drop of the body and mislead the forensic doctor to judge the time of death.

Determining the time of death has always been difficult!

The judgment of how many points and how many points are accurate in film and television works is completely nonsense. Renyi Security Company is all professional personnel, they know how to deal with it, and they deal with it very carefully.

After Death Knell No. 3 and Theseus No. 7 dealt with the situation in the safe room, they came out to check on the situation of No. 9 Magic Fairy and No. 6 The Joker.

No. 3 asked through the communicator, “No. 4, have you sent a summoning message?”

“The message was sent ten minutes ago. The second target, Virat, did not move. I have activated the backup plan, and the third target is on the way back.” No. 4 responded.

The second target is Noel’s only son Virat, and the third target is Noel’s wife Ibarra.

“Three of the fifteen sub-targets did not move, and the other twelve were on their way; two third-level targets were on their way back,” No. 4 added.

“Wait!” No. 4 added, “The three secondary targets that were not moving just now also started to move, wait a moment, I need the movement trajectory of the other party to judge the other party’s destination.”

“How much time do we have?” Deathstroke Three asked.

Number Four looked at the nearest target, “About twelve minutes.”

No. 9 Variety Enchantress answered, “The time is completely enough, I need five minutes at most.”

Time passed by, and the plan of Renyi Security Company was also progressing smoothly. After more than four minutes, the No. 9 Variety Enchantress completed the task of disguising the No. 6 clown.

Joker No. 6 immediately began to imitate Noel Thakar’s way of speaking, and the corresponding accent.

In less than three minutes, the No. 6 clown has basically completed the simulation. Although it cannot be exactly the same, and it may even be impossible to deceive Ibarra, who gets along day and night, Renyi Security Company has already made preparations.

That is the No. 9 Variety Enchantress!

The No. 9 Magic Fairy pretended to be Noel’s lover, Edissa, and she would sit in the study after a while, thereby diverting Ibarra’s attention and making Ibarra mistakenly believe that Noel was ready to marry Addisa.

With such a diversion of attention, even if Joker No. 6 can’t simulate Noel 100%, and he can’t hide from Ibarra in details, but with Edissa attracting firepower, Joker No. 6 should be able to get away with it.

“Are you ready?” Death Knell No. 3 looked at No. 6 Joker and No. 9 Magical Girl.

Both nodded together.

“Then start the next move!” Death Knell Three ordered.

Update time: April 11, 2021 00:02:54, good night, by the way, ask for some flowers, do you have a drop?.

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