h2234ace! Win-win cooperation! [2/3]

Silabang City, Southern District, a pub.

Virat hugged two blondes from left to right, one of the blondes fed Virat with a glass of wine, Virat refused to come and drank it directly.

Two Virat security guards were among the crowd, but they were clearly fishing.

The Thakar family has ruled Sera State for too long, and they have already lost their worries. Neither Virat nor the security personnel thought that anyone would provoke the majesty of the Thakar family.

However, the accident is accident because it is unexpected!

When Virat drank a few more drinks and was slightly drunk, a young man came over, he came to Virat, stared at Virat and said loudly, “Virat!”

Virat’s security personnel had already discovered the abnormal situation. When they were about to intervene, they found that they were being controlled. In the face of life-threatening situations, both security personnel chose from their hearts.

“What’s the matter?” Virat didn’t realize the problem, he looked at the young man in front of him drunkenly, “Who are you?”

“Hahaha!” The young man laughed, “You don’t remember me!”

“I know you?” Virat asked back, looking at the destitute young man in front of him, “I don’t have a friend like you!”

“I’m not your friend either!” the young man snorted coldly, “Sangina, remember?

“Who is that?” Virat was still full of doubts.

“Humph!” The young man snorted dissatisfiedly, “Last month, you ate at Ian’s restaurant in Sino District, do you remember now?”

Vera suddenly realized, “That pretty waitress, right?

“Hahaha, I remember, that beautiful waitress, she is really beautiful, I am very satisfied with her, and my staff are also very satisfied with her!” Virat laughed wantonly.

“Who are you from her?” Virat asked rhetorically.

“Did you know that Sangina jumped off the building?” the young man asked again.

“What does that have to do with me?” Virat said indifferently.

The young man clenched his fists, “If it wasn’t you, it wasn’t you..”

“It’s her honor!” Virat said proudly, “Do you know who I am?”

The young man’s eyes were full of hatred. He didn’t talk nonsense any more. He drew a dagger from his waist and rushed towards Virat.

“You,” Virat looked drunk, he had no idea that such a thing would happen, where are his security personnel?

The two blondes beside Virat were so frightened that they ran away. The drunk Virat was naturally not a match for the young man. In a dozen seconds, Virat was repeatedly stabbed by the young man more than a dozen times. The capital pierced deeply into the body.

Virat’s mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were full of confusion. He was the only son of the Thakar family, and the Thakar family was the actual controller of Silabang. Why would he die in such a place, and die so suffocated?

Where are the security guards at his home?

Why did this young man dare to kill him?

Isn’t this young man afraid of revenge by the Thakar family?

It’s a pity that Virat is dead. He doesn’t know that the Takar family has been destroyed. He is the last person of the Takar family.

In addition, even if the Thakar family is not destroyed, this young man named Saman is not afraid.

Because Saman was an orphan, he was always helped by Sangina when he was a child, and he survived the most difficult time. When he grew up, he got his wish and became his boyfriend and girlfriend with Sangina. Originally, he thought that his dream would come true, and the future would be even more difficult. good.


It’s all ruined by Virat!

Even though Saman said he didn’t care about what happened to Sangina, Sangina had a strong personality and chose to jump off the building. From then on, Saman hated Virat.

It’s a pity that Saman has never found a chance!

Renyi Security Company provided Saman with this opportunity, how could Saman give up?

So Saman seized the opportunity without hesitation, even at the cost of his life, Saman will take revenge!

He would not have survived as a child without Sangina. He regarded Sangina as his guardian angel, but the guardian angel was killed, and Saman was heartbroken.

Saman is willing to pay any price to avenge Sangina!

Saman also tried to track Virat, but he found that Virat was always surrounded by two security personnel, and he had no chance to approach Virat at all.

Now that the revenge has finally been avenged, Saman is satisfied, and he no longer cares about being revenge by the Takar (King’s) family next.

Sangina, have you seen you, I avenged you!” Saman said in a low voice.

“I’m coming to accompany you, wait for me, Sangina, we’ll be together in the next life!” Samant murmured.

“In the next life, I’ll protect you.” Saman took a deep breath, then clenched the dagger and aimed it at his chest. He chose to commit suicide because he was disheartened.

This is also the reason why Renyi Security Company chose him. The experts of Renyi Security Company finally chose Saman as a chess piece through comprehensive analysis. Renyi Security Company created a chance for revenge for Saman, Saman realized his wish, and committed suicide to annihilate the secret. .

This is a win-win cooperation for mutual benefit!

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