h2240 is confirmed! [2/3]

Inside the secret testing grounds of the NSA.

While An Liang and his party were fighting for the right to test medicines, Sun Shizhong supervised the staff of the National Security Investigation Bureau to take out the Millennium Astragalus from the cracks inside the long stone.

After the Millennium Astragalus was taken out, Sun Shizhong took the Millennium Astragalus and took a deep breath first, with an intoxicated look on his face.

An Liang urged, “Expert Sun, hurry up and get down to business!”

Sun Shizhong responded again and again, “Okay, I’ll start right away.”

Sun Shizhong began to measure the data of Millennium Astragalus, and dictated the specific information.

“The weight is 249 grams, the total length is 39.72 cm, and the rhizome length is 32.8 cm. The overall shape is irregular. It is planned to be cut according to 2 grams, and the estimated number of cuts is about 110.” Sun Shizhong reported.

Following Sun Shizhong’s report, An Liang directly instructed, “It’s business as usual and deal with it as before.”

“Okay.” Sun Shizhong responded. 680

Because Millennium Astragalus grew into an irregular shape in the stone crevices, in order to cut it accurately, Sun Shizhong used a laser scanner to model Millennium Astragalus, and then scanned the internal structure through ultrasonic waves, and finally calculated each cutting point, and then accurately to cut.

The entire cutting process took two hours to complete. A total of 113 parts were cut, and there was a little bit more leftovers, probably less than half.

“Mr. An, we cut out 113 copies, and there are more leftovers, you see, Sun Shizhong hinted wildly.

An Liang complained, “Okay, okay, you old dog, don’t hint, I’ll give you the leftovers.

“Thank you, Mr. An!” Sun Shizhong directly fed less than half of the leftovers into his mouth, for fear that others would be the same as him.

After a while, Sun Shizhong breathed a long sigh of relief, “Comfortable! Mr. An, this is definitely the Millennium Astragalus!”

(addf) Huang Guoxiang complained, “What nonsense are you talking about! You just ate some leftovers, and you didn’t judge too clearly, I’ll try it myself!”

In Huang Guoxiang’s eyes, Sun Shizhong was poisonous, but he ate the leftovers first, but Huang Guoxiang had not yet tested the medicine.

Sun Shizhong is sure that it is Millennium Astragalus, not Naken Huang Guoxiang?

“Old Huang, don’t worry, I promised to let you test the medicine, then let you test the medicine.” An Liang beckoned and motioned Wei Ziyang to give Huang Guoxiang a slice of thousand-year-old astragalus.

After Huang Guoxiang took it, he asked, “How to eat?

“Of course you put it in your mouth and eat it!” An Liang complained, “It’s better to chew it up and then swallow it.

Huang Guoxiang fed it into his mouth without hesitation, and then chewed it. Others looked at Huang Guoxiang, waiting for Huang Guoxiang’s feedback.

After all, Sun Shizhong’s feedback may still be Nuoer, but Huang Xiang must not be Nuoer.

Huang Guoxiang chewed it quickly, and then swallowed the Millennium Astragalus. After he swallowed it, he felt a warm current, and after a few seconds, the place where he was injured felt numb and numb.

After nearly a minute, Huang Guoxiang responded calmly, “I don’t think it has any effect, nor does it taste like it, or I will try another slice?”

An Liang laughed and scolded, “You think you are Zhu Bajie! This is a thousand-year-old astragalus, not a ginseng fruit. If you want to eat one piece, it’s just wishful thinking!”

After An Liang finished speaking, a middle-aged man also said, “Master Huang, if you want to test the medicine, it should be my turn?”

Huang Guoxiang introduced to An Liang, “This is Zhong Guangrong, the commander of the Royal Forest Army.

“Hello, Mr. An, I have heard the name for a long time, and I have a good relationship. Now I finally meet Mr. An, it is an honor!” Zhong Guangrong is very good at speaking.

An Liang responded politely, “It turned out to be the commander of Zhong, and he was also admired for a long time.”

Zhong Guangrong asked bluntly, “This Astragalus has been identified as Millennium Astragalus, right?”

“Of course!” An Liang replied affirmatively, “When I first obtained the information, it was almost certain that it was just difficult to obtain, but now it is just a routine inspection.”

Zhong Guangrong breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s great!”

Zhong Guangrong added, “How does General An plan to distribute this thousand-year-old Astragalus?”

Follow “the agreed execution.” An Liang responded.

According to the agreement, An Liang provided information and personally participated in the search for Millennium Astragalus, and also made significant contributions, so An Liang wanted to take 20%.

The four companies represented by Zhao Wan provided follow-up strong protection and support, and each company received a 10% quota.

The three companies represented by Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang are An Liang’s core partners, and they know Yu Weimo. An Liang cherishes such allies, so each of the three companies has a 5% share.

The three families represented by Hu Xiaoyu, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu are very powerful in the imperial capital circle. They are all above the second floor and below the first floor, second only to Zhao Wanjin’s four families. In addition, they are all members of the Heavenly Baiyujing Club. And they have contributed to the Heavenly White Jade Club, so each of them has a 3% share.

The share of the National Security Investigation Bureau is agreed to be 5%, the share of the military is 10%, and the remaining 1% share is a free arrangement.

That one percent share, An Liang has a plan,


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