h2246 Magic and Beware?[2/3]

Hu Xiaoyu was actually drawn again?

An Liang had to sigh that Hu Xiaoyu was lucky!

“According to the rules, our rules are formulated in advance, and it is an absolutely fair luck mechanism. Your luck is good, that is your good luck.” An Liang said with a final word.

“Ahahaha, that would be great, thank you Liangge!” Hu Xiaoyu~ said happily.

An Liang waved, “It’s all your own luck.”

“I still want to thank Brother Liang, and thank you for your humility. I’m looking for a Sunday to invite everyone to dinner.” Hu Xiaoyu explained in the group video live broadcast, and then closed the live broadcast.

Hu family.

Hu Xiaoyu’s grandfather, Hu Bowen, received the message from Hu Xiaoyu, and he couldn’t help laughing. He could have obtained three thousand-year-old Astragalus, and Hu Bowen was very satisfied.

In the end, Hu Xiaoyu was lucky enough to get two thousand-year-old astragalus. Although it cost more than 40 million yuan, in the imperial capital circle, if someone wanted to sell thousand-year-old astragalus, even if a piece of 50 million yuan, no one would bargain?

“Congratulations Xiaoyu!” Li Cunyuan said congratulations.

Qian Xiaogang also said congratulations, “Xiaoyu’s luck is very good!”

Yun Haiyang sighed, “I am so envious of your luck that I cry.”

Hu Xiaoyu said happily, “Thank you for your humility!”

An Liang chimed in and said, “It’s getting late, Lao Huang, are you treating your guests to dinner at noon?”

Huang Guoxiang did not refuse, “Canteen?”

“As expected of you iron rooster, with so many people, you have the nerve to entertain guests in the cafeteria?” An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang said plausibly, it is because there are many people, so I have to treat guests in the cafeteria, I can be reimbursed for treating guests in the cafeteria, if I go out to eat, how much will it cost?”

“Brother Ocean, do you think Mr. Huang looks like you once?” Li Cunyuan joked.

Qian Xiaogang agreed, “There is something inside!”

Yun Haiyang quickly complained, “I’ve changed it, I’m not, I haven’t, don’t talk nonsense!”

The meal at noon was finally settled in the cafeteria of the National Security Investigation Bureau. The main reason was that everyone was not focused on eating. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the thousand-year-old astragalus slices to be processed, and then took their share.

An Liang has eaten in the canteen of the National Security Investigation Bureau many times. To be fair, An Liang thinks that the canteen of the National Security Investigation Bureau is not bad.

“Old Huang, how many of you are participating in this operation?” An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang said quickly, “If you include deep lurkers, a total of 31 people participated. How many people did you send?”

An Liang laughed and scolded, “You are really a lot of routines, I have a good talk with you, and you will reverse the routines of me?”

Huang Guoxiang’s routines are really many!

On the surface, he looked calm, but he actually judged the information of Renyi Security Company by asking the number of participants.

Including Sun Shizhong, we arranged 45 people!” An Liang responded.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head, “I don’t believe it!”

Huang Guoxiang continued, “You have 45 people in the Kerry Mountain operation, not including No. 4, No. 8, and the relevant personnel who carried out the operation to destroy the Takar family. Do you think I believe it?”

“Do you think I can say it?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Of course you won’t!” Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively.

An Liang skipped this topic, “According to the calculation of 31 of you and 45 of us, a total of 76 people participated in the action, and the total income of the 1% share is 255,554,555.2 yuan, and each person can get a bonus of 336,244 yuan on average. ”

“Our people, we distribute bonuses ourselves, your people, how do you pay them?” An Liang asked.

“Whatever you want!” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Then we will hand it over to you directly, and you can post it yourself, no problem?” An Liang added, “Remember to pay taxes, we are all law-abiding citizens.”

0 asking for flowers…

“Do you still need to remind me?” Huang Guoxiang complained.

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang negotiated the result, he sent the information about the bonus to the personnel of Renyi Security Company, and instructed the personnel of Renyi Security Company to disclose it so that the personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau who participated in the operation also knew.

In the staff cafeteria of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Liu Xinyi naturally also received the news, and Li Fei, the head of the third section of the Operations Division who also participated in the Kerry Mountain operation, asked in a low voice, “Have you heard about the bonus? There are more than 330,000?”

Liu Xinyi responded affirmatively, “Yes, I have heard it too, there should be nothing wrong with this news.”


“There are so many bonuses!” Li Fei exclaimed, “This is the biggest bonus in my career!

Liu Xinyi said in a low voice, “This is that person’s method!”

“But the money is real!” Li Fei responded affirmatively, “I used to think that he was not a good person, and I feel the same way now, but he is indeed flawless in his actions, leaving people speechless.

“You’re finished!” Liu Xinyi sighed, “I remind you that he has a magic power that always makes people feel good about him without realizing it, and thus become friends with him.

Li Fei asked jokingly, “Then you didn’t get caught?”

“I know he’s a playboy, so I’m on guard!” Liu Xinyi responded.

“I think he doesn’t like you?” Li Fei joked.

Liu Xinyi seemed to break the defense, she hummed softly, “He doesn’t like me? What a joke!

“Be quiet, auntie, you can be quiet.” Li Fei quickly admitted his mistake, “I’m looking forward to this bonus now, my family status is low, and with this bonus, I can be a man for a while.”

“Crack!” Liu Xinyi didn’t respond, she thought to herself, is it really that An Liang despised her, not that she was always on guard against An Liang?

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