h2249 is not a normal transaction! [2/3]

In the corner of the Starbucks coffee shop, a secret deal is going on, and no one around is paying attention.

After the IT man personally pushed the suitcase to judge, he greedily responded, “Not enough!

“This is just a deposit. After delivery, there are still four copies.” The glasses man responded.

“Still not enough. IT male lion opened his mouth.

The man with glasses snorted softly, “Don’t you know the current situation?”

The IT man was silent.

The man with glasses continued, “I have to remind you that the airport, train station, and bus station in the imperial capital are all secretly blocked. On the surface, it looks fine, but in fact, the security checks are extremely strict.”

“In addition, there are also people inside the imperial capital who are secretly investigating the whereabouts of that thing. Under the analysis of comprehensive big data, it will be a matter of time for you to be found out.” The glasses man added.

Our “quote is five boxes, after all, we still need to break through the blockade, these things are very troublesome!” The glasses man responded.

“I’m sure you guys are well aware of the power they have.” The glasses man stared at the IT man.

The IT man hesitated for nearly a minute before agreeing, but made a new request, “Pay first, then deliver!”

“Do you think it’s possible?” The glasses man asked back.

“Of course it is possible!” The IT man responded bluntly, “We are afraid that you will be black and black, you are not good people.”

The glasses man responded with the same answer, “This is also our concern. You are also not good people. What if you take the money and disappear?”

The IT man responded, “The goods are on me.

After speaking, the IT man opened the computer bag and motioned for the other party to check.

The man with glasses said cautiously, “How do I know if it’s real or fake?”

“Then cancel the transaction. The IT man closed the zipper of the computer bag and got up to leave.

“Wait.” The glasses man greeted and stayed.

The IT man stared at each other, “What else?”

The man with glasses took a deep breath and responded, “No problem, pay first, then deliver, but the delivery location is here, you are the hostage.

“Okay! The IT man agreed.

“How do we pay?” the man with glasses asked.

“The underground garage is negative three floors, and the license plate is a black commercial car of Emperor A-XX404. The car key is on the ground on the inside of the right rear wheel. You put the five suitcases in, and the car keys are also thrown into the car. We are sure that the money is all right. , will be delivered naturally.” IT male explained.

And continued to add, “You should have seen it clearly, in addition to the goods, there is a small toy in the bag, if you want to cheat or have other careful thoughts, you will definitely not be able to get the goods, and we will be with you forever. .”

The glasses man responded, “Don’t worry, we just want a smooth transaction.

“Hopefully. IT man responded.

“I’ll send the box first, my friend will watch you outside, I hope you don’t have any unfriendly behavior.” The glasses man reminded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here waiting for you.” The IT man responded.

The man with glasses didn’t respond, he just pushed the suitcase and left.

Fortunately, the suitcase has pulleys, otherwise it would be impossible for ordinary people to take it.

After the glasses man left the coffee shop, he asked through the wireless earphone, “Did you all hear what you just said?”

The English message immediately came from the wireless headset, “We have already controlled the monitoring system at the target location, but we found that someone controlled the monitoring system earlier than us, and the other party also set up loop playback for the monitoring system, thereby shielding the monitoring system, you can Take action with confidence.”

“Received.” The glasses man responded.

In less than ten minutes, four men with 28-inch suitcases arrived in the underground garage one after another, and put the suitcases into the commercial vehicle with the Emperor A-XX404 license plate.

A message came from the wireless headset worn by the man with glasses, “Should we continue to monitor this car?”

“Of course!” The glasses man responded, “You monitor this car, I’ll go back to guard the target.”

When the glasses man returned to the coffee shop, the IT man was still in the corner, but he didn’t drink yogurt or coffee.

Don’t drink yogurt?” asked the man with glasses.

“Fear of poisoning.” The IT man responded generously.

“Really careful!” The man with glasses teased.

“After all, we are not a normal transaction. The IT man said calmly, and then added, “Remove your monitoring. ”

“What?” the man with glasses asked knowingly.

“You are monitoring the vehicle through the security monitoring system.” The IT man cut to the chase.

“We’ve already paid, should you deliver it?” The man with glasses said sternly.

“It’s not safe yet.” The IT man responded calmly, “We’ll talk about it when we move.

After speaking, the IT man tapped on the phone.

A new message immediately came out of the wireless headset worn by the man with glasses.

The situation “is (Wang Nuo good) something is wrong. That commercial vehicle has turned on its autopilot. It has left the parking space and is heading to the garage exit. Do we want to stop it?” The accomplice of the man with glasses asked.

The man with glasses stared at the man, “What do you mean?”

“As I said, it’s not safe yet. When we transfer the funds safely, I will naturally deliver the goods to you. I am here, and the goods are here. If you are sincere in trading, what are you afraid of?” The rhetorical question referred to.

The man with glasses took a deep breath before replying in a low voice, “Let it go!

They have missed the situation that commercial vehicles can drive automatically!

It is obviously an ordinary commercial vehicle, but it is actually modified to be equipped with an automatic driving system.

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