h2272 This is a sighing idea! [1/3]

Yunpo Village Primary School, on the edge of the playground.

An Liang sat opposite Bai Yue, watching Bai Yue smash the peppers.

“Student An, do you dream of flying motorcycles produced by Graphene Technology Group in the future, is it possible that the price will be reduced in the future?” Bai Yue asked.

An Liang asked back, “Do you want to buy flying motorcycles for the village to facilitate travel?

Before Bai Yue answered, An Liang continued, “I can ask the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to give you some flying motorcycles.”

That means no price cuts!

“No, no, no.” Bai Yue quickly refused.

“I mean, I want to use the sour jujube kernels and research funding to build the road “Nine-Two”.” Bai Yue expressed her true thoughts.

“The mountain road from the county town to our village is not easy to walk, especially after it rains, it is cold and slippery, and it is prone to car accidents, so our travel will be restricted in rainy days and after rain.” Bai Yue added .

“I hope to build a cement road from the county seat to our village. In the future, whether it is sunny or rainy, we can travel normally.” Bai Yue explained.

“Because Yuyue buys black potatoes, alpine chickens, and some mountain delicacies, the income of our village has increased a lot. If we build a road to make it easier to travel, maybe we can buy motorcycles!” Bai Yue revealed Happy smile.

An Liang listened to Bai Yue’s narration, and his mood was very complicated.

this white moon.

How should he say it?

It was obvious that the money belonged to them, but Bai Yue didn’t have a different voice, but was willing to take it out to build the road. This kind of simple mind deserves to be the existence of a moral score of 99!

“Did your mother agree?” An Liang asked.

“Yeah!” Bai Yue nodded, “Mom naturally agrees. Mom still wants to stay in the village to educate the little guys in the village. We basically don’t spend money in the village, and in the future, those sour dates can still make money, so…”

Having said that, Bai Yue paused for a while, “Student An, can you see it?”

An Liang replied with a smile, “I just said that the money is yours, and you can decide how to use it.”

“Besides, building roads for my hometown is a good thing, I believe anyone will support it!” An Liang said affirmatively.

Bai Yue showed a look of joy, “Thank you, classmate An, for your understanding.

This white moon is really smart!

She knew very well that without the existence of An Liang, how could they have kept the sour jujube forest, and they were just guilty!

The jujube forest really belongs to their family, but if their family is just an ordinary mountain villager in Yunpo Village, they will definitely be taken away by the jujube forest.

But Bai Yue knew An Liang, and their relationship…

Anyway, An Liang cares about Bai Yue and is willing to help Bai Yue. Bai Yue is also very aware of these causal relationships, so she asked An Liang for his opinion.

“If you want to build roads, do you have any specific plans?” An Liang pressed.

Bai Yue shook her head, “I don’t know about road construction, classmate An, I heard that your family is in the construction industry, can you help?”

“Okay, I’ll help you ask.” An Liang responded.

The so-called “ask” is actually an answer.

“Thank you.” Bai Yue honestly continued to burn the peppers.

An Liang sent a message to his father An Shengyu on his mobile phone. An Shengyu has been in the construction industry for more than 20 years, and these things are very familiar.

“An Liang: Dad, are you still busy?!

“An Shengyu: What are you saying directly?

If it was in high school, An Liang sent a message to An Shengyu, An Shengyu would only ask if he had no money?

Now An Liang has no shortage of money!

Of course, in high school, An Liang asked An Shengyu for money, and An Shengyu would also say that he didn’t have any money for his own house, so how could he give An Liang money?

When he was studying in the past, An Liang’s pocket money was really small, not like the wealthy second generation of the family with millions of assets.

” An Liang: I have a friend who wants to help build a rural road in his hometown. Are there any relevant resources?

An Shengyu: Aid? Rural Road?

An Shengyu got the point!

Since it is a construction aid, it means that it is a private donation, and the project quotation will be overwhelmed.

In addition, the budget for rural roads is not high and the cost of construction is not high. Even if there is a saying in the construction industry that the copper houses on Jinqiao Yinlu are not included, rural roads are excluded.

Overall, the profit will be relatively low.

“An Shengyu; you can’t count the price yourself?

An Liang felt bitter in his heart. He used to be trained by An Shengyu as his heir. Can he understand these basic things in the construction industry?

Building a road is actually a math problem.

First, let’s talk about the road width.

The mountain road from Liehuo Township to Yunpo Village has a complicated road condition of 3.5, which is basically a mixture of single-lane and two-lane roads. When the mountain is relatively steep, the width of the winding mountain road is only more than two meters and less than three meters, and it is definitely impossible to be side by side. Pass two cars.

In a place where the mountain is a little gentler, the width of the road is more than four meters, so as to meet the needs of two vehicles meeting side by side, and there are many meeting points on the road.

On the road entering Yunpo Village Branch Road, except for one meeting point, the total distance is nearly one kilometer, and it is completely a single lane.

To calculate the cost of the rural road from Lihuo Township to Yunpo Village, the first step is to calculate the actual distance between the two!.

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