H2280 New Reward: Pie in the sky? [3/3]

To the west of Yunpo Village, there is the alpine sour jujube forest.

In the temporary research institute, An Liang looked at Zeng Bojun with a tired face, and he asked curiously, “Last night?”

“Yeah!” Zeng Bojun responded affirmatively.

“These guys went to bed early?” An Liang pointed to Wan Dongliang and the others.

Each of these guys is wearing noise-cancelling earplugs, apparently for quality sleep.

An Liang didn’t understand why they stayed up late. Wouldn’t it be better to go to bed early and get up early to continue studying the next day?

“They only slept.” Zeng Bojun responded, “We tackled a key problem yesterday. We found that high mountain jujubes have a gene fragment that exists in common jujubes.

An Liang raised his hand to stop Zeng Bojun from continuing, “I’ll stop by and have a look. You don’t need to tell me about these technical issues. You are the professionals. How can I understand these technical issues?”

“I just have one question, you don’t have enough researchers, does Professor Zeng have no plans to recruit more researchers?” An Liang asked.

Zeng Bo 163 replied affirmatively, “Of course there are plans, but the school has not yet started. I plan to recruit some students after school starts.”

This guy really wants to recruit free labor.

It seems that the annual research sponsorship cost and the procurement cost of alpine sour jujube seeds put a lot of financial pressure on him?

An Liang reminded, “Professor Zeng is on the horns, the Alpine Suanzaoren project is the default project of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, even if it is summer vacation, as long as Professor Zeng discloses a little information, it is not to recruit as many people as he wants. person?”

An Liang continued to add, “Don’t Professor Zeng know which students in your school are better, so he doesn’t know how to choose?

Zeng Bojun suddenly realized!

“Yes, yes, Mr. An has a high opinion. I can recruit them in advance.” Zeng Bojun said quickly, “I will send a message right away.”

“Is there a choice?” An Liang guessed casually.

Zeng Bojun responded affirmatively, “It is true that someone has been selected, and I will send messages one by one to see who is willing to come.

In fact, when Zeng Bojun sent a message, he did not directly disclose that Alpine Sour Zaoren is a project with the potential of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He wanted to see how charming he was and how many people could give up the summer vacation.

But try and die!

Zeng Bojun sent messages to sixteen people in a row, and only four of them gave a positive reply, expressing their willingness to give up their vacation and go to Daliangshan to participate in Zeng Bojun’s research project.

The other twelve people looked for various reasons, either because of the long journey, because of family affairs, or because they were traveling overseas.

Such a result made Zeng Bojun a little dumbfounded.

This is probably the atmosphere of the academic research circle, right?

By the time Zeng Bojun contacted the free labor force, An Liang had already left the temporary institute.

An Liang was on his way back to Yunpo Village when the Life Winner system suddenly issued a prompt.


“In view of Bai Yue, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin jointly decided to help build a rural road from the county seat to Anle Township, this road will benefit about 40,000 people, congratulations to the host for the special reward.

“Special reward: A uranium mine with proven reserves of 200,000 tons in the Sunset Canyon area of ​​Arlia, Africa.

“Special Note: This reward was obtained by Renyi Security Company in Arlia.

Arlia Sunset Canyon Uranium Mine:

Total reserves: 200,000 tons proven

Uranium content: one percent

Uranium mines with total proven reserves of 200,000 tons?

More importantly, the uranium content has reached 1%!

Ordinary uranium ore has mining value as long as the content exceeds 0.05%.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, this uranium mine is a bit powerful, both the total reserves and the uranium content are all very powerful.

On the land of Africa, the top three uranium reserves are: the first Niger, with a total reserves of 478,000 tons; the second Nanfei, with a total reserves of 427,000 tons; and the third place, Namibia, with a total reserves of 154,000 tons .

Now the winner of life system directly rewards a uranium mine with a total reserve of 200,000 tons, which is equivalent to directly promoting the third-ranked uranium mine in Africa.

If you count the uranium content, wouldn’t that kill the first place directly?

More importantly, Arlia is not a poverty-stricken area. Its economic development ranks fourth in non-land states. Its main economic income depends on the export of natural gas and oil, and it is the second largest exporter of natural gas in the world.

This means that uranium can be mined safely and stably.

According to the tips of the winner of life system, this reward is obtained by Renyi Security Company, which means that An Liang can take this reward all by himself?

A uranium mine with a proven total reserve of 200,000 tons, plus the uranium content reaches 1%, this simply takes off!

An Liang inquired about the price of uranium ore. The price of uranium ore with a content of 0.1% per ton is about US$50,000, but the content of uranium ore in Sunset Canyon is 1%, which is US$500,000 per ton. price?

The proven reserves of uranium mines in Sunset Canyon are 200,000 tons. If one ton is calculated at half a million dollars, it is equivalent to 100 billion dollars.


What about pie from the sky?

After all, An Liang did not expect the reward this time. Even if An Liang fully invested in the construction of the rural road this time, it would be 50 million Xia Guoyuan at most.

But the winner of life system actually provides a reward worth 100 billion US dollars?

It should be a pie from the sky!

However, after careful analysis by An Liang, he found the problem.

Updated: April 27, 2021 00:05:07, good night,

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