h2284 Tianshang Baiyujing Charity Foundation [1/3]

After reading the top-secret information sent by Zhao Wanxi, An Liang insisted on his own share distribution plan.

The more important the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is, the more cautious An Liang will be.

“An Liang: Do you have any comments on the share allocation?”

Zhao Wanxi: Your previous plan is already very good.

Zhao Wanxi: If you really want to be picky, that’s my problem too.

“Zhao Wanxi: We might consider adding the Hu family, the Dalin family, and the Ye family.

“Zhao Wanxi: The three of them are second only to the four of us.

Zhao Wanxi: You can give them 0.5%-1% of the Angel Wheel rights, and exempt them from the requirement of contribution.

Because of the existence of Xiaguo Power Grid, the angel round financing does not require the contribution of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. In the case of the A round, the 0.01% share not only doubles the valuation, but also requires 1,000 points of contribution from the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. .

The contribution of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club is relatively difficult to obtain, and the scope of application is becoming more and more extensive, ranging from the investment quota of Anxin Investment Company, to the slices of Millennium Astragalus, and even the Oral Liquid of Holly Seed and Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum. Contribution exchange is required.

There are many places that need the contribution of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, but there are too few opportunities to obtain the contribution of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. Even if An Liang only allocates 0.5% of the subscription rights, it is equivalent to giving 50,000 points of contribution to the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. Spend.

This is a good benefit for the Dalin family, the Ye family, and the Hu family.

After all, it was a contribution of 50,000 points from the Heavenly Baiyujing Club. According to the rules of the Heavenly White Jadejing Club’s contribution degree, it was equivalent to making a contribution of 500 million Xia Guoyuan to obtain such a contribution.

“An Liang: 0.5% is still a little less.

“An Liang: Then just 1%!”

An Liang “: Let them also join the Angel Wheel.

“Zhao Wanxi: Hey! No problem!

After this adjustment, three more people have been added to the angel round of Dream Future Energy Group. After the allocation, there are still 11% of the unallocated equity in the equity pool.

For start-ups, the remaining amount of this equity pool is very dangerous.

But Dream Future Energy Group is not a start-up company, it already has the core technology and all the connections it needs.

“Zhao Wanxi: I will inform the shareholders of the angel round first, you will notify the A round of financing in the club?

“An Liang: No problem!!

After An Liang and Zhao Wanjin agreed on the division of labor, An Liang immediately sent a message to the secret group of the Baiyujing Club in the sky.

An Liang first introduced the information of Dream Future Energy Group, and then revealed the information of the A round of financing.

An Liang: The angel round of Dream Future Energy Group has been confirmed, and the A round of financing will be carried out within our Tianshangbaiyujing club, and only formal members are allowed to participate.

“An Liang: Every full member can get a 0.02% subscription quota, and the subscription period is three days. If the subscription is not confirmed after three days, it will be regarded as an automatic waiver, and other full members can continue to apply for subscription.

“An Liang: The maximum amount for regular members to repeatedly subscribe is 0.1%.

“An Liang; this is a great opportunity, please seize the opportunity to get on the bus!”

“An Liang: In view of the fact that a large number of regular members have no contribution points, we have temporarily opened the Tianshang Baiyujing Charity Foundation under the Tianshang Baiyujing Club. Each member can donate a maximum of 20 million to obtain 2000 contribution points, which can only be used for this subscription. .

An Liang: All funds obtained by the Tianshang Baiyujing Charity Foundation will be fully used for charitable causes, and all expenditure information will be disclosed.

“An Liang: The Tianshang Baiyujing Charity Foundation internally recruits five managers with a monthly salary of 300 contribution points.

“An Liang: Self-nomination and recommendation are welcome. The scope of application includes full members, peripheral members, and relatives of full members.”

“Hu Xiaoyu: @ An Liang: Brother Liang, do you think I still have a chance?

“An Liang:…

“An Liang: Aren’t you the little butler of our Heavenly White Jade Club? You can already get 1,000 Contribution Points every month, and you still have time to manage other things?

‘Qian Xiaogang: @ An Liang: Brother Liang, do you think my girlfriend has a chance?’

“Pang Zhengfeng; girlfriend can also?”

“Pang Zhengfeng: Then I won’t let it go!!

“Lin Yili; how is my sister? @林云思!

“Ye Xiangyu: I also have a younger sister! @杨志艺

Li Cunyuan; I also have a cousin, so I will sign up too. magazine

“Zhao Wanxi: The elder sister of the Zhang family can also.

The Zhang family is a family represented by Zhao Wanxi on behalf of Zhao Zhao, and it is on the first floor of the imperial capital circle.

An Liang: This thing.. let our little housekeeper pick people.

“An Liang: Xiaoyu, you choose five people, each of them will contribute 300 points a month. Anyway, the charity foundation of our Heavenly White Jade Club will be run properly.

This works well is equivalent to doing cheap.

Even if the Heavenly Baiyujing Club selects five people to make their name, it can directly hire professional managers to manage the charitable foundation, as long as the charitable foundation operates normally.

How many fools are there in the Heavenly White Jade Club?

How could they not understand what An Liang meant?

But Hu Xiaoyu was in a bad mood!

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