h2288 I, An Liang, have never participated! 2/3[]

Facing the inquiring eyes of the two sisters of the Xia family and Bai Yue, An Liang explained.

“This time, Yuyue also participated in the construction of the road.” An Liang explained, “When this road is built, Yuyue will benefit the most, so Yuyue should take part in it as a matter of course.”

An Liang added, “I’m going to re-divide the investment ratio. Since Yuyue is the biggest beneficiary, Yuyue has 50% of the investment.”

“Given that Yuyue has occupied 50% of the investment, your relative investment share has dropped by half. After rounding up the calculation, Bai Yue will invest 35%, and Ruyi and He Xin will invest 15%.” An Liang divides the specific shares.

Moon’s eyes flickered, of course she knew that An Liang was reducing her investment burden.

Feather Moon is indeed the biggest beneficiary, but Feather Moon is a strong purchaser. Under normal circumstances, Feather Moon does not need to invest at all.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin naturally had no objections, and they obediently obeyed An Liang’s orders.

“It was decided like this. After professionals come to visit the site, we will invest proportionally.” An Liang explained.

Speaking of which, An Liang added, “Student Bai Yue, although you only need to invest 35% in 03, but according to my preliminary estimate, the overall investment in this road may be higher than we imagined, even if Thirty-five percent, I’m afraid it will cost more than 10 million.”

Bai Yue responded affirmatively, “I can use Alpine Suan Zao Ren as collateral.”

“Hmm!” An Liang nodded.

At twelve o’clock, Bai Ling greeted everyone to eat, and after entering the dining room, An Liang found two bowls of longevity noodles.

Bai Ling took the initiative to say, “I heard Bai Yue said that today is the birthday of two Xia classmates, so I made two bowls of longevity noodles on my own initiative.

Xia Hexin immediately thanked politely, “Thank you Aunt Bai!

Xia Ruyi also thanked, “Thank you Aunt Bai.”

After the two thanked them, they tasted the longevity noodles. The two bowls of longevity noodles were handmade noodles, and they were made of thick soup made with mushrooms from the mountains and alpine chickens that had been boiled all morning.

An Liang glanced at Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin’s longevity noodles, and he asked, “Aunt Bai can’t just make two bowls of longevity noodles, right?”

Bai Ling nodded, “Well, I only made longevity noodles for two little birthday stars.

An Liang said bluntly, “Since that’s the case, I’ll try them.”

“You two save some, I want to try it!” An Liang said to Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

Xia Hexin sat next to An Liang, she took the initiative to pick up the noodles, then rolled the noodles with chopsticks, and then fed them to An Liang. When An Liang was eating noodles, Xia Ruyi scooped a spoonful of soup with a spoon. After blowing, it was fed to An Liang.

Facing the care of Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi, An Liang naturally accepted it, and Bai Yue didn’t think there was any problem. After all, in Tianfu School of Economics and Tianfu Teachers College, An Liang’s relationship with the two sisters of the Xia family was very good. known things.

Only Bai Ling sighed silently in her heart. While she was worried about her daughter, she guessed that An Liang was related to the two sisters of the Xia family. Bai Yue told Bai Ling earlier that Xia Hexin was An Liang’s girlfriend and Xia Ruyi was An Liang’s. Auntie.

But now it seems that it is not so simple?

After lunch, in the afternoon, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin toured the scenery around Yunpo Village under the leadership of Bai Yue. An Liang followed, but An Liang was concerned about the extra stake in the Tianshang Baiyujing Club. allocation, as well as the choice of managers of the Tiantian Baiyujing Charitable Foundation.

Under the auspices of Zhao Wanxi and Hu Xiaoyu, the allocation of one percent of the shares of Dream Future Energy Group, which was allocated to the full members of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, ended.

In addition to the members of the Angel Wheel, every official member of the Sky Baiyujing Club has exchanged 0.02% of the share subscription rights. After an internal secret auction, Li Mingfei and Zhou Ronghua received an additional 0.06%, plus an average share of 0.02%. Equity, the two of them received a 0.08% stake.

Pang Zhengfeng and Xu Zhekai, together with Liu Neng, obtained an additional 0.04% of the equity respectively, and Wu Zhengfeng also obtained an additional 0.02% of the equity. He belongs to the type of accidental leakage.

After all, the extra share subscription right is a secret auction model, and it also requires contribution to subscribe, so Wu Zhengfeng can detect leaks twice in a row, which can be said to be a joy from heaven.

The managers of the Tianshang Baiyujing Charity Foundation are also well arranged.

Originally, An Liang was going to arrange an extra place for Zhang Zi of the Zhang family, but the other party was very lucky and made a breakthrough directly into the five places.

So is it so lucky?

When Zhang Zi’s quota was confirmed, Zhao Wanxi immediately sent a message to An Liang.

Zhao Wanxi: Thank you!

“An Liang: You’re welcome, that’s because the other party is lucky.

“Zhao Wan: I still want to thank you.”

Zhao Wan: By the way, Sister Zhang should personally manage the Heavenly Bai Yujing Charity Foundation. Are you planning to operate this charity foundation for a long time?

“An Liang: Nonsense!”

“190 An Liang: Sometimes, it is still necessary to give regular members a channel to gain contribution.

“An Liang: The other party actually wants to manage the charitable foundation in person. What is this operation? Does she have nothing of her own?”

Zhao Wan: Sister Zhang’s affairs are more complicated and involve privacy. I can’t say for sure. Anyway, she has nothing to do right now, and managing a charitable foundation is equivalent to relaxing.

“An Liang: How is the opponent’s level?

“Zhao Wan; you’re talking nonsense!

Since the Zhang family is the first layer of the imperial capital circle, it means that Zhang Zi has received a good education since childhood, and since the other party has offered to manage the charity foundation, it means that the other party’s level will not be bad.

“An Liang; we will arrange additional professional managers to assist her.

“Zhao Wanxi: No problem.

Zhao Wan: There is one more thing, you have to be prepared.

“An Liang: What’s the matter?

“Zhao Wanfen: The matter of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant may be announced to the public today, and the world will pay attention to it at that time, and you should pay attention to your own safety.

“An Liang: The fourth-generation nuclear power plant has nothing to do with me, what safety problems can I have?

An Liang was not involved at all, the black pot is all Huang Guoxiang’s, right?

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