h2293 showdown! [1/3]

An Liang read the topic “What can the fourth-generation nuclear power plant change?”, and after a little thought, he began to act.

He first logged into the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene, and then gave a thumbs up to this blogger who was obviously a trumpet.

Dream of the future graphene official blog account has its own traffic, because this official blog has become a sand sculpture blogger under the operation of An Liang, and is widely liked by the people who eat melons.

After An Liang liked on the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene, the already hot topic became even hotter, and An Liang added fuel to the fire.

Dreaming of Future Graphene:

@bolozyo: Hello, the trumpet of the relevant practitioners, your analysis is very accurate, we like your analysis very much, do you want to consider coming to our house to work?

Our family is also a power-related industry, and remind you of a detail, such as 03 If the related industry you are engaged in is relevant enough, you should be able to find that the registered company of the fourth-generation nuclear power technology is [Dream Future Energy Group)!

Our family is called [Dream Future Graphene Technology Group).

Crazy hints!

Do you understand now?

I had a showdown and stopped pretending. Originally, I was going to communicate with you sand sculpture netizens as an ordinary person, but in exchange, you think that I am also a sand sculpture.

Now I have to tell you that the fourth-generation nuclear power technology is also ours.

So has anyone bought our family’s deluxe 3rd generation flying bike?

In order to celebrate the successful research and development of the fourth-generation nuclear power technology, our luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle has launched a special offer, with a discount of 5 yuan for over 9.98 million!

Do not miss passing through!

The dream of the future, which had been silent for several days, suddenly jumped out and reported the big news, indicating the ownership of the fourth-generation nuclear power technology. Such big news naturally caused heated discussions among the people who eat melons.

Knife Mouth:

Slack trough trough?

This sand sculpture official Bo Jun will release a nuclear bomb as soon as he comes out?

Dreaming of Future Energy Group?

It really does have an internal taste, and it is completely printed out of a mold.

So Dream Future Energy Group and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, one is engaged in energy and the other is engaged in energy storage products, is a pair made in heaven?

Suddenly a little trembling, I hope that the official blog of Dream Future Energy Group will not be this sand sculpture style.

This comment directly rushed to the first popular comment, and a large number of people who eat melon expressed their shock. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group are indeed a match made in heaven.

Four tight futures:

Is it such a foolish offer again?

Over 9.98 million minus 5 yuan?

Is this the man in charge?

Am I missing the $5?

We are all missing that 9.98 million, okay?

This comment also rushed to the second most popular comment. More than once, a large number of people who eat melon hope that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will come to a lottery to draw a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle worth 9.98 million.

However, An Liang turned a blind eye.

After all, even if ordinary people win the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, there is a high probability that it will be pushed to the second-hand market, so why bother to draw randomly?

An Liang only cares about digging holes in Weibo, regardless of the comments of sand sculpture netizens. He is more concerned about the reaction of the capital market.

However, it is now Saturday, and both the world’s largest non-vegetable field and the “gold-covered” U.S. stock market have been closed, and the impact of the fourth-generation nuclear power technology has not been seen for a while.

The night is getting darker.

At about ten o’clock in the evening, An Liang and the two sisters of the Xia family returned to the three-story building. Those little guys had been escorted home by the security personnel of Renyi Security Company.

In An Liang’s room, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin both cuddled in his arms, Xia Ruyi asked, “When are you leaving?”

Xia Hexin also looked at An Liang with concern.

Reluctant to leave, “Am I leaving?” An Liang asked sarcastically.

Xia Ruyi admitted generously, “Yeah!”

Xia Hexin also agreed, “Well, we are reluctant to leave you.”

“In this case, the original plan to leave tomorrow, then postpone it for a day and leave the day after tomorrow!” An Liang responded.

After responding, An Liang continued to add, “Actually, our family also has an interest in the fourth-generation nuclear power technology. Our family has a little stake in the newly established Dream Future Energy Group, so on Monday, I have to deal with these. Thing 207.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin both looked at An Liang in surprise. Obviously, what they saw in the news, An Liang said that he had a stake, which made them feel very dreamy.

But thinking about it seems to be no problem.

It’s An Liang after all!

As the night got darker, the charger incident happened again, why is Xia Ruyi’s memory so bad, he forgot the charger every time?

Perhaps it was because of his birthday that the righteous giant An Dao had conquered demons and subdued demons four times before finally protecting his sweetheart.

the next day.

At about eight o’clock in the morning, An Liang woke up and walked to the restaurant on the first floor. Except for Miao Miao, neither the two sisters of the Xia family nor Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo were there.

“Where are they?” An Liang asked casually.

Miao Lei responded immediately, “They went to the market. Today is the market day in Anle Township.”


An Liang has not heard this word for many, many years. After all, this word is not popular in big cities, so the four of them are curious to join in the fun?.

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