h2303 Envy and careful thinking! 2/3]

In fact, Liu Ling envied Li Xiyan in her heart.

Not only envy Li Xiyan meeting An Liang, but also envy An Liang’s goodness to Li Xiyan. In Liu Ling’s cognition, she can’t understand An Liang’s goodness to Li Xiyan at all.

For example, a luxury house was sent directly!

Liu Ling now knows that the property is worth more than seven million.

Fortunately, Li Xiyan didn’t tell Liu Ling that An Liang gave her a first-line river view house in the magic capital worth over 100 million yuan, otherwise it would definitely subvert Liu Ling’s three views, right?

When facing An Liang, Liu Ling’s heart was very complicated. If An Liang was not Li Xiyan’s boyfriend, Liu Ling might have given in long ago. After all, An Liang really gave her a lot of help.

Whether in career or life, An Liang has given Liu Ling a lot of help.

For example, An Liang bought a Porsche Cayenne S-Coupe under the name of Li Xiyan, although An Liang indicated that he bought it for Li Xiyan, and even the license plate number 03 chose [Sheng A-XY920], which has an obvious meaning Numbers, but Liu Ling knew that An Liang bought it for her.

In addition, An Liang also bought a lot of bags from various luxury brands for Liu Ling, and even bought a lot of clothing from luxury brands for Liu Ling through Li Xiyan.

For example, the Louis Vuitton OnTheGo tote briefcase Liu Jun uses every day was given by An Liang, so Liu Lingcai thought a lot in an instant, and her face turned red.

Liu Ling thought about it a lot, she took a deep breath to calm down, then walked to the living room with the cooperation agreement and handed it to An Liang.

“An Liang, look at the cooperation agreement first. If there are any inappropriate terms, we will discuss and negotiate.” Liu Ling explained.

An Liang took the cooperation agreement and sat next to Li Xiyan. Li Xiyan took advantage of the situation to rest on An Liang’s lap. As soon as she put the pillow on, she found that Liu Ling was also beside him. This kind of intimacy made Li Xiyan She was shy, but as soon as she closed her eyes, a blind eye appeared.

Liu Ling looked at Li Xiyan’s natural movements, and at the way An Liang was used to it and didn’t even care, she couldn’t help but admire Li Xiyan again in her heart.

If An Liang’s willingness to spend money on Li Xiyan deserves to be envied, then the attitude revealed from the small details further shows that An Liang is true love for Li Xiyan.

After all, if it wasn’t true love, how could An Liang get used to Li Xiyan?

Liu Ling, who works in a bank, has actually met a lot of rich people, but most of the combinations of rich and beautiful women are not interesting to Liu Ling. After all, it is obvious that it is a transaction relationship.

However, An Liang is different from Li Xiyan. Liu Ling can clearly see that An Liang has a very doting attitude towards Li Xiyan, and Liu Ling can’t think of any other reason besides true love.

An Liang let Li Xiyan rest on his thigh, and he flipped through the cooperation agreement.

This cooperation agreement is very simple in content and clear in structure. It clearly states the terms of cooperation between AXA Construction and JSC Bank, the obligations undertaken by both parties, and compensation for breach of contract, etc.

In terms of loan amount, Gongshang Bank has given a floating limit, with a maximum loan of 3 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the loan period is also a floating term, allowing AXA to borrow for 5 to 8 years, and the interest calculation is accurate to every day.

The default design is a bit interesting. If AXA Construction defaults, it will not only need the land use right of the Fengfan Power Production Base as a mortgage, but also need AXA Construction to compensate for the loss other than the land use right income.

Even if AXA Construction Company has no money, is An Liang rich?

An Liang read the cooperation agreement from start to finish, and read the key clauses twice, and then put the cooperation agreement together on the coffee table.

Liu Ling looked at An Liang expectantly, “Is there any problem with this cooperation agreement?”

“A little problem.” An Liang responded with a smile.

Liu Ling immediately asked back, “What’s the problem?”

“In terms of default clauses, if our AXA Construction defaults, the value of the land use rights of the Fengfan Power Production Base will be far from being able to offset the loan, and if our AXA Construction chooses to close down on the spot, we only need to pay 1 million yuan. Compensation.” An Liang responded.

We “AXA Construction is a limited liability company.” An Liang added.

Under the framework of a limited liability company, if AXA Construction borrowed 2 billion Xiaguo and 217 yuan to invest in the development of the sail power production base, in case AXA Construction suddenly does not want to do it, it will mortgage the sail power production base to the Common Commercial Bank, and then If AXA Construction is declared bankrupt again, then Gongshang Bank will definitely have a tingling scalp.

Even if An Liang said he wanted to be honest, what if An Liang didn’t tell the truth?

Such a breach of contract is indeed a big problem for the Common Commercial Bank.

Liu Ling naturally understood what An Liang meant, she responded with a smile, “It has been nearly 20 years since your establishment of AXA Construction, and your father, Mr. An Shengyu, has been in the construction industry for nearly 30 years. Your reputation, or your father’s reputation, is well-known in the Shengqing construction industry.

Liu Ling continued, “According to the analysis of our risk department, although our default clause is designed to be relatively easy, the possibility of your AXA default is very small.

“In addition, such a breach of contract will make it easier to win your favor.” Liu Ling generously expressed her thoughts.

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