H2415 is really capable! [3/3]

The first dish that Chen Sansheng cooked was certified by the Life Winner System. No wonder this guy has such self-confidence!

An Liang secretly looked forward to the follow-up dishes cooked by Chen Sansheng.

“How?” An Liang ate another piece before asking Yang Maoyi next to him.

“Your Majesty should like it very much, right?” Yang Maoyi asked back.

An Liang nodded, “Well, I quite like it, it’s obviously a three-line meat like braised pork, but it’s fat but not greasy, this kind of taste is very strange.

Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively, “Actually, I have eaten Wanfu meat before, but the Wanfu meat I ate before did not feel fat but not greasy at all. On the contrary, eating a piece will make people greasy.”

“The Wanfu Pork cooked by Master Chen is indeed very well handled. In addition to being fat but not greasy, the salty and fragrant taste is also handled very well.” Yang Maoyi added.

“How many points can you give if you rate it in terms of taste and appearance?” asked An Liang.

Yang Maoyi thought for a while before giving her evaluation and said, “Based on my personal preference of 563, I think it can reach 9 points in terms of taste.”

This is the top rating given by Yang Maoyi!

Appearance can only give 8 points. “Yang Maoyi added.

The presentation of Wanfu Meat is indeed a little less refined. After all, Palace Three Nonstick is just a small shop, and there is no particular emphasis on the presentation.

After Yang Maoyi scored, Chen Houxing brought the next dish. The second dish was Jade Shredded Pork, which was actually Shredded Pork with Green Peppers. This dish is also a regular dish in Shengqing.

An Liang tasted it first. The overall evaluation of this green pepper shredded pork is good. The green peppers are crisp and thin-skinned green peppers are used to make the taste better. The handling of the shredded pork is also in place, there is no fascia, and there is no meaty smell. .

It just didn’t arouse An Liang’s astonishment, probably because shredded pork with green peppers is too common?

Yang Maoyi also only gave a 7-point taste evaluation and a 7-point appearance evaluation, which belonged to the category of gourmet, but did not reach the amazing level.

The third course is naturally rich chicken.

Chen Sansheng personally brought up the rich chicken, he put the rich chicken on the table, and then began to introduce.

“Ms. Yang, Mr. An, please allow me to introduce to you that our rich chicken does not use soil as an external dressing, but uses plant ash as an external dressing, which has been washed many times to avoid the earthy smell. “Chen Sansheng introduced first.

“In terms of the inner wrapping material, we will change the inner wrapping material with the change of seasons. At present, in the midsummer season, our inner wrapping material is lotus leaf. It tastes better.” Chen Sansheng added.

An Liang grasped the point, and he casually asked, “Do you use single-use or recycled plant ash?”

Chen Sansheng said without concealment, “If it is 68 yuan, we will recycle it. If it is a pre-ordered rich chicken, each chicken is made of fresh plant ash, and the plant ash after one use is added to 68 yuan. in gear.”

So it makes sense!

While explaining, Chen Sansheng opened the dressing of the rich chicken, and the tender lotus leaves of the season immediately exuded a strong fragrance, and then mixed with the aroma of chicken, which made people’s tongues succumbed.

Chen Sansheng separated the tender lotus leaves again, and then used kitchen scissors and stainless steel clips to quickly divide the rich chicken. A stainless steel clip can easily separate the rich chicken bones and meat, leaving only the bones of the wings and drumsticks.

“Ms. Yang, Mr. An, please taste it while it’s hot.” Chen Sansheng reminded.

Yang Maoyi first gave An Liang a chicken drumstick, “Your Majesty, try it.”

An Liang also gave Yang Maoyi a chicken leg, “You can try it too.”

Fortunately, Chen Sansheng was married, otherwise he would have to suffer a sweet crit.

An Liang picked up the chicken leg and took a bite. Chen Sansheng obviously cold-treated the rich chicken in advance, so that the temperature of the rich chicken was just right, and there was no feeling of burning his mouth.

An Liang was chewing the rich chicken, and he was surprised to find that the chicken thigh had a soft and glutinous feeling.

It feels so weird!

Chicken is not pork. Generally speaking, pork that is half fat and half lean will have a soft and glutinous taste, but the chicken cooked by Chen Sansheng actually has a soft and glutinous taste.

The tender lotus leaves in season bring a delicate flavor and blend into the chicken, which is very rare.


“The host’s taste buds feel the amazing deliciousness, making the host unforgettable memories, congratulations to the host for winning a random lottery gift package.

The winner of life system once again gives food certification!

There is something in this Chen Sanxing, but it is quite difficult to let the winner of life system give food certification again.

After all, An Liang is very picky now.

An Liang is not a picky eater. After school starts, An Liang can still get used to the school’s second canteen, but An Liang does not think the second canteen is delicious.

An Liang is just picky!

Ordinary food can’t make An Liang feel amazing at all.

However, a small restaurant hidden in the county has surprised An Liang twice in a row. It can only be said that this Chen Sansheng is really capable.

No wonder I was so confident before!

An Liang didn’t immediately open the random lottery gift package brought by the food rewards. He was going to make another round to see if he could still get the food rewards. What if there were still?

Updated: June 11, 2021 00:01:53, good night.

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