H2428 Thinking and fearing: big problem! [1/3]

Yuan Hao is a materialist, and horror stories like knocking on the door in the middle of the night usually do not frighten Yuan Hao.

But now Yuan Hao was taken aback!

Because when Yuan Hao received the news just now, he guessed that the other party had determined his location.

Anonymous “: Please open the door.

In the face of the information sent by the anonymous person, Yuan Hao also thought about not opening the door. After all, he can gamble, what if the other party does not dare to make a big move?

“Anonymous 1: We repeat, we have no ill will.”

Yuan Hao sighed inwardly, he has no choice now, even if he doesn’t open the door now, he can only hide for a while.

It’s a blessing, not a disaster, it’s a disaster that can’t be avoided! Yuan Hao took a deep breath and chose to open the door.

But there was no one outside the door, just a loose kraft paper bag containing a bottle of beer and some skewers.

“Anonymous 1: When friends come from afar, there is naturally a delicious wine and barbecue.

“Anonymous 1: Although we know that you won’t eat, we just want to show you an attitude, we really have no malice.”

“Anonymous 1: If we are malicious, your position has been exposed, and it is impossible to resist.

“Anonymous 1: Even if you don’t open the door, how long can you hold on?

Yuan Hao did not refute.

“Yuan Hao: What’s your purpose?

Anonymous”; should be your purpose.

Yuan Hao has a flash of inspiration!

“Yuan Hao: Are you her security guards?’

“Anonymous 1: We neither admit nor deny.”

Yuan Hao smiled when he looked at the other party’s answer.

Yuan Hao: You should be wondering why I sent her the information, right?

“Yuan Hao; the reason is very simple.

Yuan Hao: First, there is something strange about Bai Feng’s disappearance. I did investigate the security monitoring records of Decheng Railway Station, but the security monitoring records of the corresponding date were rudely deleted.

“Yuan Hao; I’m sending you the corresponding train ticket information, in fact, I want you to discover this and understand that there is something wrong with this matter.

Yuan Hao: Second, I have learned about her information. According to my analysis, she has the ability to solve this matter, or the power behind her has the ability to solve this matter.

“Yuan Hao; you are one of the forces behind her, right?

“Yuan Hao: For the last reason, have you ever wondered why I didn’t contact Decheng Patrol?

“Yuan Hao: According to my investigation and analysis, this matter is probably related to the Decheng patrol, if I contact the Decheng patrol, it should be a sheep’s mouth.

Anonymous “1: You are very honest.”

Yuan Hao: Because I really want to rescue my friend.

“Anonymous 1: Are you sure your friend is in danger?

“Yuan Hao: I’m sure!!

“Yuan Hao: You must have investigated my friend, so you know his situation, and he actually knows that going to the black kiln is dangerous, but the other party’s reward is very large.

“Yuan Hao: In order to avoid an accident, he told me about it in advance, so that I could help him if there was an accident.

“Anonymous 1: Last question, you must have tracked Bai Feng’s cell phone signal location information, we need this piece of information.

Anonymous “1: When we tracked this piece of information, the relevant information has been completely deleted, you should have a record?”

“Yuan Hao: Yes, I track his mobile phone information in real time, but the problem is here, his mobile phone signal finally appeared at Decheng Railway Station, and then disappeared directly offline.

“Anonymous 1: Do you have any other information?”

“Yuan Hao: There is a piece of information that is not considered intelligence. I have investigated the other party’s black kiln, but this black kiln has no name, no location, and no clues.

“Anonymous 1: This piece of information is really not intelligence.

“Yuan Hao: Yes!!

Yuan Hao: But we can analyze it in reverse. How could such a dark kiln attract Bai Feng?

“Yuan Hao: Did the other party know about Bai Feng’s situation in advance?

Yuan Hao: There is a problem with the patrols in Decheng, there is a problem with the existence of the black kiln, and there is a problem with the information channel of the black kiln. Based on the analysis of these information, I think our enemy is very dangerous.

“Anonymous 1: You’re smart, and you’re very articulate, unknowingly putting us on the same front.

“Yuan Hao: Sorry.

“Anonymous 1; this is the end of this exchange, you keep a low profile and wait for our news.”

“Yuan Hao: You…are still willing to help?”

“Anonymous 1: Guess what?”

An Liang ended the communication with Yuan Hao. The problems that were in doubt before are now fully resolved, but new problems have emerged.

Just like Yuan Hao’s analysis, a series of big problems have been involved from Bai Feng’s disappearance!

The most crucial point is how did this black kiln recruit Bai Feng accurately?

At first glance, this question seems to be fine. Bai Feng has a criminal record, and it is difficult to find a job. Heiyao does not care about a criminal record, and the salary is high, so the two hit it off.

But it’s terrifying to think about!

How does a black kiln in Beihe get in touch with Baifeng in Xiguang?

The two have absolutely no connection.

So there is a big problem behind it!

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