H2431 Brother Liang is a firefly in the dark night? [1/3]

Nomadison Navigator RV Camp.

An Liang stood under the shade of a tree on the edge, he put on a wireless Bluetooth headset, and then answered Huang Guoxiang’s voice call.

“Ming, Lao Huang, do you go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything?” An Liang joked.

“What the hell are you doing?” Huang Guoxiang asked directly.

An Liang pretended to be confused, “What the hell?”

“Xiguang Patrol System!” Huang Guoxiang said straight to the point, “Do you want me to continue?”

“You have crossed the line this time!” Huang Guoxiang continued, “You have stolen our authority and invaded the Xiguang patrol system. What are you trying to do?”

“Wow!” An Liang’s tone was full of indifference, “I thought it was such a big deal!”

“Is this a trivial matter?” Huang Guoxiang complained.

“It’s not a trivial matter?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

An Liang continued, “Let me correct your statement, we didn’t invade Xiguang’s patrol system, we went in openly.”

“.” Huang Guoxiang was speechless by An Liang’s shamelessness.

Seems like that too?

An Liang’s party entered with the authority of their National Security Investigation Bureau, and there was no intrusion.

Secondly, “Well, you should have noticed that we didn’t do anything in the patrol system.” An Liang added.

The National Security Investigation Bureau naturally discovered this. Renyi Security Company did not use their authority to do anything wrong, neither did they obtain confidential information, nor did they attempt to tamper with the information, nor did they attempt to transmit data.

Such a situation is equivalent to logging in to the computer system using the account of the computer administrator, but just browsing the desktop, neither opening the file, copying the file, nor modifying or deleting the file.

“So what’s your purpose?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Do you want to hear the truth, or do I just make up a reason?” An Liang responded calmly.

Huang Guoxiang took a deep breath, “Now is not the time for jokes, what exactly do you want to do?”

“I don’t know the specific technical situation, but we need a piece of data from the Western Light Patrol System.” An Liang responded.

“Old Huang, don’t worry, I’ll let No. 4 report the situation to you right away.” An Liang added, “Since you have delivered it to your door, this matter is just for you to handle.”

“What’s the matter?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang thought about it for a while, then explained the specific situation, and finally added, “You arrange a team of people to come over to solve this matter and investigate the black kiln thoroughly.

“No! Huang Guoxiang” refused to respond.

“Huh?” An Liang wondered.

Two “reasons.” Huang Guoxiang responded, “First, our field staff have a very large amount of tasks, and there are simply no more field staff to arrange for you.”

An Liang interrupted Huang Guoxiang, “I know you have a lot of field staff, you are the excuse!

“It’s not an excuse!” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“It’s okay to arrange Liu Xinyi here.” An Liang took the initiative to call.

Huang Guoxiang refused again, “She has already performed field missions in Bao Province, and our field personnel have recently performed a lot of tasks in Bao Province, Southeast Asia, and the Bald Eagle Country.

“You mean… An Liang was startled.

“The alliance formed by your Anxin Investment has been very thorough in suppressing Bao Province, which has caused huge damage to Bao Province, so there are currently considerations in that regard.” Huang Guoxiang explained.

0… ask for flowers…

An Liang did not hesitate to distance himself from the relationship, “It has nothing to do with our peace of mind investment!”

Lao Huang “Don’t hurt me!” An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang sneered, “In the words of your young people, even if you hide in the dark, you still shine like a firefly and always attract people’s attention.”

“You sell me?” An Liang asked.

“Do you still need us to sell you?” Huang Guoxiang smiled, “You guys are so obvious that you are holding a group and suppressing Baosheng, you can be a little smarter and you can see that you are investing in peace of mind behind the scenes.”

“So do we gain anything?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Haven’t you gotten enough benefits now?” Huang Guoxiang also asked back, “For example, you stole the network authority of our National Security Investigation Bureau. We did not block your authority immediately, but contacted you to inquire about the situation. ”

Secondly, “Your Anxin Investment Company has hidden a lot of funds overseas, and we are tacitly aware of these things.” Huang Guoxiang added.

“More importantly, we didn’t interfere with the security forces you have, right?” Huang Guoxiang added.

Huang Guoxiang added, “The security forces I am talking about are not those on the surface.

“What do you mean?” An Liang asked back.

“You are by Yang Maoyi’s side now, right?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

“Knowingly asking:” An Liang responded sarcastically, “Aren’t you guys paying attention to my cell phone signal location anytime, anywhere?”

An Liang doesn’t care about this trivial matter at all. If necessary, An Liang can indeed block such a positioning, but he is upright and innocent. How can he be afraid of these little tricks?

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