H2433 new information? [3/3]

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang’s “friendly negotiation” ended, both parties obtained satisfactory results. An Liang immediately instructed Renyi Security Company to change the investigation method.

Previously, Renyi Security Company’s investigation was very passive, and they chose to wait for the rabbit. After all, Renyi Security Company’s investigation can only be carried out in the shadows.

However, after obtaining the authorization of the National Security Investigation Bureau, the investigation of Renyi Security Company immediately changed from dark to light.

Because of the authority provided by the National Security Investigation Bureau, Renyi Security Company’s No. 4 Tianji Shenshen even directly contacted the network security personnel of the Xiguang patrol system. After verifying the authority, the two sides cooperated with each other to review the entire Xiguang patrol system.

Less than two hours later, the No. 4 Tianji Shenshen reported the information to An Liang.

“No. 4: BOSS, we have already found the guy who set up the backdoor program in the Xiguang patrol system, and it really is a ghost!

No. 4; but this inner ghost absconded ahead of time, and we are on the hunt.

Zero: Who is the other party?’

On the 4th of 03, the corresponding information was immediately sent to An Liang, whose name was Yang Guangming, the name of a sunny boy.

He is the network security maintainer of the dungeon system in Xiguang Province. He has access to all criminal information in Xiguang Province, so he can screen criminals and provide accurate intelligence information.

“Number Zero: Is there any whereabouts of the other party?

“Number Four: We’ve found the other’s trail.

“Number Four; don’t worry, the other party can’t escape!

Zero: Secretly arrest each other.

An Liang wants exclusive access to information!

Because the winner of life system reminded me that this time event triggered a chance reward, so when there was an opportunity, An Liang naturally had to seize the opportunity.

“Number Four: Understood!”

More than half an hour later, An Liang received another contact from No. 4.

No. 4: [Picture]

“Number Four: We have secretly apprehended the target and removed traces of the target’s existence.

No. 0: Interrogate immediately, I need information on the black kiln.

Number Four”: Received.

Xiguang Province, in a dense forest on the edge of Zhaolin City.

Yang Guangming was tied to a tree with his backhand, and two men wearing masks looked at Yang Guangming.

One of them asked, “Yang Guangming, do you still have to resist?”

Yang Guangming looked blank, “Who are you, why are you arresting me?”

“You are the network security maintainer of the Xiguang patrol dungeon system. You took advantage of your job to steal some criminals’ information and sold them to a black kiln organization in Beihe.” The masked man on the left identified Yang Guangming, And pointed out his crimes.

The masked man on the right added, “We arrest you this time because of this one thing, if you tell us the information about the black kiln, you will show active cooperation in your transcript, thereby reducing the degree of sentencing.

“Who are you guys?” Yang Guangming asked again.

The masked man on the left took out a certificate and showed it, “National Security Investigation Bureau!”

Yang Guangming showed a wry smile, he seemed to be talking to himself, “I knew you would come one day.

“We need to know the situation of the black kiln.” The masked man on the left asked.

Yang Guangming took a deep breath, “Am I now guilty of making meritorious deeds?”

“If you provide information, and the information is true, it is a crime and meritorious service.” The masked man on the right responded.

Yang Guangming immediately explained, “The black kiln you mentioned does exist, but I don’t know how long it has existed, and I don’t know its specific location, I only know that it is in Decheng in Beihe.

“I haven’t even met the other party. All transactions between us are done online, so I don’t know the details of the other party.” Yang Guangming added.

The masked man on the right asked, “Do you know what happened to the criminals whose information you sold out?”

Yang Guangming said contemptuously, “What does that have to do with me? It’s just a criminal anyway!”

“Aren’t you curious?” the masked man on the right asked again.

“I’ve never been curious.” Yang Guangming added, “I’ve watched TV shows, and I understand that the more I know, the faster I die, so I don’t know anything.”

After some interrogation, the two investigators of Renyi Security Company confirmed that Yang Guangming did not lie, this guy really doesn’t know anything, but it is impossible for him to escape legal punishment.

The situation was reported to An Liang at 1:137 on the 4th.

No. 0: In short, the current clue is broken here at Yang Guangming, do you have any suggestions?’

Number Four”: There are two ways to continue the investigation.

“No. 4; We have now determined that the Black Secret is in Decheng, and we can mobilize more personnel to investigate slowly in Decheng.

The information about Hei Yao in Decheng was almost certain when Bai Feng came over.

Zero: No way!!

“No. 0: First, there may be a problem with the patrol system in Decheng, and secondly, Heiyao may have arranged a lot of deep-covering observers in Decheng. Once there is an abnormal situation, it is very likely that the other party will discover it.

No one knows how long the black kiln has been lurking in Decheng, and what kind of back-hand arrangement is there, although in theory, a black kiln should not have too much energy, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

“Number Zero: What about the second way?

Update time: June 17, 2021 00:02:07, Bao, it’s late at night, good night.

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