H2435 determines the address of the black kiln! [2/3]

The Yushuang successfully dropped the front swarm drone, and more than 3,000 swarm drones arrived over Decheng.

No. 4: The swarm drone has begun to scan the entire Decheng, and the initial plan is to scan all areas within 70 kilometers.

The swarm drone continues the design of the third-generation flying motorcycle. It also adopts a ducted fan design and uses graphene batteries for power supply. It also integrates the lighthouse system into the flight control system. It is very intelligent and has a high degree of intelligence. Noise is very small.

In the night sky of 100 meters, the front group drones are completely integrated into the night sky, and it is almost impossible to be found.

In fact it is!

The swarm drone quickly scans the situation in Decheng through infrared thermal radiation detectors, not even the urban area, and conducts three-wave scans to form completely independent three-scan results, which further increases the accuracy of the results.

In the southeast of Decheng, in a valley more than 50 kilometers away from the 150 urban area, there is a quarry. At night, the quarry is naturally empty.

However, in the scanning results of a front group UAV, there is a problem with this quarry, because through the scanning of infrared thermal radiation detectors, this quarry has high heat and thermal radiation reactions, and the coverage area is a bit large , more than four square kilometers.

Such a situation was naturally discovered by the No. 4 Tianji Shenshen, and he immediately mobilized the spare swarm drone to go to the quarry to obtain more detailed information.

The flying speed of the swarm drone can reach 120 kilometers at the fastest, and the battery life can reach two hours. These are the excellent characteristics brought by the graphene battery.

As new swarm drones arrive on site, more swarm drones scan the quarry, and there are still more swarm drones using night vision cameras to film the quarry.

No. 4 was searching the Internet for information about this quarry, but he found that there was no information about this quarry on the Internet at all.

But it’s okay to think about it, after all, a primitive business like a quarry doesn’t seem to require online transactions?

However, No. 4 also found no information about this quarry in the grid system.

This is not normal!

Modern quarries have long said goodbye to human resource quarrying, and the participation of various electrical equipment has made quarrying easier, so there is naturally a demand for electricity.

However, No. 4 did not find the existence of this quarry in the power grid system. There are two possibilities for this situation. Either the quarry has a large diesel generator set, or it uses the name of someone else in the power grid system.

No. 4 did not investigate in detail because it was no longer necessary!

The reason is very simple. The swarm drone has discovered more secrets of this quarry. There is a village-like building complex close to three kilometers south of the quarry.

But there is also no information about this village in the map information.

More importantly, in the image of the night vision device, the building of this village is very strange and looks ordinary from the outside, but there are a large number of iron fences in the internal passage, and there are guards (addh) at night.

The information fed back by the infrared thermal radiation detector is even more astonishing. In the buildings of the village, a large number of human thermal radiation images appear, and there are even more than fifty human thermal radiation images in one house.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for there to be so many people in a house, so the No. 4 Tianji Shenshen judged that it was the dormitory room of Datongpu.

Weird quarries, heavily fortified villages, Datongpu dormitories, no accounts in the power grid, etc. All these information combined, it was natural to judge that this valley was the black kiln.

No. 4 immediately reported the information to An Liang.

“Number Four; BOSS, we have discovered the location of the black kiln.

No. 4: [picture [picture [picture]]

“No. 4: According to the information obtained so far, this valley named [Cliff Valley] is most likely the location of the black kiln.

Zero: How many people are there?’

“Number Four: Not sure for now.

“No. 4: According to the drone survey of the bee colony, there are 624 people in the village, but because of the isolation of the soil layer, we cannot accurately analyze the digital display of the infrared thermal radiation fed back under the quarry.

Zero: Has the other party found you?’

Number four; not found.

“No. 0: Continue monitoring to determine what type of black kiln this Heirong is.

If it was 20 years ago, An Liang might have guessed that it was coal mines, but now is the age of 2020, where can coal mines make too much money?

Number Four: Received.

After An Liang instructed No. 4, he considered how to deal with this black kiln, whether it was through the private force of Renyi Security Company or the patrol force of Decheng.

After a little thought, An Liang sent Yuan Hao a message.

“Anonymous 1: In?!

Yuan Hao; Yes.

“Anonymous 1: Can you hack the patrol system in Decheng?

Yuan Hao:???’

Yuan Hao looked at the message sent by the other party, was he directly shocked?

“Anonymous 1: We need you to hack the German city patrol system.

‘Anonymous 1: Can you do it?’.

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