H2438 exposure! Probe? [2/3]

In the unknown residence, three unknown persons are discussing the matter of the black kiln.

Xiucai continued to add, “I can confirm that the guy who originally invaded our network and inquired about Baifeng” used the local network address of our Decheng. ”

We have “extensively checked the entry and exit records of Decheng, including highway passages, train passages, and aircraft passages, but we have not found any abnormal targets.” Mr. Jia explained.

Mr. Zhou added on the side, “We also went to the municipal library, 5G network experience hall, and Feiyu Internet Cafe that you marked, but the monitoring systems of the three locations were all set to loop, and we did not find any. information.

“That’s why it’s trouble!” Xiu Cai sighed, “There are network experts tracking Bai Feng, and I’m worried that something unexpected will happen.”

“How is Bai Feng’s situation now?” Mr. Jia asked.


President Zhou responded, “Of course everything is normal. Once he goes in, he can’t come out again.”

“Mr. Zhou, President Jia, there is one more thing that is quite troublesome.” Xiucai interjected.

“What’s the matter?” Mr. Zhou asked.

“Yang Guangming is missing!” Xiucai said the problem.

“What?” Jia was a little surprised.

President Zhou took a deep breath, “What’s wrong with missing?”

“It is temporarily uncertain. The information transmitted by our lurkers at Xiguang is that Yang Guangming has disappeared directly, and Yang Guangming’s parents do not seem to know about this.” Xiu Cai added.

President Zhou was silent for a few seconds before explaining, “I suspect that the internet master behind Bai Feng is doing things.”

“Could it be that the other party went to Xiguang to kidnap Yang Guangming?” Mr. Jia’s tone revealed a taste of disbelief.

Xiu Cai flashed a flash of inspiration, “Do you think that the Internet master behind Bai Feng’s background may be from Xiguang Zhaolin, and the other party is Bai Feng’s friend, so after Bai Feng disappears, the other party will look for Bai Feng.”

“It’s possible!” President Zhou first affirmed, and then continued to analyze. According to this clue, we can check the interpersonal relationship related to Bai Feng, and then filter according to the proficient computer technology, we should be able to find the specific identity information.

“Good idea!” Xiucai responded, “Wait a minute, I’ll deal with it right away.”

After he finished speaking, Xiucai immediately took out his laptop, and his laptop was logged into the Decheng patrol system!

In fact, Yuan Hao guessed wrong, the Decheng patrol has filed a case against the missing person, so they have the right to investigate, otherwise the patrol will not have the right to investigate the privacy.

After some screening and matching, Xiucai quickly determined Yuan Hao’s information.

“It should be this person!” Xiucai pushed the laptop to President Zhou and President Jia, “I am mobilizing our social and public security monitoring system in Decheng to determine whether this person is in Decheng.”

2020 is a modern big data era!

Even if Yuan Hao was careful enough to hide his tracks as much as possible, and even tampered with the hotel registration system he settled in, he still couldn’t escape the ubiquitous security monitoring system.

Found “Yes!” Xiucai continued, “This Yuan Hao came in by train, and I’m searching for his location.”

In less than half an hour, under the siege of big data, Yuan Hao’s position was locked in three hotels within two hundred meters.

“This guy may be in Season Hotel, Weekly Hotel, and Golden Hotel, one of these three hotels, he cunningly hacked into the systems of the three hotels, and manipulated the systems of all three hotels, Mr. Zhou, you can arrange someone Go and investigate?” Xiucai asked.

President Zhou said affirmatively, “I will arrange for my cronies to investigate immediately.”

Mr. Jia added on the side, “I arranged for someone to set up a card inspection to prevent him from escaping.”

It can be analyzed from the dialogue of the three people that all three of them are insiders of the Decheng patrol.

Yuan Hao’s analysis is correct!

Fortunately, An Liang instructed No. 4 Tianji Shensuan to keep a close eye on the situation of the Decheng patrol. When the Decheng patrol moved, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan received the news immediately, and he made a voice call directly to Yuan Hao.

In less than ten seconds, Yuan Hao answered the voice.

No. 4 naturally uses a voice changer, and through the voice changer software, his voice becomes a neutral electronic synth sound.

“Yuan Hao, we have detected the abnormal movement of the Decheng patrol. We suspect that your location has been exposed. You should leave now!” No. 4 reminded.

Yuan Hao had no doubts at all, he put the laptop into his backpack and left the room.

This guy has been ready to run!

The situation “has changed!” No. 4 added, we “discovered through the security monitoring system that someone was blocking the surrounding traffic arteries, do you have any way to avoid it?”

Yuan Hao responded in a low voice, “I have a retreat plan, and this location is a specially chosen location to match the retreat plan.”

Immediately “retreat.” Four responded.

“Where do we meet?” Yuan Hao asked tentatively.

How can the number four not hear the other party’s temptation?

“There is no meeting point, you have been exposed now, and it is impossible for us to contact you. Our suggestion is that you leave Decheng temporarily and then monitor the situation in Decheng remotely.” No. 4 responded.

Yuan Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he responded, “I will find a way to leave, please investigate this matter further.

“Wait patiently for the good news.” No. 4 responded and hung up the voice call.

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