H2456 uses the North Bear Kingdom as a gunner? [2/3]

Huang Guoxiang didn’t know that he followed An Liang’s routine again, but felt that he had given up a trouble. He hummed a song in the office. After all, in the confrontation between him and An Liang, he was often at a disadvantage. This time he won. With An Liang, Huang Guoxiang is naturally very happy.

An Liang walked out of Huang Guoxiang’s office. He checked the contact information sent to him by Huang Guoxiang. The spokesperson of the Donghai Sea Mariner was called Lan Xin, a relatively rare surname.

An Liang did not contact Lanxin immediately, he first sent a message to Zhao Wanxi.

An Liang: Have you heard of Blue Letter~?

“Zhao Wanxi: Of course I’ve heard of it, the spokesperson of the East Sea Master, do you have anything to do with him?

“Zhao Wan: If you have something that requires the participation of the East China Sea Navy, you can ask Uncle Huang or Lin Yili. The Dalin family has a strong network in the East China Sea Navy.

“An Liang: Are you still shopping?

Zhao Wanxi: Don’t worry, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are both in school, they didn’t come together. ”

“Zhao Wanxi: The guys in the club are also very smart, including Xiaoyu, who didn’t say anything about you.

“An Liang: I went to see Lao Huang just now, and I do have something to deal with by the Donghai Sea Division. You can continue shopping, and I will deal with the business first.

An Liang ignored Zhao Wanxi’s second message, and An Liang felt that he was at a loss because of this matter.

“Zhao Wanxi: Well, if you need any help, please tell me in advance.

After An Liang and Zhao Wan finished their communication, they called Lan Xin and waited for the call to be answered. An Liang greeted first, “Hello, Mr. Lan, I am An Liang.”

“Hello, Mr. An, I’m Lanxin. Lao Huang has said in advance that if Mr. An needs any help, we can discuss it.” Lanxin responded straight to the point.

“Do you have time, Mr. Lan, let’s meet and talk?” An Liang suggested.

Lan Xin answered affirmatively, “No problem, I’m currently in the Yuezhu Garden outside the West Second Road. Welcome to Mr. An for tea.”

“Okay, please wait a moment, I’ll come right over.” An Liang replied.

After finishing the call, An Liang immediately instructed Li Yang to drive to the Moon Bamboo Garden, which is located in the Moon Lake Park, quite close to the National Conservatory of Music.

A quarter of an hour later, An Liang arrived at the Moon Bamboo Garden and then met Lan Xin.

Lan Xin was wearing a set of casual clothes, his body was slightly fat, and he was drinking tea leisurely. He couldn’t tell that he was from a navy master, but he had the feeling of a Confucian businessman.

“Mr. Lan.” An Liang greeted proactively.

“President An, please sit down and have a cup of tea.” Lan Xin responded politely immediately and poured the tea himself.

After drinking a cup, An Liang responded bluntly, “I have no research on tea, no matter what kind of tea it is, I feel the same.”

“Hahaha, Mr. An is quick to talk.” Lan Xin praised the response, and then took the initiative to ask, “I heard Lao Huang say that Mr. An is going to salvage a sunken treasure in the high seas, right?”

“Yes.” An Liang replied affirmatively, “So I hope you Donghai Marine can help.”

“Of course no problem!” Lan Xin agreed first, and then asked, “How many ships does Mr. An need, and what kind of ships do you need?”

Before An Liang responded, Lan Xin said half-jokingly and half-seriously, at present, “the aircraft carrier has its own mission, and it is definitely impossible to be dispatched easily.”

In fact, An Liang was just joking.

If the aircraft carrier is really dispatched, I am afraid that the surrounding imperial court will be highly nervous, and even the Bald Eagle Kingdom will pay attention, but it will be inconvenient to salvage the sunken treasure.

“At least two destroyers should be arranged. After all, they are in the high seas. I am worried that the salvage of sunken treasures will cause trouble.” An Liang explained his considerations.

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The security environment in the Xia Kingdom is indeed very good, but how can there be any security environment in the high seas?

It’s not surprising to meet pirates on the high seas, isn’t it?

In order to ensure the safety of the salvage process of sunken treasures, An Liang naturally hoped that a destroyer would accompany him, so as to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

“Haha, Mr. An is very cautious!” Lan Xin responded jokingly.

The latest generation of destroyers of the Xia Kingdom is very advanced and very powerful in terms of force value. Two destroyers accompany them, almost guaranteeing absolute safety.


Be prepared to avoid the unexpected. An Liang replied, “There is one more thing to say in advance. I will contact the North African country and let the North Bear country also arrange security ships. If we really encounter trouble, we can let them do it first.” . ”

Speaking of this, An Liang laughed, “After all, the North Bear Kingdom is more proactive!”

The North Bear Kingdom prefers to show force, so in addition to Xia Kingdom’s Donghai Division, An Liang is also planning to contact the North Bear Kingdom. In the event of an accident, the North Bear is the best thug.

The North Bear Country is not afraid of causing international disputes!

Lan Xin responded hesitantly, “This idea is really good, but the question is will the North Bear Kingdom really accept it?”

This kind of thing, a discerning person can know at a glance that the North Bear Kingdom is used as a gunner, can the North Bear Kingdom be fooled?

An Liang also knew what Lan Xin meant. He smiled and said, “Whether the North Bear Country can accept it depends entirely on our sincerity. If we are sincere, I believe that the North Bear Country will definitely accept it.

Xia Guo has an old saying: money can make a grinder push a ghost!

According to the bad economic situation of the North Bear Country, as long as An Liang’s sincerity is full, what can’t you do? Go on.

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