H2465 turned out to be a big company! [5/6]

An Liang predicted that the neon lurkers’ plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, but the neon sneaker also prepared a backup plan. If the plan to move the tiger away from the mountain fails, they will try to kidnap Hu Xiaoyu.

An Liang does not know the backup plan of the neon lurkers, but he has ordered the Renyi Security Company to start operations to investigate the clues of the neon lurkers from multiple channels.

Renyi Security Company has a lot of arrangements in the imperial capital. Not only has it obtained a large number of security monitoring system resources through the authority of the National Security Investigation Bureau, but it has also developed a lot of peripheral members.

A large number of peripheral members do not even know that they are peripheral members of Renyi Security Company, which is the traditional art of Renyi Security Company. When developing peripheral organizations, they all put on vests.

For example, the Dongming Holy King Organization is clearly a peripheral organization under the Renyi Security Company, but the Dongming Holy King Organization did not realize this at all. It was just at the mercy of the Renyi Security Company or An Liang, which continued to harass Neon. Internet.

The Dongming Holy King Organization originally planned to attack Neon’s Internet system on Friday, but Neon’s defense was too tight, so the plan was temporarily shelved, just looking for better opportunities, not giving up completely.

It was nearly ten o’clock in the morning.

An Liang took Yang Maoyi to the advertising company that made the fox fairy food evaluation sign. When he arrived at the door, Yang Maoyi was surprised to find that the advertising company had changed its name to “Fox Xian Advertising”.

“Your Majesty.” Yang Maoyi took An Liang’s arm, and her heart was full of happiness again.

An Liang asked with a smile, “Do you like it?”

Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively, “I like it!

When An Liang communicated with Yang Maoyi, Liu Mingyan, the person in charge of Foxxian Advertising Company, was waiting. When the exchange between the two was over, Liu Mingyan said, “Good morning, Mr. An.

An Liang introduced Liu Mingyan to Yang Maoyi, “This is Liu Mingyan, she is the person in charge of the advertising company, and the future operations can also be handed over to her, you just need to sit behind the scenes.”

Liu Mingyan is thirty-nine years old this year. She is from Beihe, but she has been in the imperial capital for 19 years. She has now settled in the imperial capital and has established her own family. The stability of her workplace is very good, so she can continue to be in charge of the Fox Immortal Advertising Company. People, do not need Yang Maoyi to worry about.

“Hello, Manager Liu.” Yang Maoyi stretched out her right hand when greeting.

Liu Mingyan quickly stretched out her hands to shake hands with Yang Maoyi, “Hello, Mr. Yang.

After the two greeted each other, An Liang said, “Manager Liu, take Mr. Yang to browse the company. I’ll go to the lounge and take care of some work.”

Liu Mingyan nodded immediately, “Okay, Mr. An.

An Liang patted Yang Maoyi’s waist and motioned her to browse the company by herself.

“See you in the lounge.” An Liang explained.

“Hmm!” Yang Maoyi responded naturally and well.

After Yang Maoyi responded, An Liang walked to the lounge, and Liu Mingyan took Yang Maoyi to browse the Foxxian Advertising Company.

Foxxian Advertising Company, formerly known as Beiyu Advertising Company, is a 4A-level advertising company with a total asset evaluation of 140 million yuan and an annual operating income of 90 million yuan, ranking 15th in the country in the advertising industry. And the gap with the top ten is very small.

In last year’s Xiaguo advertising industry revenue report, the tenth place was Modu Qunyi Advertising Company, with an annual operating income of only 114 million.

Liu Mingyan took Yang Maoyi to browse the Fox Fairy Advertising Company and introduced the information to Yang Maoyi, which made Yang Maoyi feel more happy.

Originally, Yang Maoyi thought that An Liang just bought a small advertising company!

As a result, who knew that they bought a large advertising company with an asset evaluation of over 100 million and an annual operating income of almost over 100 million?

“Mr. Yang, our company currently has a total of 83 employees who are capable of advertising design and production. This year, we plan to increase our operating income for another year, striving to break through the 100 million mark and officially enter the nine clubs.” Liu Mingyan Indicates future plans.

Liu Mingyan didn’t know Yang Maoyi’s situation, but only knew that the company was sold in a short period of time. The new owner was not only young, but also very well-connected. Otherwise, it would be impossible to simply buy Beiyu Advertising Company and change its name directly.

Therefore, Liu Mingyan must prove his worth and avoid being directly replaced by the new boss.

“Yeah!” Yang Maoyi responded, “I don’t know much about the advertising industry. In the future, Manager Liu will need to put more effort into the company’s affairs.”

Liu Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief, and she assuredly said, “Please rest assured, Mr. Yang, I will definitely work hard to make the company’s development further.

Yang Maoyi promised, “If the total profit this year increases, I will give everyone an extra bonus.

“Thank you, Mr. Yang!” Liu Mingyan thanked first. As for whether Yang Maoyi will give out bonuses or not, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, Yang Maoyi’s goodwill is good.

In the lounge, An Liang checked the information sent by Renyi Security Company. Renyi Security Company is very efficient. They have found some useful clues.

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