H2471 North bears are fearless! [2/3]

The idea of ​​Neon Kingdom is good and reasonable, but Neon Kingdom ignores two factors.

The first factor is North Bear’s tough attitude.

The North Bear Country’s attitude towards pirates has not been very good. Although most of the time, the North Bear Country’s warships also adopted a warning and expulsion plan when encountering pirates, but there were also cases of attacking pirates.

The second factor is the agreement between An Liang and Seminovich. According to the security agreement between the two parties, in the event of encountering pirates, An Liang will provide additional rewards if the North Bear State warship sinks the pirates.

This agreement is an unexpected factor that Neon Nation does not know.

So there may be a little problem with Neon Country’s insidious tricks.

About an hour later, the three counterfeit pirate ships arranged by the Neon Kingdom approached the open ocean waters of the sunken treasure. For the sake of safety, none of the three counterfeit pirate ships came directly. They put down six assault boats and came to inquire about the news.

In the guided missile destroyer of the North Bear Country, Captain Kolov put down his binoculars, he sneered, “Is there really a guy who is not afraid of death?

First Officer Trotsky said with excitement, “Captain, they should be pirates!”

Gillian responded negatively, “I think it’s possible that they were someone else disguised as a pirate who came to find out. 99

However, after Ji Lien finished speaking, both Captain Kolov and First Officer Trosky looked at Ji Lien expressionlessly.

Such a simple thing, need Gillian to explain?

Among the heavy destroyers of the Xia Kingdom, the first officer Qiao Zhuangzhi reported, “Report to the captain, in the direction of 28 degrees north of our east, three small and medium ships were found 11 kilometers away, and six charging ships were found. boat.”

Qiao Zhuangzhi continued, “According to our analysis, those ships disguised as pirates should have been arranged by the Kuanhong court behind the scenes.”

Sun Xin responded calmly, “We remain vigilant and let the thugs act first.”

This time, they played the role of escort and the role of thugs was the North Bear Kingdom.

Whether it is the Xia Kingdom or the North Bear Kingdom, both sides can see that the Neon Kingdom is doing things behind the scenes.

In the guided missile destroyer of the North Bear Country, Gillian realized that he had said something wrong, and he bluntly changed the subject, “Now there are pirates attacked, we should protect the safety of our employers and avoid damage to our reputation.

Captain Kolov said righteously, “Yes, we are defending our own honor!

“Tolosky, instruct the entire ship to prepare for battle, and notify other warships to act at any time.” Captain Kolov ordered.

“Yes!” Trotsky responded with implied excitement.

The salvage ship in the most central position was still detecting the shipwreck information, and Qin Tianxiang, who was on the front line, received the information of No. 4.

“Suzaku Liu, there are three small and medium-sized ships in your east-north direction, and the other party has released six assault boats, which are approaching you.” No. 4 Tianji Shenshen reminded.

In an unknown room, the screen wall in front of No. 4 Tianji Shensuan displayed real-time satellite images of the waters of the sunken treasure. In order to salvage the sunken treasure this time, No. 4 Tianji Shensu additionally ‘rented’ optical satellite monitoring.

“Okay, Your Excellency No. 4, I will immediately notify the thugs to solve the problem.” Qin Tianxiang responded.

After responding, Qin Tianxiang immediately contacted Kolov in the confidential communication software, waiting for the communication to be answered, Qin Tianxiang first instructed in English, “There is an unknown ship in the north-easterly direction, you go to intercept and deal with it.

 … ask for flowers  …

Received “, BOSS.” Kolov’s English accent has a strong taste of northern bear, “If we determine that the other party is a pirate, what should we do?”

Qin Tianxiang responded without hesitation, “Everything is carried out as agreed, if the other party is a pirate, you can warn and drive the other party away, or you can choose other ways to deal with it.

“Okay, BOSS, we’ll deal with it right away.” Kolov responded.

After Kolov responded, he ended the call, and he instructed in the onboard communication system of the guided missile destroyer, “Prepare to fight, destroy the attacking pirates!

In addition to the guided missile destroyer, another guided missile destroyer, and four guided missile frigates, all received Kolov’s orders and began to execute them.

Three pirate ships in neon camouflage are unaware that the crisis is coming.

When the six assault boats entered the one-kilometer range, the close-up guns of the six warships of the North Bear Country fired without hesitation, and the two guided missile frigates fired three short-range ship-to-ship missiles.

The three counterfeit pirate ships ten kilometers away were stunned!

They really didn’t think about the direct launch of missiles by the North Bear Country. Shouldn’t they have shouted a warning first, and then sailed over to drive them away?

After going through this process, they can gain enough time to detect what the North Bear Country and Xia Country guys are going to do. Even if they get some clues, they can further analyze more information.

But who knew that the guys from North Bear Country directly fired missiles?

This is unreasonable! Nine.

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