H2481 Start a gang in advance? [3/3]

In the Linhe box of Luqiao Furious Roast Lamb Restaurant, An Liang and Zhao Wan were chatting. Facing Zhao Wanxi’s remarks, An Liang agreed with the response.

“You’re right, I also suggested that she expand the size of the Foxxian Food Review team. An Liang said with certainty.

The corners of Zhao Wanxi’s mouth turned up slightly, “Does she need help?”

“Huh?” An Liang frowned.

“I can help.” Zhao Wanjin said calmly, “I can help from the mature management talent to the photography team, as well as the post-production team, etc.

“Happy Movies?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

The joyful film and television company has a part of Zhao Wanjin’s family. If there is joyous film and television to join, it will be really good for Yang Maoyi. After all, after joyful film and television joins, whether it is the shooting team or post-production, these can be handed over to Happy video processing.

But An Liang vaguely felt something was wrong.

Although the danger premonition ability did not issue any danger warning, An Liang still felt that something was wrong.

“Zhao Wanjin.. Joyful Films.. Liang Xue.. Chen Siyu.. Ning Ruoshuang.. Song.

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, this Zhao Wan has a problem today!

At present, Zhao Wanjin has become a secret with Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Jia. After all, according to Zhao Wanxi’s affinity and emotional intelligence, she wants to become a secret with Chen Siyu and the others, so what is the difficulty?

Zhao Wan is also related to Liang Xue. Although Zhao Wanjin has not officially contacted Liang Xue yet, Zhao Wanjin has provided Liang Xue with a lot of resources through Happy Film and Television.

Now Zhao Wanjin is ready to help Yang Maoyi…

An Liang suddenly understood what Zhao Wanxi meant. This guy was planning ahead, forming gangs in advance, and uniting all forces that could be united.

“You guessed it?” Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang who was thinking deeply, and she suddenly asked.

An Liang sighed, “Why?”

“Do you remember, I once told you that although you also have shortcomings, I am not unacceptable for your shortcomings.” Zhao Wanxi said calmly.

“Looking at the entire imperial capital circle, apart from you, everyone else, ah!” Zhao Wanjin sneered.

“Your brothers, you should know better than me, what kind of people are they, you want me to tell?” Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang.

An Liang asked hesitantly, “Don’t you despise anyone in the entire imperial circle?”

“For example?” Zhao Wanjin asked back.

“Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu.” An Liang exemplified.

“It’s virtuous!” Zhao Wanjin snorted softly, “Before they joined the club, they looked very low-key on the surface, but in fact it was just Jin Yu’s failure!”

An Liang joked to himself, “If you want to talk about the topic of Jin Yuqi’s failure, I think you are pointing at the monk and scolding Xiuzi. Isn’t that obviously talking about me?”

Zhao Wanxi shook her head in denial, “Really not, you are different from them.

Before An Liang could answer, she continued, “If I want to be with you, but only if you leave other girlfriends, would you?”

Zhao Wanjin raised her right hand to interrupt An Liang’s answer, and she added, “If this is the condition, I dare say that 99% of the people in the imperial capital are willing.”

“I don’t want to.” An Liang responded calmly.

“I know.” Zhao Wanxi nodded, “So I said that you are different from them, their girlfriend is just a nominal girlfriend, your girlfriend, at least you paid real affection. 3


An Liang scratched his head slightly embarrassedly, “I’m very embarrassed for you to say that.

“I don’t mean to joke, after all, compared to your social status, the wealth and resources you control, I think you are really good. Zhao Wanjin said calmly.

“But I don’t like to form gangs.” An Liang responded, “I will keep a bowl of water level.”

“You can, but you can’t.” Zhao Wanjin said calmly.

An Liang secretly sighed again in his heart, this Zhao Wanjin is too smart, he understood what Zhao Wanxi meant, An Liang really wanted a bowl of water that was level, but he himself found more than once that a bowl of water was level and level. Too difficult.

Love is not money.

Money can be quantified, but feelings cannot be quantified, how can a bowl of water be level?

For example, Liang Xue, who has the lowest status, and Li Xiyan, who has the highest status, even if An Liang closes his eyes, he can’t say a bowl of water.

“I will try my best to help her about the evaluation of the fox fairy food.” Zhao Wanjin explained again.

She continued to add that at present, “the popularity of the fox fairy food review is very high. If you seize the opportunity, with the help of this popularity, the fox fairy food review can soar to the sky.”

“If you miss this opportunity because the evaluation speed is too slow, the fox fairy food evaluation will become a niche, you should understand this? Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang.


An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi silently, and finally shook his head helplessly, “I have told you many times, I don’t like smart women!

Update time: July 2, 2021 00:01:59, good night, Baojiu.

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