H2494 The sense of smell of capital predators, ridiculously high price! [1/3]

In the U.S. stock market, the total share capital of Golden Garden Mining Company is exactly 100 million shares. Joey Noyce owns 19% of the shares, and shareholders large and small account for 31%. The other half of the shares are circulated in the stock market.

When Joey Noyce’s husband and son were involved in a car accident, Gold Garden Mining’s large and small shareholders united to sell almost 20 percent of their shares into the market, sending Gold Garden’s share price from $8 to $8. fell to $3.

The current share price of Gold Garden Mining has fallen to $2.78 a share.

Under normal circumstances, it is reasonable to say that the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company is more susceptible to news of gold mine exploration and ownership, but the news of the death of the company’s president in a car accident should not be underestimated.

However, when it was close to one o’clock in the afternoon, in the stock market, the stock market of Golden Garden Mining Company was swept up quickly. In just one afternoon, Anxin Investment Company swept 29 million shares.

Such scavenging behavior has stimulated retail investors in the stock market, making them speculate whether the Gold Garden Mining Company has discovered a new gold mine, and someone got the news in advance, thus sweeping the goods on a large scale?

Because of such speculation, coupled with someone sweeping the goods, the share price of Gold Garden Mining rose from $2.78 to $5.99, and in after-hours trading, the price rose further.

At the same time, No. 9 Variety Enchantress was arranging to go to Africa.

the next day.

Summer time at seven o’clock in the morning.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s mobile phone alarms rang, and they both had to go to school, especially when Chen Siyu promised Mr. Sun that she would not be late, and she tried her best to ensure that she would not be late.

An Liang didn’t bother Chen Siyu for morning exercises, lest when Chen Siyu was late, he went to find Chen Siyu, and Teacher Sun would always keep a straight face.

Waiting for Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to go to school, An Liang checked the information sent by the No. 9 Variety Enchantress, including the progress of the fake gold mine plan and related situations.

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu also sent a message.

“Number Four: Boss, we have a little trouble.


No. 4: Our actions in Neon are not very smooth, especially the plan for Neon mobile Internet, which is currently on hold.

“Zero: What’s the reason?

“No. 4: Mainly Neon is on high alert, and Neon’s mobile network is mainly covered in the city, the other party seems to have discovered our plan, which prevents us from further action.

“Zero: If you can’t target the mobile Internet, then target others.

“No. 0: I just want Neon to pay the price and let Neon understand that once they implement the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, they will suffer even more losses!

Zero: I want you to step up a little bit.

‘No. 0: The nuclear pollution waste water discharge plan has a very large scope of influence, and the consequences are very serious. Compared with the serious consequences of the nuclear pollution waste water discharge plan, your actions are a little bit more out of line, and I believe no one will accuse you.

“No. 0: Remember to keep your hands and feet clean, and throw out all the black pots.

“Number Four: Understood!

An Liang is not a soft-hearted person!

At about ten o’clock in the morning, An Liang was in the National Security Bureau of Investigation Huang Guoxiang and exchanged their “lost items”. The fake gold mine plan has been fully rolled out. An Liang needs Huang Guoxiang’s support.

Huang Guoxiang and An Liang have confirmed their cooperation with full support in advance, and the exchanges between the two parties have been very smooth. After using Tyrande as a springboard, An Liang got a lot of equipment.

It was close to 9:30 in the evening, before the opening of the Bald Eagle country’s stock market, the pre-market trading had already begun.

When the U.S. stock market officially opened, the stock price of Gold Garden Mining Company directly dropped to a record high of $9.82 per share.

Faced with the unusual fluctuations in stock prices, the Golden Garden Mining Company did not make any statement, as if the stock price had nothing to do with them.

Do not!

In fact, there is still a certain expression. The small shareholders of Golden Garden Mining Company secretly sold a little stock. These small shareholders are not optimistic about the development prospects of Golden Garden Mining Company at all.

As internal members of Gold Garden Mining Company, some small shareholders naturally know that the company’s performance is declining, because the two small gold mines owned by Gold Garden Mining Company have been mined to the end, but no new gold mines have been discovered.

Under this premise, now that the stock price of Golden Garden (Li Wangzhao) Mining Company has reached an all-time high, how can the minority shareholders hold back?

Of course, secretly sell some stocks to cash out.

Some retail investors could not stand the high stock price, and they also began to sell the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company.

However, some capital predators have a keen sense of smell, they keenly discovered the problem, and jointly joined the sweeping goods against the Gold Garden Mining Company.

Because of the participation of capital predators, Anxin Investment Company’s efficiency in sweeping goods behind the scenes was reduced, and it took a whole trading day to finally get 7 million shares.

After this round of scavenging, Gold Garden Mining’s stock price has reached an absurdly high $28.11 a share! Shake,

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